run tests
make clean make make test-5to5 make test-5js make test-5jar make test
increment version number in "src5/lib/Perlito5.pm"
example: "$VERSION = '9.017';"
update "Changelog" header
example: "9.017 cpan:Perlito5 2016-01-19"
go to "cpan-Perlito5" directory and execute "make-Perlito5.sh"
cd cpan-Perlito5 . make-Perlito5.sh
build and test the module inside "cpan-Perlito5" directory
perl Makefile.PL make make test
make the distribution file
make dist
publish to pause.perl.org
commit and push the changes
example: "Perlito5 - CPAN - v9.017"
release perlito5.jar and perlito5.js to GitHub
release perlito5.jar to Maven
release perlito5.js to npm
run tests
make test-6to5
increment version number in "cpan-v6/v6.pm"
example: "$v6::VERSION = '0.045';"
update "Changelog" header
example: "0.045 cpan:v6 2016-01-19"
go to "cpan-v6" directory and execute "make-v6.sh"
cd cpan-v6 . make-v6.sh
build and test the module inside "cpan-v6" directory
perl Makefile.PL make make test
make dist
publish to pause.perl.org
BUG - "cpan-v6/ChangeLog" is not updated automatically
BUG - the README files are not included in the cpan distribution