Normalized 8-point algorithm implemented in MATLAB
Usage: E = eightPoint(p, q, K1, K2)
E - essential matrix between the image pair
p - coordinates of matched points in the first image
q - coordinates of matched points in the second image
K1 - intrinsic matrix of the camera corresponding to the first view
K2 - intrinsic matrix for the second view
Note: To compute fundamental matrix, initialize the intrinsic matrix as an identity 3x3 matrix
Test of normalized 8-point algorithm in MATLAB
Test of normalized 8-point algorithm on images from KITTI sequence. Epipolar lines of the given image pair will be overlayed onto the images. Below is an example.
[1] R. Hartley, "In defense of the eight-point algorithm", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and
Machine Intelligence, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 580-593, 1997.