Now that we have the initial chats layout and its component, we will take it a step further by providing the chats data from a server instead of having it locally. In this step we will be implementing the API server and we will do so using Meteor
First make sure that you have Meteor
installed. If not, install it by typing the following command:
$ curl | sh
We will start by creating the Meteor
project which will be placed inside the api
$ meteor create api
$ rm -rf api/node_modules
A Meteor
project will contain the following dirs by default:
- client - A dir containing all client scripts.
- server - A dir containing all server scripts.
These scripts should be loaded automatically by their alphabetic order on their belonging platform, e.g. a script defined under the client dir should be loaded by Meteor
only on the client. A script defined in neither of these folders should be loaded on both. Since we're using Ionic
's CLI for the client code we have no need in the client dir in the Meteor
project. Let's get rid of it:
api$ rm -rf client
Since we don't wanna have duplicate resources between the client and the server, we will remove the package.json
file in the api
api$ rm package.json
And we will add a symbolic link between Ionic's node_modules
and Meteor's node_modules
api$ ln -s ../node_modules
Since we will be writing our app using Typescript
, we will need to support it in our Meteor
project as well, especially when the client and the server share some of the script files. To add this support we will add the following package to our Meteor
api$ meteor add barbatus:typescript
We will also need to add a configuration file for the TypeScript
compiler in the Meteor
server, which is derived from our Ionic
app's config:
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+┊ ┊ 1┊{
+┊ ┊ 2┊ "compilerOptions": {
+┊ ┊ 3┊ "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
+┊ ┊ 4┊ "declaration": false,
+┊ ┊ 5┊ "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
+┊ ┊ 6┊ "experimentalDecorators": true,
+┊ ┊ 7┊ "lib": [
+┊ ┊ 8┊ "dom",
+┊ ┊ 9┊ "es2015"
+┊ ┊10┊ ],
+┊ ┊11┊ "module": "commonjs",
+┊ ┊12┊ "moduleResolution": "node",
+┊ ┊13┊ "sourceMap": true,
+┊ ┊14┊ "target": "es5",
+┊ ┊15┊ "skipLibCheck": true,
+┊ ┊16┊ "stripInternal": true,
+┊ ┊17┊ "noImplicitAny": false,
+┊ ┊18┊ "types": [
+┊ ┊19┊ "meteor-typings"
+┊ ┊20┊ ]
+┊ ┊21┊ },
+┊ ┊22┊ "exclude": [
+┊ ┊23┊ "node_modules"
+┊ ┊24┊ ],
+┊ ┊25┊ "compileOnSave": false,
+┊ ┊26┊ "atom": {
+┊ ┊27┊ "rewriteTsconfig": false
+┊ ┊28┊ }
+┊ ┊29┊}
Since we're using TypeScript
, let's change the main server file extension from .js
to .ts
api$ mv server/main.js server/main.ts
Now we will need to create a symbolic link to the declaration file located in src/declarations.d.ts
. This way we can share external TypeScript
declarations in both client and server. To create the desired symbolic link, simply type the following command in the command line:
api$ ln -s ../src/declarations.d.ts
The following dependencies are required to be installed so our server can function properly:
$ npm install --save babel-runtime
$ npm install --save meteor-node-stubs
Now we'll have to move our models interfaces to the api
dir so the server will have access to them as well:
$ mv src/models.ts api/server/models.ts
This requires us to update its reference in the declarations file as well:
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
┊1┊1┊import { Component } from '@angular/core';
┊2┊2┊import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
┊3┊3┊import * as moment from 'moment';
-┊4┊ ┊import { Chat, MessageType } from '../../models';
+┊ ┊4┊import { Chat, MessageType } from 'api/models';
┊7┊7┊ templateUrl: 'chats.html'
We will also install the meteor-rxjs
package so we can define collections and data streams and TypeScript definitions for Meteor:
$ npm install --save meteor-rxjs
$ npm install --save-dev @types/meteor
To avoid duplicate identifier errors in Ionic we will have to remove meteor-typings from the root's tsconfig.json types array:
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
┊20┊20┊ "stripInternal": true,
┊21┊21┊ "noImplicitAny": false,
┊22┊22┊ "types": [
-┊23┊ ┊ "meteor-typings",
┊24┊23┊ "@types/underscore"
┊25┊24┊ ]
┊26┊25┊ },
This collection is actually a reference to a MongoDB collection, and it is provided to us by a Meteor
package called Minimongo, and it shares almost the same API as a native MongoDB
collection. In this tutorial we will be wrapping our collections using RxJS
's Observables
, which is available to us thanks to meteor-rxjs.
Our initial collections are gonna be the chats and messages collection, the one is going to store some chats-models, and the other is going to store messages-models:
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+┊ ┊1┊import { MongoObservable } from 'meteor-rxjs';
+┊ ┊2┊import { Chat } from '../models';
+┊ ┊3┊
+┊ ┊4┊export const Chats = new MongoObservable.Collection<Chat>('chats');
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+┊ ┊1┊import { MongoObservable } from 'meteor-rxjs';
+┊ ┊2┊import { Message } from '../models';
+┊ ┊3┊
+┊ ┊4┊export const Messages = new MongoObservable.Collection<Message>('messages');
We chose to create a dedicated module for each collection, because in the near future there might be more logic added into each one of them. To make importation convenient, we will export all collections from a single file:
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+┊ ┊1┊export * from './chats';
+┊ ┊2┊export * from './messages';
Now instead of requiring each collection individually, we can just require them from the index.ts
Since we have real collections now, and not dummy ones, we will need to fill them up with some data in case they are empty, so we can test our application properly. Let's create our data fixtures in the server:
@@ -1,5 +1,71 @@
┊ 1┊ 1┊import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
+┊ ┊ 2┊import { Chats } from './collections/chats';
+┊ ┊ 3┊import { Messages } from './collections/messages';
+┊ ┊ 4┊import * as moment from 'moment';
+┊ ┊ 5┊import { MessageType } from './models';
┊ 2┊ 6┊
┊ 3┊ 7┊Meteor.startup(() => {
-┊ 4┊ ┊ // code to run on server at startup
+┊ ┊ 8┊ if (Chats.find({}).cursor.count() === 0) {
+┊ ┊ 9┊ let chatId;
+┊ ┊10┊
+┊ ┊11┊ chatId = Chats.collection.insert({
+┊ ┊12┊ title: 'Ethan Gonzalez',
+┊ ┊13┊ picture: ''
+┊ ┊14┊ });
+┊ ┊15┊
+┊ ┊16┊ Messages.collection.insert({
+┊ ┊17┊ chatId: chatId,
+┊ ┊18┊ content: 'You on your way?',
+┊ ┊19┊ createdAt: moment().subtract(1, 'hours').toDate(),
+┊ ┊20┊ type: MessageType.TEXT
+┊ ┊21┊ });
+┊ ┊22┊
+┊ ┊23┊ chatId = Chats.collection.insert({
+┊ ┊24┊ title: 'Bryan Wallace',
+┊ ┊25┊ picture: ''
+┊ ┊26┊ });
+┊ ┊27┊
+┊ ┊28┊ Messages.collection.insert({
+┊ ┊29┊ chatId: chatId,
+┊ ┊30┊ content: 'Hey, it\'s me',
+┊ ┊31┊ createdAt: moment().subtract(2, 'hours').toDate(),
+┊ ┊32┊ type: MessageType.TEXT
+┊ ┊33┊ });
+┊ ┊34┊
+┊ ┊35┊ chatId = Chats.collection.insert({
+┊ ┊36┊ title: 'Avery Stewart',
+┊ ┊37┊ picture: ''
+┊ ┊38┊ });
+┊ ┊39┊
+┊ ┊40┊ Messages.collection.insert({
+┊ ┊41┊ chatId: chatId,
+┊ ┊42┊ content: 'I should buy a boat',
+┊ ┊43┊ createdAt: moment().subtract(1, 'days').toDate(),
+┊ ┊44┊ type: MessageType.TEXT
+┊ ┊45┊ });
+┊ ┊46┊
+┊ ┊47┊ chatId = Chats.collection.insert({
+┊ ┊48┊ title: 'Katie Peterson',
+┊ ┊49┊ picture: ''
+┊ ┊50┊ });
+┊ ┊51┊
+┊ ┊52┊ Messages.collection.insert({
+┊ ┊53┊ chatId: chatId,
+┊ ┊54┊ content: 'Look at my mukluks!',
+┊ ┊55┊ createdAt: moment().subtract(4, 'days').toDate(),
+┊ ┊56┊ type: MessageType.TEXT
+┊ ┊57┊ });
+┊ ┊58┊
+┊ ┊59┊ chatId = Chats.collection.insert({
+┊ ┊60┊ title: 'Ray Edwards',
+┊ ┊61┊ picture: ''
+┊ ┊62┊ });
+┊ ┊63┊
+┊ ┊64┊ Messages.collection.insert({
+┊ ┊65┊ chatId: chatId,
+┊ ┊66┊ content: 'This is wicked good ice cream.',
+┊ ┊67┊ createdAt: moment().subtract(2, 'weeks').toDate(),
+┊ ┊68┊ type: MessageType.TEXT
+┊ ┊69┊ });
+┊ ┊70┊ }
┊ 5┊71┊});
This behavior is not recommended and should be removed once we're ready for production. A conditioned environment variable may also be a great solution
Note how we use the .collection
property to get the actual Mongo.Collection
instance. In the Meteor
server we want to avoid the usage of observables since it uses fibers
. More information about fibers can be found here.
In order to connect to the Meteor
server, we need a client which is capable of doing so. To create a Meteor
client, we will use a bundler called meteor-client-bundler. This bundler, bundles all the necessary Meteor
client script files into a single module. This is very useful when we want to interact with Atmosphere packages and integrate them into our client. To install meteor-client-bundler
, run the following command:
$ sudo npm install -g meteor-client-bundler
Now we'll add a bundling script to the package.json
as followed:
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
┊13┊13┊ "build": "ionic-app-scripts build",
┊14┊14┊ "lint": "ionic-app-scripts lint",
┊15┊15┊ "ionic:build": "ionic-app-scripts build",
-┊16┊ ┊ "ionic:serve": "ionic-app-scripts serve"
+┊ ┊16┊ "ionic:serve": "ionic-app-scripts serve",
+┊ ┊17┊ "meteor-client:bundle": "meteor-client bundle -s api"
┊17┊18┊ },
┊18┊19┊ "dependencies": {
┊19┊20┊ "@angular/common": "4.1.2",
We will also need to install the tmp
$ sudo npm install --save-dev tmp
To execute the bundler, simply run:
$ npm run meteor-client:bundle
This will generate a file called meteor-client.js
under the node_modules
dir, which needs to be imported in our application like so:
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+┊ ┊1┊import 'meteor-client';
+┊ ┊2┊
┊1┊3┊import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
┊3┊5┊import { AppModule } from './app.module';
By default, the client will assume that the server is running at
. If you'd like to change that, you can simply specify a--url
option in theNPM
script. Further information can be found here.
The client we've just imported gives us the ability to interact with the server. Let's replace the local chats-data with a data which is fetched from the Meteor
@@ -1,71 +1,33 @@
-┊ 1┊ ┊import { Component } from '@angular/core';
+┊ ┊ 1┊import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
+┊ ┊ 2┊import { Chats, Messages } from 'api/collections';
+┊ ┊ 3┊import { Chat } from 'api/models';
┊ 2┊ 4┊import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
-┊ 3┊ ┊import * as moment from 'moment';
-┊ 4┊ ┊import { Chat, MessageType } from 'api/models';
┊ 5┊ 5┊
┊ 6┊ 6┊@Component({
┊ 7┊ 7┊ templateUrl: 'chats.html'
┊ 8┊ 8┊})
-┊ 9┊ ┊export class ChatsPage {
-┊10┊ ┊ chats: Observable<Chat[]>;
+┊ ┊ 9┊export class ChatsPage implements OnInit {
+┊ ┊10┊ chats;
┊12┊12┊ constructor() {
-┊13┊ ┊ this.chats = this.findChats();
┊14┊13┊ }
-┊16┊ ┊ private findChats(): Observable<Chat[]> {
-┊17┊ ┊ return Observable.of([
-┊18┊ ┊ {
-┊19┊ ┊ _id: '0',
-┊20┊ ┊ title: 'Ethan Gonzalez',
-┊21┊ ┊ picture: '',
-┊22┊ ┊ lastMessage: {
-┊23┊ ┊ content: 'You on your way?',
-┊24┊ ┊ createdAt: moment().subtract(1, 'hours').toDate(),
-┊25┊ ┊ type: MessageType.TEXT
-┊26┊ ┊ }
-┊27┊ ┊ },
-┊28┊ ┊ {
-┊29┊ ┊ _id: '1',
-┊30┊ ┊ title: 'Bryan Wallace',
-┊31┊ ┊ picture: '',
-┊32┊ ┊ lastMessage: {
-┊33┊ ┊ content: 'Hey, it\'s me',
-┊34┊ ┊ createdAt: moment().subtract(2, 'hours').toDate(),
-┊35┊ ┊ type: MessageType.TEXT
-┊36┊ ┊ }
-┊37┊ ┊ },
-┊38┊ ┊ {
-┊39┊ ┊ _id: '2',
-┊40┊ ┊ title: 'Avery Stewart',
-┊41┊ ┊ picture: '',
-┊42┊ ┊ lastMessage: {
-┊43┊ ┊ content: 'I should buy a boat',
-┊44┊ ┊ createdAt: moment().subtract(1, 'days').toDate(),
-┊45┊ ┊ type: MessageType.TEXT
-┊46┊ ┊ }
-┊47┊ ┊ },
-┊48┊ ┊ {
-┊49┊ ┊ _id: '3',
-┊50┊ ┊ title: 'Katie Peterson',
-┊51┊ ┊ picture: '',
-┊52┊ ┊ lastMessage: {
-┊53┊ ┊ content: 'Look at my mukluks!',
-┊54┊ ┊ createdAt: moment().subtract(4, 'days').toDate(),
-┊55┊ ┊ type: MessageType.TEXT
-┊56┊ ┊ }
-┊57┊ ┊ },
-┊58┊ ┊ {
-┊59┊ ┊ _id: '4',
-┊60┊ ┊ title: 'Ray Edwards',
-┊61┊ ┊ picture: '',
-┊62┊ ┊ lastMessage: {
-┊63┊ ┊ content: 'This is wicked good ice cream.',
-┊64┊ ┊ createdAt: moment().subtract(2, 'weeks').toDate(),
-┊65┊ ┊ type: MessageType.TEXT
-┊66┊ ┊ }
-┊67┊ ┊ }
-┊68┊ ┊ ]);
+┊ ┊15┊ ngOnInit() {
+┊ ┊16┊ this.chats = Chats
+┊ ┊17┊ .find({})
+┊ ┊18┊ .mergeMap((chats: Chat[]) =>
+┊ ┊19┊ Observable.combineLatest(
+┊ ┊20┊ Chat) =>
+┊ ┊21┊ Messages
+┊ ┊22┊ .find({chatId: chat._id})
+┊ ┊23┊ .startWith(null)
+┊ ┊24┊ .map(messages => {
+┊ ┊25┊ if (messages) chat.lastMessage = messages[0];
+┊ ┊26┊ return chat;
+┊ ┊27┊ })
+┊ ┊28┊ )
+┊ ┊29┊ )
+┊ ┊30┊ ).zone();
┊69┊31┊ }
┊71┊33┊ removeChat(chat: Chat): void {
And re-implement the removeChat
method using the actual Meteor
@@ -31,13 +31,7 @@
┊31┊31┊ }
┊33┊33┊ removeChat(chat: Chat): void {
-┊34┊ ┊ this.chats = Chat[]) => {
-┊35┊ ┊ const chatIndex = chatsArray.indexOf(chat);
-┊36┊ ┊ if (chatIndex !== -1) {
-┊37┊ ┊ chatsArray.splice(chatIndex, 1);
-┊38┊ ┊ }
-┊39┊ ┊
-┊40┊ ┊ return chatsArray;
+┊ ┊34┊ Chats.remove({_id: chat._id}).subscribe(() => {
┊41┊35┊ });
┊42┊36┊ }
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