This Terraform module provisions the essential AWS infrastructure to host Formbricks as an ECS Fargate workload.
- Networking (VPC):
- Public subnets (one per AZ, using the first two in the region).
- Private subnets (one per AZ, using the first two in the region).
- NAT Gateways (one per AZ for high availability).
- Internet Gateway.
- Associated Route Tables.
- ECS Cluster:
- Fargate capacity providers (optimized for a mix of dedicated and spot instances).
- CloudWatch log groups with Container Insights enabled for cluster monitoring.
- Service Discovery:
- Private DNS namespace for seamless internal service communication.
- Terraform installed on your system.
- Valid AWS credentials configured (via env variables, profile, etc.)
- Change directory to
Set AWS Credentials
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=your_access_key export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=your_secret_key
Initialize Terraform
terraform init
Review and Apply Changes
terraform plan terraform apply
Terraform will output values for
on successful deployment.
Important: Before destroying this core infrastructure, ensure you've destroyed any dependent resources created by other Formbricks modules.
To destroy the AWS resources created by this module, use:
terraform destroy