Notes on Practical Object Oriented Design.
If a codebase succeeds, it will live long enough where the biggest problem will be dealing with change. Design is arranging code efficiently to handle change.
Good design requires learning theories and applying theory appropriately. Learn the rules of OOD, apply them, but also realize theory != practice. Theory can't be applied 100% of the time. The real world involves change, confusion, and uncertainty.
Some principles that will be covered later:
- SOLID - single responsibility, open-closed (open for extension but closed for modification -- eg inherit instead of modifying classes), Liskov substitution (you should be able to use subclassed instances without altering correctness), interface segregation (many client-specific interfaces is better than one generic interface), dependency inversion (depend upon abstractions instead of concretions).
- DRY - don't repeat yourself, every piece of knowledge has a single/unambiguous/authoritative representation within a system
- Law of Demeter - given object should assume as little as possible about anything else
Organize code to be TRUE:
- transparent - consequences of change should be obvious, even in distance code
- reasonable - cost of change is proportional to its benefits
- usable - existing code should be usable in new/unexpected contexts
- exemplary - code should encourage those who change it to perpetuate these qualities
When everything in a class is related to a central purpose, it is highly cohesive or it has a single responsibility.
Depend on behavior, not data. The author recommends hiding instance variables (use getter methods). This way any unintended changes can be made at the method level. The author recommends hiding data structures. For example:
def diameters
data.collect { |cell| cell[0] + (cell[1]*2) }
The above is bad, because data
is a complicated data structure -- a 2d array with implicit properties
set at certain indices. It's better to be explicit and use an Array of Structs.
Methods should also have a single responsibility. Having multiple, smaller, single responsibility methods will: expose hidden qualities, avoid need for comments, encourage reuse, are easy to refactor out to another class.
After extracting out behavior to smaller methods, the scope of your class will be more apparent. You can decide if you should split your single class into multiple ones.
Inject dependencies to create loosely coupled objects. Isolate dependencies to allow for adaptation. Depend on abstractions (instead of concrete objects) to decrease the chance of facing difficult changes.
An object depends on another if, when one changes, the other is forced to change too. Some degree of dependency is inevitable, since objects must collaborate. A class should know just enough to do its one job.
One destructive kind of dependency is when one object knows another, who knows something, who knows something else, and so on. It violates the Law of Demeter and introduced tight coupling.
Inject Dependencies - removes dependencies on a class name. In the example below, the gear_inches
method has a dependency on the Wheel
class Gear
attr_reader :chainring, :cog, :rim, :tire
def initialize(chainring, cog, rim, tire)
# ... set instance variables ...
def gear_inches
ratio *, tire).diameter
# ...
But it's the diameter method that's important, not the class name. What if we want to work with cylinders or something else in the future. Instead, we could use dependency injection:
class Gear
attr_reader :chainring, :cog, :wheel
def initialize(chainring, cog, wheel)
# ...
def gear_inches
ratio * wheel.diameter
end, 11,, 1.5)).gear_inches
Isolate dependencies - when you can't remove a dependency, isolate them within your class. Think of each dependency as bacterium, they should each be quarantined.
Isolate instance creation code. If Wheel
cannot be injected as above, instead of setting it as
an instance variable, expose it as an isolated public method:
def initialize(chainring, cog, rim, tire)
# ...
@wheel =, tire)
def gear_inches
ratio * wheel.diameter
# ... instead, extract wheel to its own isolated method
def wheel
@wheel ||=, tire)
Isolate vulnerable external messages. If gear_inches
was a bit more complicated, you might want
to extract wheel.diameter
to its own method:
def gear_inches
# ... complicated calculation ...
foo = ratio * diameter
# ... more calculations ...
def diameter
Remove argument order dependencies. Instead of parameters requiring a specific order, consider
passing in a hash. Use Hash#fetch
to set defaults, which will allow passing in nil
or false
If you cannot change the method signature, consider creating a decorator that wraps it. If it's for instantiating classes, this pattern is known as a Factory.
Choose dependency direction. In the examples above, Gear
was dependent on Wheel
. But it could
have easily been reversed. Or they could have been dependent on each other. You control the dependency
direction. Some general rules to guide the direction better:
- some classes are more likely than other to change in requirements
- concrete classes are more likely to change than abstract classes
- changing a class that has many dependents will result in widespread consequences
A simple heuristic: depend on things that change less often than you do.
If you plot your application as a directed graph (classes as nodes, messages as edges), ideally you'll see a tree pattern flowing in one direction.
Not great design:
| |
| ^----^----^----^
| |
Better design:
| +-->D
The public interface of a class: reveals its primary responsibility, will not change on a whim, are safe for others to depend on, are thoroughly documented in its tests. The private interface: handles implementation details, are not expected to be sent to others, can change for any reason whatsoever, are unsafe for others to depend on, may not even be referenced in tests.
The public interface should be stable.
Ask for "What" instead of telling "How". Given a Trip
and Mechanic
class, where a trip may
have many Bicycle
s, inside the trip the class may ask the mechanic how to prepare bicycles by:
for each bicycle:
But it's better to leave the implementation details to the mechanic:
for each bicycle:
Seek context independence. Trip has a single responsibility but it expects a context. Preparing a trip always requires preparing bicycles. An object's context isn't its primary objective, but the object will expect a few things from its surroundings (similar to test case setup).
Instead of iterating through bicycles, asking each one to be prepared, can we just pass the Trip
instance to Mechanic
: mechanic.prepare_trip(self)
Rules of thumb for creating interfaces:
- create explicit interfaces - public methods that handle what instead of how, that will be stable, that take a hash as an options parameter.
- honor the public interface of others - do your best to only use the public interface of other classes
- use caution if you're depending on private interfaces
- minimize context
If you find yourself violating the Law of Demeter, it's usually a clue that there are objects whose public interfaces are lacking.
Some code smells that hint for duck typing are:
- case statements that switch on a class
When you see code that switches on a class:
case preparer
when Mechanic
when TripCoordinator
when Driver
It's usually a good opportunity to use polymorphism:
# ...
class Mechanic
def prepare_trip(trip)
class TripCoordinator
def prepare_trip(trip)
class Driver
def prepare_trip(trip)
Use inheritance to share behavior via the template pattern. Use it for "is a" relationships. Composition should be used for "has a" relationships. Use abstract classes.
class Bicycle
attr_reader :size, :chain, :tire_size
def initialize(args = {})
@size = args[:size]
@chain = args[:chain] || default_chain
@tire_size = args[:tire_size] || default_tire_size
def default_chain
def default_tire_size
raise NotImplementedError, "This #{self.class} cannot respond to: "
class RoadBike < Bicycle
# ...
def default_tire_size
class MountainBike < Bicycle
# ...
def default_tire_size
Use super
to manage coupling between superclasses and subclasses:
class Bicycle
def spares
{ tire_size: tire_size, chain: chain }
class MountainBike
def spares
super.merge({ rear_shock: rear_shock })
Decouple subclasses using hook messages. Hook messages exist solely to provide subclasses a place to contribute information.
class Bicycle
def initialize(args = {})
@size = args[:size]
@chain = args[:chain] || default_chain
@tire_size = args[:tire_size] || default_tire_size
def post_initialize(args)
class RoadBike < Bicycle
def post_initialize(args)
@tape_color = args[:tape_color]
This change reduces RoadBike
's coupling to its superclass. It doesn't need to know when post_initialize
is called, or need to know Bike
's initialize details. The same technique can be used for the
method too.
When objects that play a common role need to share behavior, use modules. Code defined in a module can be added to any object.
The Trip
class above had an implicit Preparable
role. With duck typing, a class only needs to
implement the prepare_trip
method to be considered preparable. The Preprarer
in this case is
the Mechanic
. Ruby supports mixin modules, so these roles can be made explicit.
Let objects speak for themselves. The StringUtils.empty?(str)
method lets you check if a string
is empty. But this is redundant, since strings are objects, we should just use String#empty?
module Schedulable
def schedule
@schedule ||=
def schedulable?(start_date, end_date)
!scheduled?(start_date - lead_days, end_date)
def scheduled?(start_date, end_date)
schedule.scheduled?(self, start_date, end_date)
# includers may override
def lead_days
class Bicycle
include Schedulable
def lead_days
Since mixins behave similar to inherited classes, we can use the template pattern to fill in more specific implementation.
There are two anti-patterns that indicates code might benefit from inheritance. If a variable like
or category
exists to determine which message to send to self
. Or if the sending object
checks the class of the receiving object to determine which message to send.
Insist on an abstraction. All code in an abstract class should apply to every class that inherits from it.
Subclasses must honor the contract of superclasses. An instance of a subclass should always have correct behavior when a program asks for the superclass.
Preemptively decouple classes by avoiding code that requires its inheritors to send super
. Use
hook messages. Requiring code to send super
adds an additional dependency.
Create shallow hierarchies. Every hierarchy has depth and breadth. The simplest are shallow/narrow, followed by shallow/wide, then deep/narrow, finally deep/wide.
Composition involves combining distinct parts into a complex whole. Whereas inheritance deals with "kind of" relationships, composition deals with "has a" relationships.
For example, a Bicycle
has Parts
class Bicycle
attr_reader :size, :parts
def initialize(args = {})
@size = args[:size]
@parts = args[:parts]
def spares
class Parts
attr_reader :chain, :tire_size
def initialize(args = {})
@chain = args[:chain] || default_chain
@tire_size = args[:tire_size] || default_tire_size
def spares
{ tire_size: tire_size, chain: chain }.merge(local_spares)
def default_tire_size
raise NotImplementedError
def post_initialize(args)
def local_spares
def default_chain
class RoadBikeParts < Parts
attr_reader :tape_color
def post_initialize(args)
@tape_color = args[:tape_color]
def local_spares
{tape_color: tape_color}
def default_tire_size
can be further refactored, to have individual Part
instances. After extracting out Part
we can switch the implementation of Parts
to inherit from Array
with some extra behavior. Or
simply implement Enumrable
Composition has a natural tendency to create many small objects, each being straightforward with a single responsibility. Unfortunately, a composed object relies on many parts. Each individual part needs to be transparent.
Inheritance is best suited to adding functionality to existing classes when you will use most of the old code and add relatively small amounts of new code.
- Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vilssides; GoF Patterns
Use composition when the behavior is more than the sum of its parts.
- Grady Booch, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
Tests give you the confidence to refactor constantly. Efficient tests prove the altered code is correct without raising costs.
The true benefits of testing is to reduce costs by reducing bugs, providing documentation, letting you defer design decisions, supports abstractions, and exposes design flaws.
Write tests first, before implementation. It forces good design.
Use the mainstream testing libraries/frameworks. For Ruby, MiniTest or RSpec is recommended.
Make assertions about the public interface.
Isolate the object under test. You can do this by injecting dependencies.
What about testing private methods? You can ignore them, since tests are redundant. The public interface should be tested and that interface uses the private methods. Private methods are also unstable. Testing can also mislead others to use those private methods. But it's a rule-of-thumb. Be biased against writing them but don't be dogmatic.
When testing roles, consider extracting test cases into a module. For example:
module PreparerInterfaceTest
def test_implements_the_preparer_interface
assert_respond_to(@object, :prepare_trip)
class MechanicTest < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
include PreparerInterfaceTest
def setup
@mechanic = @object =
Shared tests in a module can also be used to test inherited classes.