Easy way to create themes and language packs for FBoard
- AIDL file of the API
- A little Java
- A powerful brain
"name": "AMOLED Dark",
"code": "amoled_dark",
"fnTyp": "bold",
"bgClr": "#FF000000",
"priClr": "#FF000000",
"priPressClr": "#FF212121",
"secClr": "#FF000000",
"secPressClr": "#FF212121",
"enterClr": "#FF000000",
"enterPressClr": "#FF212121",
"tShdwClr": "#FFD4D6D7",
"txtClr": "#FFD4D6D7",
"keyPad": "1.0",
"keyRad": "1.0",
"txtSize": "1.9",
"txtShadow": "0.0"
Name | Function | Data type |
name* | Theme name | string |
code* | Theme code name, using for check theme status | string |
fnTyp | Font type, check "Font Types" section | string |
bgClr | Background color | hex color string |
priClr | Primary key color | hex color string |
priPressClr | Primary key press color | hex color string |
secClr | Secondary key color | hex color string |
secPressClr | Secondary key press color | hex color string |
enterClr | Enter key color | hex color string |
enterPressClr | Enter key press color | hex color string |
tShdwClr | Text shadow color | hex color string |
txtClr | Text and icon color | hex color string |
keyPad | Padding between keys | float |
keyRad | Key radius | float |
txtSize | Text and icon size | float |
txtShadow | Text shadow | float |
* You must implement these lines
Key | Human-readable name |
regular | Default font |
bold | Bold font |
italic | Italic font |
bold_italic | Bold & italic font |
condensed | Condensed font |
condensed_bold | Condensed bold font |
condensed_italic | Condensed italic font |
condensed_bold_italic | Condensed bold italic font |
serif | Serif font (like Times New Roman) |
serif_bold | Serif bold font |
serif_italic | Serif italic font |
serif_bold_italic | Serif bold italic font |
monospace | Monospace font (like terminal font) |
monospace_bold | Monospace bold font |
monospace_italic | Monospace italic font |
monospace_bold_italic | Monospace bold italic font |
serif_monospace | Serif monospace font |
serif_monospace bold | Serif monospace bold font |
serif_monospace_italic | Serif monospace italic font |
serif_monospace_bold_italic | Serif monospace bold italic font |
custom* | Custom font |
* Please copy a font to /sdcard/Android/data/org.blinksd.board/files/font.ttf, otherwise app will use the "regular" font.
Check the assets/langpacks folder for examples.
Name* | Function | Data type |
name | Language name (using for language name checks) | string |
label | Language label (using for selection screen) | string |
enabled** | Language is enabled or not (true or false) | boolean |
enabledSdk*** | Supported minimum Android SDK version | boolean |
author | Language pack author name | string |
language | Language identifier (like en_US or tr_TR_Q) | string |
layout | Layout keymap, see "Layout" section | array |
popup | Popup keymap, see "Layout" section | array |
A keyboard layout includes a few factors; like row, key or key options. Popup rows must be equal length with layout rows, otherwise keyboard is crashed.
Name | Function | Data type |
keys* | The keyboard row, see the "Row" section | array |
cpad | Enable the corner padding | boolean |
Example: [{"keys":[...],"cpad":"true"}, ...]
Keys using a JSON object for store options.
Name | Function | Data type |
key* | Key title (and key press character if "pkc" value is not set) | string |
width | Key width | integer |
pkc | Key press character | char |
lpkc | Key long-press character | char |
rep | Key repeat on long-press | boolean |
pine | Mark key press as "is not event"***** | boolean |
lpine | Mark key long-press as "is not event"****** | boolean |
dkt | Mark key as secondary key | boolean |
Example: {"key":"a", ...}
NOTE: If you want to shift button working properly, implement keys with lower case.
Number | Function |
-1 | Toggle caps lock |
-2 | Open symbol layout |
-4 | Press enter**** |
-5 | Press delete |
-101 | Change keyboard layout |
-102 | Open emoji layout |
- * You must implement these lines in your JSON file
- ** Must be true if you want to import this pack, otherwise you'll get LANG_PKG_IMPORT_FAILED_NOT_ENABLED
- *** Import failed with LANG_PKG_IMPORT_FAILED_SDK if SDK is not compatible
- **** If you implemented a key as enter key, this key colored with enter key color
- ***** If you implemented a key press as "is not event", "pkc" is forced to print as text
- ****** If you implemented a key long-press as "is not event", "lpkc" is forced to print as text
- Add custom font installation support
- Add background image installation support
Please check SuperBoardThemeExample folder