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File metadata and controls

667 lines (520 loc) · 26 KB

Full analysis example - Simple Z->mumu

A full example of all the steps needed to run a full analysis with PocketCoffea is reported, starting from the creation of the datasets list, the customization of parameters and the production of the final shapes and plots. As an example, a toy example version of the Drell-Yan analysis targeting the Z->mumu channel is implemented.

The main steps that need to be performed are the following:

  • Build the json datasets
  • Compute the sum of genweights for Monte Carlo datasets and rebuild json datasets
  • Define selections: trigger, skim, object preselection, event preselection and categorization
  • Define weights and variations
  • Define histograms
  • Run the processor
  • Make the plots from processor output


Install PocketCoffea

PocketCoffea can be installed from pip or directly from the sources. The latter is needed if you wish to contribute to the core of the framework code and to get the latest under development features.

The environment needs to be set differently depending on the cluster where you want to run. Please refer to the detailed guide Installation guide.

We report here briefly the necessary steps to setup the framework from sources.

pythom -m venv myenv
source myenv/bin/activate

git clone
cd PocketCoffea
pip install -e .  
#-e installs it in "editable" mode so that the modified files are included dynamically in the package.

Configuration files

The parameters specific to the analysis have to be specified in the configuration file. This file contains a pure python dictionary named cfg that is read and manipulated by the Configurator module.

A dedicated repository <>_ is setup to collect the config files from different analysis. Clone the repository outside of the PocketCoffea main folder:

cd ..

# Now downloading the example configuration
git clone
cd AnalysisConfigs/configs/zmumu

# Ready to start!

A dedicated folder zmumu under the configs contains all the config files, the datasets definition json file, the workflows files and possibly extra files with parameters that are needed for this tutorial analysis:

Dataset preparation

Build datasets metadata

The datasets of this analysis include a Drell-Yan Monte Carlo dataset and a SingleMuon dataset. We have to look for the corresponding DAS <>_ keys:

  • /DYJetsToLL_M-50_TuneCP5_13TeV-amcatnloFXFX-pythia8/RunIISummer20UL18NanoAODv9-106X_upgrade2018_realistic_v16_L1v1-v2/NANOAODSIM
  • /SingleMuon/Run2018C-UL2018_MiniAODv2_NanoAODv9-v2/NANOAOD

The list of datasets has to be written in a structured dictionary together with the corresponding metadata in a json file. This json file is then read by the script to produce the actual json datasets that are passed as input to the Coffea processor. The steps are the following:

  1. Create a json file that contains the required datasets, dataset_definitions.json. Each entry of the dictionary corresponds to a dataset. Datasets include a list of DAS keys, the output json dataset path and the metadata. In addition a label sample is specified to assign a the "type" of events contained in the dataset (e.g. group QCD datasets from different HT bins in a single sample).

The general idea is the following:

  • The dataset key uniquely identifies a dataset.
  • The sample key is the one used internally in the framework to categorize the type of the events contained in the dataset.
  • The json_output key defines the path of the destination json file which will store the list of files.
  • Several files entries can be defined for each dataset, including a list of DAS names and a dedicated metadata dictionary.
  • The metadata keys should include:
    • For Monte Carlo: year, isMC and xsec.
    • For Data: year, isMC, era and primaryDataset.

For a more detailed discussion about datasets, samples and their meaning in PocketCoffea, see MISSING LINK.

When the json datasets are built, the metadata parameters are linked to the files list, defining a unique dataset entry with the corresponding files. The primaryDataset key for Data datasets is needed in order to apply a trigger selection only to the corresponding dataset (e.g. apply the SingleMuon trigger only to datasets having primaryDataset=SingleMuon).

The structure of the datasets_definitions.json file after filling in the dictionary with the parameters relevant to our Drell-Yan and SingleMuon datasets should be the following:

        "sample": "DYJetsToLL",
        "json_output"    : "datasets/DYJetsToLL_M-50.json",
            { "das_names": ["/DYJetsToLL_M-50_TuneCP5_13TeV-amcatnloFXFX-pythia8/RunIISummer20UL18NanoAODv9-106X_upgrade2018_realistic_v16_L1v1-v2/NANOAODSIM"],
              "metadata": {
                  "isMC": true,
		          "xsec": 6077.22,
                  "part": "" 
    "DATA_SingleMuon": {
        "sample": "DATA_SingleMuon",
        "json_output": "datasets/DATA_SingleMuon.json",
        "files": [
                "das_names": [
                "metadata": {
                    "year": "2018",
                    "isMC": false,
                    "primaryDataset": "SingleMuon",
                    "era": "A"
                "das_parents_names": [
                "das_names": [
                "metadata": {
                    "year": "2018",
                    "isMC": false,
                    "primaryDataset": "SingleMuon",
                    "era": "B"
                "das_parents_names": [
                "das_names": [
                "metadata": {
                    "year": "2018",
                    "isMC": false,
                    "primaryDataset": "SingleMuon",
                    "era": "C"
                "das_parents_names": [
  1. To produce the json files containing the file lists, run the following command:
voms-proxy-init -voms cms -rfc --valid 168:0 --cfg datasets/dataset_definitions.json

Four json files are produced as output, two for each dataset: a version includes file paths with a specific prefix corresponding to a site (querying Rucio for the availability of the files at the moment of running the script) while another has a global redirector prefix (e.g., and is named with the suffix _redirector.json If one has to rebuild the dataset to include more datasets, the extra argument --overwrite can be provided to the script.

ls -lrt datasets/
total 129K
-rw-r--r-- 1   49K May  8 13:38 DYJetsToLL_M-50_2018.json
-rw-r--r-- 1   47K May  8 13:38 DYJetsToLL_M-50_redirector_2018.json
-rw-r--r-- 1   46K May  8 13:38 DYJetsToLL_M-50_local_2018.json
-rw-r--r-- 1  5.6K May 11 19:19 datasets_definitions.json~
-rw-r--r-- 1   49K May 11 19:20 DYJetsToLL_M-50.json
-rw-r--r-- 1   47K May 11 19:20 DYJetsToLL_M-50_redirector.json
-rw-r--r-- 1  144K May 11 19:21 DATA_SingleMuon.json
-rw-r--r-- 1  135K May 11 19:21 DATA_SingleMuon_redirector.json
-rw-r--r-- 1  3.0K May 11 19:22 datasets_definitions.json

There are more options to specify a regex to filter CMS Tiers or options to whitelist or blacklist sites. Moreover the output jsons can be split automatically by year or kept together.

(pocket-coffea) ➜  zmumu git:(main) ✗ -h

   ___       _ __   _____       __               __ 
  / _ )__ __(_) /__/ / _ \___ _/ /____ ____ ___ / /_
 / _  / // / / / _  / // / _ `/ __/ _ `(_-</ -_) __/

usage: [-h] [--cfg CFG] [-k KEYS [KEYS ...]] [-d] [-o] [-c] [-s] [-l LOCAL_PREFIX] [-ws WHITELIST_SITES [WHITELIST_SITES ...]] [-bs BLACKLIST_SITES [BLACKLIST_SITES ...]] [-rs REGEX_SITES]

Build dataset fileset in json format

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cfg CFG             Config file with parameters specific to the current run
  -k KEYS [KEYS ...], --keys KEYS [KEYS ...]
                        Dataset keys to select
  -d, --download        Download dataset files on local machine
  -o, --overwrite       Overwrite existing file definition json
  -c, --check           Check file existance in the local prefix
  -s, --split-by-year   Split output files by year
  -l LOCAL_PREFIX, --local-prefix LOCAL_PREFIX
                        Local prefix
                        List of sites in the whitelist
                        List of sites in the blacklist
  -rs REGEX_SITES, --regex-sites REGEX_SITES
                        Regex to filter sites

Analysis configuration


PocketCoffea distinguishes between parameters for the analysis and specific runs configuration.

  • A parameter is considered something defining more in general a specific analysis and it is usually common between different runs: e.g. HLT triggers, scale factors working points, JES/JER configuration.
  • A configuration is considered specific for a run of the analysis where the users applied selections, cleans objects and output histograms or arrays.

Parameters are handled as yaml files with the OmegaConf utility library. A set of common and defaults are defined centrally by PocketCoffea and then the user can overwrite, replace and add analysis specific configurations.

This is done usually in the preamble of the analysis config file:

import os
localdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

# Loading default parameters
from pocket_coffea.parameters import defaults
default_parameters = defaults.get_default_parameters()
defaults.register_configuration_dir("config_dir", localdir+"/params")

parameters = defaults.merge_parameters_from_files(default_parameters,

The parameters object can be manipualted freely by the user and then passed to the Configurator class to be used in the analysis. The parameters are then dumped along with the analysis output to preserve them.


A specific analysis run is defined in PocketCoffea using an instance of a Configurator code class. This class groups all the information about skimming, categorization, datasets, and outputs. The next sections of the tutorial briefly describes how to configure it for the Zmumu analysis.

The configurator instance is created inside the main configuration file and assied to a variable called cfg. This special name is used by the framework when the file is passed to the script to be executed.

from pocket_coffea.utils.configurator import Configurator
from pocket_coffea.lib.cut_definition import Cut
from pocket_coffea.lib.cut_functions import get_nObj_min, get_HLTsel
from pocket_coffea.parameters.cuts import passthrough
from pocket_coffea.parameters.histograms import *
from workflow import ZmumuBaseProcessor
from custom_cut_functions import *

cfg = Configurator(
    parameters = parameters,
    datasets = {
        "jsons": [f"{localdir}/datasets/DATA_SingleMuon.json",
        "filter" : {
            "samples": ["DATA_SingleMuon",
            "samples_exclude" : [],
            "year": ['2018']
    workflow = ZmumuBaseProcessor,

Datasets are specified by passing the list of json to be used and they can be filtered by year of sample type.

Parameters are also passed to the Configurator as well as the workflow class to be used in the processing. This class is user defined in the file locally in the folder.

Define selections

The selections are performed at two levels:

  • Object preselection: selecting the "good" objects that will be used in the final analysis (e.g. JetGood, MuonGood, ElectronGood...).

  • Event selection: selections on the events that enter the final analysis, done in three steps:

    1. Skim and trigger: loose cut on the events and trigger requirements.
    2. Preselection: baseline event selection for the analysis.
    3. Categorization: selection to split the events passing the event preselection into different categories (e.g. signal region, control region).

Object preselection

To select the objects entering the final analysis, we need to specify a series of cut parameters for the leptons and jets in the file params/object_preselection.yaml. These selections include the pT, eta acceptance cuts, the object identification working points, the muon isolation, the b-tagging working point, etc.

For the Z->mumu analysis, we just use the standard definitions for the muon, electron and jet objects:

    pt: 15
    eta: 2.4
    iso: 0.25  #PFIsoLoose
    id: tightId

    pt: 15
    eta: 2.4
    iso: 0.06
    id: mvaFall17V2Iso_WP80

    dr_lepton: 0.4
    pt: 30
    eta: 2.4
    jetId: 2
      wp: L
      value: 4
      maxpt: 50.0

This parameters are used by the functions which filters the object collections in the file.

Event selection

In PocketCoffea, the event selections are implemented with a dedicated Cut object, that stores both the information of the cutting function and its input parameters. Several factory Cut objects are available in pocket_coffea.lib.cut_functions, otherwise the user can define their own custom Cut objects.


The skim selection of the events is performed "on the fly" to reduce the number of processed events. At this stage we also apply the HLT trigger requirements required by the analysis. The following steps of the analysis are performed only on the events passing the skim selection, while the others are discarded from the branch events, therefore reducing the computational load on the processor. In the config file, we specify two skim cuts: one is selecting events with at least one 15 GeV muon and the second is requiring the HLT SingleMuon path.

Triggers are specified in a parameter yaml files under the params dir (but the localtion is up to the user). The parameters are then loadedand added to the default parameters in the preamble of the config file.

In the preamble of, which we pass as an argument to the factory function get_HLTsel():

cfg = Configurator(
    # .....   
    skim = [get_nObj_min(1, 18., "Muon"),
            # Asking only SingleMuon triggers since we are only using SingleMuon PD data

Event preselection

In the Z->mumu analysis, we want to select events with exactly two muons with opposite charge. In addition, we require a cut on the leading muon pT and on the dilepton invariant mass, to select the Z boson mass window. The parameters are directly passed to the constructor of the Cut object as the dictionary params. We can define the function dimuon and the Cut object dimuon_presel in the preamble of the config script:

   def dimuon(events, params, year, sample, **kwargs):

      # Masks for same-flavor (SF) and opposite-sign (OS)
      SF = ((events.nMuonGood == 2) & (events.nElectronGood == 0))
      OS = events.ll.charge == 0

      mask = (
         (events.nLeptonGood == 2)
         & (ak.firsts( > params["pt_leading_muon"])
         & OS & SF
         & (events.ll.mass > params["mll"]["low"])
         & (events.ll.mass < params["mll"]["high"])

      # Pad None values with False
      return ak.where(ak.is_none(mask), False, mask)

   dimuon_presel = Cut(
         "pt_leading_muon": 25,
         "mll": {'low': 25, 'high': 2000},

In a scenario of an analysis requiring several different cuts, a dedicated library of cuts and functions can be defined in a separate file and imported in the config file. This is the strategy implemented in the example (and recommended to keep the config file minimal). Have a loot at the file.

The preselections field in the config file is updated accordingly:

cfg = Configurator(
    # .....   
    preselections = [dimuon_presel],


In the toy Z->mumu analysis, no further categorization of the events is performed. Only a baseline category is defined with the passthrough factory cut that is just passing the events through without any further selection:

cfg = Configurator(
    # .....   
    categories = {
        "baseline": [passthrough],

If for example Z->ee events were also included in the analysis, one could have defined a more general "dilepton" preselection and categorized the events as 2e or 2mu depending if they contain two electrons or two muons, respectively.

Define weights and variations

The application of the nominal value of scale factors and weights is switched on and off just by adding the corresponding key in the weights dictionary:

cfg = Configurator(
    # .....

    weights = {
         "common": {
             "inclusive": ["genWeight","lumi","XS",
             "bycategory" : {
         "bysample": {
     },cfg = {
       "weights": {
          "common": {
             "inclusive": ["genWeight","lumi","XS",
             "bycategory" : {
         "bysample": {

In our case, we are applying the nominal scaling of Monte Carlo by lumi * XS / genWeight together with the pileup reweighting and the muon ID and isolation scale factors. The reweighting of the events is managed internally by the module WeightsManager.

To store also the up and down systematic variations corresponding to a given weight, one can specify it in the variations dictionary:

cfg = Configurator(
    # .....
    variations = {
        "weights": {
            "common": {
                "inclusive": [  "pileup",
                                "sf_mu_id", "sf_mu_iso"
                "bycategory" : {
        "bysample": {

In this case we will store the variations corresponding to the systematic variation of pileup and the muon ID and isolation scale factors. These systematic uncertainties will be included in the final plots.

Define histograms

In PocketCoffea histograms can be defined directly from the configuration: look at the variable dictionary under Histograms are defined with the options specified in An histogram is a collection of Axis objects with additional options for excluding/including variables, samples, and systematic variations.

In order to create a user defined histogram add Axis as a list (1 element for 1D-hist, 2 elements for 2D-hist)

cfg = Configurator(
    # .....
   variables : {
           # 1D plots
           "mll" : HistConf( [Axis(coll="ll", field="mass", bins=100, start=50, stop=150, label=r"$M_{\ell\ell}$ [GeV]")] 
	# coll : collection/objects under events
	# field: fields under collections
	# bins, start, stop: # bins, axis-min, axis-max
	# label: axis label name

The collection is the name used to access the fields of the events main dataset (the NanoAOD Events tree). The field specifies the specific array to use. If a field is global in the events, e.g. a user defined arrays in events, just use coll=events. Please refer to the Axis code for a complete description of the options.

  • There are some predefined hist_.
cfg = Configurator(
    # .....
   variables : {
        **count_hist(name="nJets", coll="JetGood",bins=8, start=0, stop=8),
	    # Muon kinematics
	    **muon_hists(coll="MuonGood", pos=0),
	    # Jet kinematics
        **jet_hists(coll="JetGood", pos=0),

run the processor

Run the coffea processor to get .coffea output files. The coffea processor can be run locally with iterative or futures executors or scaleout to clusters. We now test the setup on lxplus, naf-desy but more sites can also be included later.

# read all information from the config file --cfg --full  -o output_v1

# iterative run is also possible
## run --test for iterative processor with ``--limit-chunks/-lc``(default:2) and ``--limit-files/-lf``(default:1) --cfg  --full --test --lf 1 --lc  2 -o output_v1

## change the --executor and numbers of jobs with -s/--scaleout --cfg  --full --executor futures -s 10 -o output_v1

The scaleout configurations really depends on cluster and schedulers with different sites(lxplus, LPC, naf-desy).

## Example for naf-desy
run_options = {
    "executor"       : "parsl/condor/naf-desy", # scheduler/cluster-type/site
    "workers"        : 1, # cpus for each job
    "scaleout"       : 300, # numbers of job
    "queue"          : "microcentury",# job queue time for condor
    "walltime"       : "00:40:00", # walltime for condor jobs
    "disk_per_worker": "4GB", # disk size for each job(stored files)
    "mem_per_worker" : "2GB", # RAM size for each job
    "exclusive"      : False, # not used for condor
    "chunk"          : 200000, #chunk size 
    "retries"        : 20, # numbers of retries when job failes
    "max"            : None, # numbers of chunks 
    "skipbadfiles"   : None, # skip badfiles
    "voms"           : None, # point to the voms certificate directory
    "limit"          : None, # limited files
## Example for CERN
run_options = {
        "executor"       : "dask/condor",
        "env"            : "singularity",
        "workers"        : 1,
        "scaleout"       : 300,
        "queue"          : "standard",
        "walltime"       : "00:40:00",
        "mem_per_worker" : "4GB", # GB
        "disk_per_worker" : "1GB", # GB
        "exclusive"      : False,
        "chunk"          : 400000,
        "retries"        : 50,
        "treereduction"  : 20,
        "adapt"          : False,

The output of the script will be similar to

$ --cfg -o output_all

    ____             __        __  ______      ________          
   / __ \____  _____/ /_____  / /_/ ____/___  / __/ __/__  ____ _
  / /_/ / __ \/ ___/ //_/ _ \/ __/ /   / __ \/ /_/ /_/ _ \/ __ `/
 / ____/ /_/ / /__/ ,< /  __/ /_/ /___/ /_/ / __/ __/  __/ /_/ / 
/_/    \____/\___/_/|_|\___/\__/\____/\____/_/ /_/  \___/\__,_/  

Loading the configuration file...
[INFO    ] Configurator instance:
  - Workflow: <class 'workflow.ZmumuBaseProcessor'>
  - N. datasets: 5 
   -- Dataset: DATA_SingleMuon_2018_EraA,  Sample: DATA_SingleMuon, N. files: 92, N. events: 241608232
   -- Dataset: DATA_SingleMuon_2018_EraB,  Sample: DATA_SingleMuon, N. files: 51, N. events: 119918017
   -- Dataset: DATA_SingleMuon_2018_EraC,  Sample: DATA_SingleMuon, N. files: 56, N. events: 109986009
   -- Dataset: DATA_SingleMuon_2018_EraD,  Sample: DATA_SingleMuon, N. files: 194, N. events: 513909894
   -- Dataset: DYJetsToLL_M-50_2018,  Sample: DYJetsToLL, N. files: 204, N. events: 195510810
  - Subsamples:
   -- Sample DATA_SingleMuon: StandardSelection ['DATA_SingleMuon'], (1 categories)
   -- Sample DYJetsToLL: StandardSelection ['DYJetsToLL'], (1 categories)
  - Skim: ['nMuon_min1_pt18.0', 'HLT_trigger_SingleMuon']
  - Preselection: ['dilepton']
  - Categories: StandardSelection ['baseline'], (1 categories)
  - Variables:  ['MuonGood_eta_1', 'MuonGood_pt_1', 'MuonGood_phi_1', 'nElectronGood', 'nMuonGood', 'nJets', 'nBJets', 'JetGood_eta_1', 'JetGood_pt_1', 'JetGood_phi_1', 'JetGood_btagDeepFlavB_1', 'JetGood_eta_2', 'JetGood_pt_2', 'JetGood_phi_2', 'JetGood_btagDeepFlavB_2', 'mll']
  - available weights variations: {'DATA_SingleMuon': ['nominal', 'sf_mu_iso', 'pileup', 'sf_mu_id'], 'DYJetsToLL': ['nominal', 'sf_mu_iso', 'pileup', 'sf_mu_id']} 
  - available shape variations: {'DATA_SingleMuon': [], 'DYJetsToLL': []}
Saving config file to output_all/config.json

Produce plots

To be completed