The fiskaly SDK includes an HTTP client that is needed1 for accessing the API that implements a cloud-based, virtual CTSS (Certified Technical Security System) / TSE (Technische Sicherheitseinrichtung) as defined by the German KassenSichV (Kassensicherungsverordnung).
- Automatic authentication handling (fetch/refresh JWT and re-authenticate upon 401 errors).
- Automatic retries on failures (server errors or network timeouts/issues).
- Automatic JSON parsing and serialization of request and response bodies.
- Future: [1] compliance regarding BSI CC-PP-0105-2019 which mandates a locally executed SMA component for creating signed log messages.
- Future: Automatic offline-handling (collection and documentation according to Anwendungserlass zu § 146a AO)
Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks. To integrate the fiskaly SDK into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile
github "fiskaly/fiskaly-sdk-swift" ~> 1.2.000
Run the following command to fetch the SDKs source code and build the FiskalySDK.framework
$ carthage update
Afterwards you will find following files in your project folder:
├── Cartfile
├── Cartfile.resolved
└── Carthage
└── Build
└── iOS
└── FiskalySDK.framework
In order to use the fiskaly SDK you must include FiskalySDK.framework
in your Xcode project as can be seen in the following screenshot:
Finally, the SDK can be imported using:
import FiskalySDK
let client = try FiskalyHttpClient (
apiKey: ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["API_KEY"]!,
apiSecret: ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["API_SECRET"]!,
baseUrl: ""
do {
let response = try client.version()
} catch {
print("Error while retrieving version: \(error)")
do {
let response = try client.selfTest()
} catch {
print("Error while selftesting: \(error)")
The SDK is built on the fiskaly Client which can be configured through the SDK.
do {
let response =
try client.config(
debugLevel: -1,
debugFile: "tmp/tmp.log",
clientTimeout: 1500,
smaersTimeout: 1500,
httpProxy: "")
} catch {
print("Error while setting config: \(error)")
Please note:
- the body sent in requests needs to be base64 encoded
let transactionUUID = UUID().uuidString
do {
// start Transaction
let transactionBody = [
"state": "ACTIVE",
"client_id": clientUUID
let transactionBodyData = try? transactionBody)
let transactionBodyEncoded = transactionBodyData?.base64EncodedString()
let responseCreateTransaction = try client.request(
method: "PUT",
path: "tss/\(tssUUID)/tx/\(transactionUUID)",
body: transactionBodyEncoded!)
} catch {
print("Error while starting transaction: \(error)")
// finish Transaction
let transactionFinishBody: [String: Any] = [
"state": "FINISHED",
"client_id": clientUUID,
"schema": [
"standard_v1": [
"receipt": [
"receipt_type": "RECEIPT",
"amounts_per_vat_rate": [
["vat_rate": "19", "amount": "14.28"]
"amounts_per_payment_type": [
["payment_type": "NON_CASH", "amount": "14.28"]
do {
let transactionFinishBodyData = try? transactionFinishBody)
let transactionFinishBodyEncoded = transactionFinishBodyData?.base64EncodedString()
let responseFinishTransaction = try client.request(
method: "PUT",
path: "tss/\(tssUUID)/tx/\(transactionUUID)",
query: ["last_revision": "1"],
body: transactionFinishBodyEncoded!)
} catch {
print("Error while finishing transaction: \(error)")