Releases: fides-dev/fides
Releases · fides-dev/fides
Fides 0.6.2
- Add
file - update description
- bugfixes for hybrid hessian approximation schemes
Fides 0.6.1
- fix and better checks for Hessians with NaN values
- add citation information
Fides 0.6.0
- Adds new rank 1/2 approximations (BB, BG, PBS, Broyden)
- Adds hybrid hessian approximation schemes (FX, GNSBFGS, SSM, TSSM, HybridUpdate renamed to HybridFixed)
- Adds the possibility to specify residual functions for non-linear least-squares problems, permitting better exploitation of problem properties.
Fides 0.5.1
- Changes the default subspace method to 2D by default
Fides 0.5.0
- Disable scaled gradient by default
- Change hybrid implementation from predefined iteration to dynamic scheme
Fides 0.4.2
- Fix gradient relative tolerance check for negative objective function values
- Updates to README
- Allow disabling scaled gradient steps
Fides 0.4.1
- Fix a bug where lanczos method would yield complex optimization variables
- Update readme
Fides 0.4.0
- use lanczos method to compute better descent solution if newton is not a descent direction (2D subspace minimization only)
- add additional safeguards for step acceptance and tr update
- add additional scaled gradient to stepback strategy
- add steinhaugs cg method as subspace solver
- fix 1d trust region analytical solution
- update documentation (thanks to @dweindl)
Fides 0.3.4
- Allow initialization of BFGS/SR1 with user provided hessian
- Restrict refinement step-back strategy to only be applied to the best proposal step
Fides 0.3.3
- Fixes an issue where the truncated base step was erroneously not included in the set of stepback proposals