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SC03-TC03: Application Deployment to Kubernetes Cluster with Tanzu Service Mesh (TSM) - Deploying a Multi-Cluster ACME Fitness Application with a Global Namespace (GNS) Using TSM REST API

This scenario captures how to deploy an application to a Kubernetes Cluster with Tanzu Service Mesh

Test Case Summary

This scenario test case captures how to create a Tanzu Service Mesh Global Namespace (GNS) with the TSM REST API and then deploy a multi-cluster version of the ACME Fitness sample application across the GNS.

Useful documentation


  • Completion of TSM Console access SC01-TC01
  • Completion of API Token Generation and Authentication to the CSP SC01-TC03
  • For Two(2) Kubernetes Clusters ${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER1} and ${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER2} completion of TSM Onboarding SC02-TC01 or SC02-TC02 or SC02-TC03
  • Completion of ACME Fitness Application Deployment SC03-TC01
  • Valid kubeconfig for both targeted Kubernetes Clusters ${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER1} and ${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER2}

Test Procedure

This test procedure assumes that the full ACME Fitness Application along with the load generator was deployed to the Kubernetes Cluster ${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER1}.

  1. To create a multi-cluster application deploy another catalog service to the second Kubernetes Cluster ${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER2}. Confirm you are connected the right Kubernetes cluster ${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER2_CONTEXT}, if working from the supplied Management container you can run the following:




    NOTE: If needed to change to the ${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER2_CONTEXT} context running the following.


    Otherwise, if not using the supplied Management Container, run the following:

    kubectl config current-context

    NOTE: If needed to change to the ${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER2_CONTEXT} context running the following.

    kubectl config set-context ${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER2_CONTEXT}
  2. Confirm your preferred namespace is set to ${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER2_NAMESPACE} (Using default as the namespace works fine.), if working from the supplied Management container you can run the following:




    NOTE: If needed to change to the ${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER2_NAMESPACE} namespace running the following.


    Otherwise, if not using the supplied Management Container, run the following:

    kubectl config view --minify --output 'jsonpath={..namespace}'; echo

    NOTE: If needed to change to the ${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER2_NAMESPACE} namespace running the following.

    kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER2_NAMESPACE}
  3. Deploy the catalog(east) Kubernetes manifests for the ACME Fitness Application.

    kubectl apply -f scenarios/files/acme-fitness-app/app/acme-secrets.yaml
    kubectl apply -f scenarios/files/acme-fitness-app/app/acme-fitness-catalog-east.yaml


    secret/redis-pass created
    secret/catalog-mongo-pass created
    secret/order-mongo-pass created
    secret/users-mongo-pass created
    configmap/catalog-initdb-config created
    service/catalog-mongo created
    deployment.apps/catalog-mongo created
    service/catalog created
    deployment.apps/catalog created

  4. If needed renew your Authentication to the CSP SC01-TC03

    export CSP_AUTH_TOKEN=$(curl -k -X POST "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "refresh_token=${CSP_API_TOKEN}" | jq -r '.access_token')
  5. Create a Global Namespace (GNS) . Execute the following REST API call by using your given TSM POC server value for the ${TSM_SERVER_NAME} variable and the access_token obtained from the previous step as the value for the ${CSP_AUTH_TOKEN} variable.

    curl -k -X POST "https://${TSM_SERVER_NAME}/tsm/v1alpha1/global-namespaces" -H "csp-auth-token:${CSP_AUTH_TOKEN}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '
        "name": "'"${TSM_GLOBALNAMESPACE_NAME}"'",
        "display_name": "'"${TSM_GLOBALNAMESPACE_NAME}"'",
        "domain_name": "'"${TSM_GLOBALNAMESPACE_DOMAIN}"'",
        "mtls_enforced": true,
        "version": "1.0",
                "type": "EXACT",
                "match": "'"${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER1_NAMESPACE}"'"
                "type": "EXACT",
                "match": "'"${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER1}"'"
                "type": "EXACT",
                "match": "'"${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER2_NAMESPACE}"'"
                "type": "EXACT",
                "match": "'"${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER2}"'"


        "name": "${TSM_GLOBALNAMESPACE_NAME}",
        "display_name": "${TSM_GLOBALNAMESPACE_NAME}",
        "domain_name": "${TSM_GLOBALNAMESPACE_DOMAIN}",
        "use_shared_gateway": false,
        "mtls_enforced": true,
        "ca_type": "",
        "ca": "",
        "description": "",
        "color": "",
        "version": "1.0",
        "match_conditions": [{
            "namespace": {
                "match": "${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER1_NAMESPACE}",
                "type": "EXACT"
            "cluster": {
                "match": "${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER1}",
                "type": "EXACT"
            "namespace": {
                "match": "${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER2_NAMESPACE}",
                "type": "EXACT"
            "cluster": {
                "match": "${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER2}",
                "type": "EXACT"
        "api_discovery_enabled": true
  6. Validate the GNS was created via the TSM console. Navigate to the GNS Overview tab on the Home page and click on the GNS ${TSM_GLOBALNAMESPACE_NAME}. On the GNS Overview page under the GNS Topology tab you should see both the Kubernetes Clusters and the ACME Fitness Appliction services. NOTE connection between the Kubernets Clusters will not show until we configure the shopping deployment in the following steps.


    TSM Home - GNS Overview TSM Home - Cluster Overview

    TSM GNS Overview - GNS Topology for ACME Fitness Application TSM Cluster Overview

  7. Now that the GNS has been successfully created we need to configure the ACME Fitness shopping deployment to now point to the catalog service connected to the GNS domain and not the default local catalog service. To do this we must switch back our kubectl context back to the first cluster Kubernetes Cluster ${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER1}. Confirm you are connected the right Kubernetes cluster ${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER1_CONTEXT}, if working from the supplied Management container you can run the following:




    NOTE: If needed to change to the ${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER1_CONTEXT} context running the following.


    Otherwise, if not using the supplied Management Container, run the following:

    kubectl config current-context

    NOTE: If needed to change to the ${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER1_CONTEXT} context running the following.

    kubectl config set-context ${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER1_CONTEXT}
  8. Confirm your preferred namespace is set to ${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER1_NAMESPACE} (Using default as the namespace works fine.), if working from the supplied Management container you can run the following:




    NOTE: If needed to change to the ${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER1_NAMESPACE} namespace running the following.


    Otherwise, if not using the supplied Management Container, run the following:

    kubectl config view --minify --output 'jsonpath={..namespace}'; echo

    NOTE: If needed to change to the ${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER1_NAMESPACE} namespace running the following.

    kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER1_NAMESPACE}
  9. Edit the shopping deployment to use the GNS catalog service instead of the local service.

    kubectl edit deploy/shopping

    Change the catalog service configuration from the local reference to the GNS reference.

      - env:
        - name: FRONTEND_PORT
          value: "3000"
        - name: USERS_HOST
          value: users
        - name: CATALOG_HOST
          value: catalog   # <---------------------  change this service to include the gns domain
        - name: ORDER_HOST
          value: order

    Changing the catalog service to the GNS reference should look like the example below:

      - env:
        - name: FRONTEND_PORT
          value: "3000"
        - name: USERS_HOST
          value: users
        - name: CATALOG_HOST
          value: catalog.${TSM_GLOBALNAMESPACE_DOMAIN}
        - name: ORDER_HOST
          value: order


    deployment.apps/shopping edited

  10. Validate that traffic is flowing between the ACME Fitness Application across the two(2) Kubernetes Clusters ( ${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER1} , ${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER2} ) over the GNS. Navigate to the GNS Overview tab on the Home page and click on the GNS ${TSM_GLOBALNAMESPACE_NAME}. On the GNS Overview page under the GNS Topology tab you should see both the Kubernetes Clusters and the ACME Fitness Appliction services.

    TSM GNS Overview - GNS Topology for ACME Fitness Application TSM Cluster Overview

  11. Optional: To evenly split the catalog items between East/West images you will need to create a traffic policy. The $CATALOG_POLICY_NAME variable can be set to any name you wish to assign to the new traffic policy. Once applied it will take about a minute to be able to validate via browser that the ACME Fitness Application is showing both the East and West catalog images (You may need clear/disable caching to see images rotate).

    curl -k -X PUT "https://${TSM_SERVER_NAME}/tsm/v1alpha2/project/default/global-namespaces/${TSM_GLOBALNAMESPACE_NAME}/traffic-routing-policies/${CATALOG_POLICY_NAME}" -H "csp-auth-token:${CSP_AUTH_TOKEN}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '
        "description": "weighted policy to send 100% of traffic to the east catalog images",
        "service": "catalog",
        "traffic_policy": {
            "http": [{
                "targets": [{
                    "service_version": "v1-west",
                    "weight": 50
                    "service_version": "v1-east",
                    "weight": 50
    }' | jq .



    ACME Fitness Application over GNS (East/West Images) ACME Fitness Application over GNS

Status Pass/Fail

  • [ ] Pass
  • [ ] Fail

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