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System architecture

This document describes the robot's overall system architecture.

TimesliceRobot class

The main robot class inherits from TimesliceRobot, so it supports the following modes:

  • Disabled (the robot doesn't move)
  • Autonomous (the robot follows preprogrammed instructions)
  • Teleop (the robot follows driver commands)
  • Test (the robot executes diagnostic code)

The following overridable member functions are called on mode entry:

  • DisabledInit()
  • AutonomousInit()
  • TelopInit()
  • TestInit()

The following overridable member functions are called every 20 ms while in that mode:

  • DisabledPeriodic()
  • AutonomousPeriodic()
  • TeleopPeriodic()
  • TestPeriodic()

Subsystem overview

This robot has six subsystems: drivetrain, flywheel, turret, intake, and climber, which all inherit from SubsystemBase to provide "init" and "periodic" functions for each mode just like those in TimesliceRobot.

Functions that access multiple subsystems at once like the shooting state machine or autonomous modes exist in the Robot class instead of a subsystem.


We run PhotonVision on a Gloworm to obtain 3D transformations from the camera's coordinate frame to the target's coordinate frame (see solvePnP() in the OpenCV docs).

Every 20 ms, the Vision subsystem receives the camera-to-target transformations via NetworkTables, converts them to drivetrain pose measurements in the global coordinate frame, then pushes them into a queue for the Drivetrain subsystem to consume.


The Drivetrain subsystem handles teleop driving via joysticks and autonomous driving along a desired path specified by Hermite splines.

It can take either clamped cubic Hermite splines (poses at the endpoints and translations at the interior waypoints), or quintic Hermite splines (poses at both the endpoints and interior waypoints). When the user doesn't care about the heading at interior waypoints, cubic splines should be prefered because the interior heading will be automatically chosen such that the change in curvature, and thus the change in drivetrain wheel speed, is minimized between the waypoints.


The Flywheel subsystem has a flywheel which is spun up to a desired RPM to launch foam balls at a target.


The Turret subsystem aims the flywheel.


The Intake subsystem contains the logic controlling the intake rollers, funnel, and conveyor belt tower. IR beam sensors on the top and bottom of the conveyor belt tower are used to automatically index balls after they pass the intake rollers. See this I/O table for the logic we implemented.


The Climber subsystem controls an elevator for hanging and balancing on a tilting bar (like an inverted teeter-totter). The elevator assembly has a wheel protruding from the front that's used for traversing the bar and spinning the control panel to a color determined by the Field Management System (FMS).

Subsystem controllers

The subsystems that have state-space controllers (drivetrain, flywheel, and turret) inherit from ControlledSubsystemBase, which provides logging for the references, states, inputs, and outputs of the controller. CSV and NetworkTables endpoints are supported.

Each controlled subsystem's implementation of ControlledSubsystemBase::ControllerPeriodic() is given a timeslot within which to run every 5 ms while the robot is enabled. The timeslot ordering and duration are documented in the timeslot allocation table in the Robot constructor. The timeslots are scheduled using TimesliceRobot::Schedule().

Each controlled subsystem has a corresponding controller class (e.g., Flywheel has FlywheelController). Each controller class inherits from ControllerBase, which requires a Calculate() function and contains some bookkeeping variables for controllers.

The subsystem controllers are run in the following order:

  • DrivetrainControler
  • FlywheelController
  • TurretController

Each subsystem's ControllerPeriodic() performs a state observer prediction based on the previous run's motor outputs, performs a state observer update based on the current run's measurements, calls the controller's Calculate() function, then sets the motor outputs.

Targeting information flow

The turret uses the drivetrain position relative to the target and the flywheel speed to determine where to aim. Therefore:

  1. The Vision subsystem retrieves new camera-to-target transformations from PhotonVision, converts them to drivetrain global pose measurements, then pushes them into a queue for the Drivetrain subsystem to consume.
  2. The drivetrain pose is updated using encoder measurements, IMU measurements, and any existing vision data in the queue.
  3. The flywheel speed is updated based on a lookup table (LUT) of range-to-target to flywheel speed mappings.
  4. The turret is aimed using the drivetrain's pose estimate. A correction factor incorporating the flywheel's speed is applied if the drivetrain is moving relative to the target (see this derivation).

Flywheel controller implementation

The flywheel uses a Kalman filter for state estimation, an LQR for feedback control, and a plant inversion feedforward to maintain steady-state velocity.

Turret controller implementation

The turret uses a Kalman filter for state estimation and an LQR for feedback control. When the drivetrain pose isn't being used for aiming (which provides an implicit motion profile), a trapezoidal motion profile is applied to references so a plant inversion feedforward can be effectively applied at all times.

The heading and angular rate references take into account the drivetrain's current velocity so it won't overshoot as the drivetrain moves.

Drivetrain controller implementation

The drivetrain uses an unscented Kalman filter for state estimation and a linear time-varying LQR for feedback control. Since the model is control-affine (the dynamics are nonlinear, but the control inputs provide a linear contribution), a plant inversion feedforward was used. Trajectories generated from splines provide the motion profile to follow.

The linear time-varying controller has a similar form to the LQR, but the model used to compute the controller gain is the nonlinear model linearized around the drivetrain's current state. We precomputed gains for important places in our state-space, then interpolated between them with a LUT to save computational resources.

We decided to control for longitudinal error and cross-track error in the chassis frame instead of x and y error in the global frame, so the state Jacobian simplified such that we only had to sweep velocities (-4m/s to 4m/s).

See section 9.6 in Controls Engineering in FRC for a derivation of the control law we used shown in theorem 9.6.3.

Background on real-time scheduling

Our robot code runs with real-time priority. We use the first in-first out (FIFO) scheduler.

The following docs are paraphrased from man 7 sched.

SCHED_FIFO can be used only with static priorities higher than 0 (1 to 99 with 99 being highest), which means that when a SCHED_FIFO thread becomes runnable, it will always immediately preempt any currently running non-real-time thread. For threads scheduled under the SCHED_FIFO policy, the following rules apply:

  1. A running SCHED_FIFO thread that has been preempted by another thread of higher priority will stay at the head of the list for its priority and will resume execution as soon as all threads of higher priority are blocked again.
  2. When a blocked SCHED_FIFO thread becomes runnable, it will be inserted at the end of the list for its priority.
  3. If the priority of the running or runnable SCHED_FIFO thread is changed, the effect on the thread's position in the list depends on the direction of the change to the thread's priority:
    • If the thread's priority is raised, it is placed at the end of the list for its new priority. As a consequence, it may preempt a currently running thread with the same priority.
    • If the thread's priority is unchanged, its position in the run list is unchanged.
    • If the thread's priority is lowered, it is placed at the front of the list for its new priority.
  4. A thread that yields by calling std::this_thread::yield() will be put at the end of the list.

No other events will move a thread scheduled under the SCHED_FIFO policy in the wait list of runnable threads with equal static priority.

A SCHED_FIFO thread runs until either it is blocked by an I/O request, it is preempted by a higher priority thread, or it yields.

See man 7 sched for other scheduler types.

Real-time configuration

See RealTimePriorities.hpp for the full list of thread and process priorities.

Main robot thread

This is the main thread of TimesliceRobot on which the subsystems and controllers run. This thread is given a priority of 15.

This thread runs on what is called a Notifier. The WPILib HAL Notifier API maintains a priority queue of user Notifier threads sorted by wakeup time, and the FPGA timer interrupt is configured to wake the HAL Notifier thread up when it's the soonest user thread's time to run. When a Notifier is woken up, the periodic wakeup duration is added to the previous wakeup time to produce the next wakeup time, then it's reinserted into the priority queue.

To ensure real-time threads like the main robot thread are woken up in a timely manner, the HAL Notifier thread is given an RT priority of 40 (i.e., the HAL Notifier thread should always preempt user Notifier threads to wakeup others that may have a higher priority).


To avoid affecting the scheduling and runtime of the controllers with file and network I/O, the CSV and NetworkTables logging is performed on a separate thread at a lower priority than the main robot thread (14).


Our autonomous runs in a separate thread, but the main robot thread and the autonomous thread yield to each other when they need to run. They are given equal priorities to facilitate this, and given the coroutine abstraction we have over threads in AutonomousChooser, no explicit thread synchronization is needed in user code.

When the robot code starts autonomous, it awaits on the autonomous function. That function runs until it needs to wait for an action to complete (like the drivetrain driving to a point or the flywheel spinning up), then it yields to the main robot thread so it can update controllers and do other work. During the next iteration of the main robot loop, the autonomous mode is resumed where it left off by awaiting on the function again. This style of programming is known as a coroutine (which we mimic using an abstraction over threads).

ADIS16470 IMU thread

The ADIS16470 IMU thread is given a priority of 33 so SPI gyro measurements are incorporated before any other user code tries to sample the gyro, but the HAL Notifier thread can still preempt to wake up user threads.

FRC_NetCommDaemon process

The FRC_NetCommDaemon process is given a priority of 35 so it's not preempted by user code during high CPU utilization.