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JavaScript for Impatient Programmers

Notes on JavaScript for Impatient Programmers by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer.

First Steps

Big Picture

Book covers JavaScript in web browser and Node. For references, use:


// single line comment
Multi-line comment

// booleans

// Numbers (single type for numbers)

// Strings

// assertions and console calls
assert.equal(7 + 1, 8);
console.log("Hello, World!");

// Operators
true && false // and
true || false // or
1 + 2 - 3 * 4 / 5 // math
"a" + "b" // "ab" string concat

// Comparison
3 < 4
3 <= 4
"abc" === "abc"
"abc" !== "def"

// Declaring Variables
let x; // declare mutable
x = 3 * 5; // assignment
let y = 3 * 5; // declare and assign
const z = 8; // declare immutable

// Conditional
if (x < 0) {
  x = -x;

// Functions
function add1(a, b) {
  return a + b;
add1(5, 2);

const add2 = (a, b) => { return a + b }; // body is code block
add2(5, 2);

const add3 = (a, b) => a + b; // body is an expression
add3(5, 2);

// Object Literal
const obj = {
  first: "Jane", // property
  last: "Doe",
  getFullName() { // property method
    return this.first + " " + this.last;
obj.first; // "Jane"
obj.getFullName(); // "Jane Doe"

// Arrays
const arr = ["a", "b", "c"];
arr[1]; // "b"
arr[1] = "β"; // setting

// Modules, each module is in its own file
// in file-tools.mjs:
export function isTextFilePath(filePath) {
  return filePath.endsWith(".txt");
// in main.mjs, importing:
import * as path from "path"; // import whole module as namespace object `path`
import {isTextFilePath} from "./file-tools.mjs"; // import single export

Legal characters for property names and variables are:

  • unicode A-Z, a-z, etc...
  • $
  • _
  • digits (0-9) (vars can't start with digit)

Casing styles:

  • camel case: threeConcatenatedWords
  • underscore case or snake case: three_concatenated_words
  • dash case or kebab case: three-concatenated-words

In general, use camel case except for constants. Start with lowercase letter for functions, variables, methods, and CSS. Use uppercase for classes, constants.

Variables/parameters that start with underscore usually aren't used. Properties that start with underscore tend to be private.

JavaScript has two modes: sloppy and strict. Sloppy is default in scripts. Strict is default in modules and classes. Putting 'use strict' as the first line of a script will switch modes. This can also be done as the first line of a function.


Browsers have developer consoles for a REPL. Use console.log(string) to print out to it.

Node has a REPL you can start with node. Use the same function to print to it.

The console.* API:

  • console.log(...values: any[]): void prints to stdout
  • console.log(pattern: string, ...values: any[]): void
  • console.error(... same as above ...) prints to stdout

Patterns can have placeholders, like:

console.log("Test: %s %j", 123, "abc");
console.log("%s %s", "abc", 123);
  • %s for strings
  • %o for object
  • %j for JSON
  • %% for a single "%"
  • use JSON.stringify() for printing nested objects


In Node:

import {strict as assert} from "assert";
assert.equal(3 + 5, 8);

Quick reference:

// normal equality
assert.equal(3+3, 6);
assert.notEqual(3+3, 22);

// deep equality
assert.deepEqual([1,2,3], [1,2,3]);
assert.notDeepEqual([1,2,3], [1,2]);

// exceptions
assert.throws(() => { null.prop; });
assert.throws(() => { null.prop; }, TypeError);
assert.throws(() => { null.prop; }, { name: "TypeError", message: "..." });
try {
} catch (_) {
  // Success

Variables and Values

Variables and Assignments

let is used for mutable variables, const for immutable ones. This only refers to binding, so the underlying object itself may be mutated.

const can be used with for-of loops, a new binding is created for each iteration:

const arr = ["hello", "world"];
for (const elem of arr) {

Plain loops must use let:

for (let i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {

Variables are block-scoped. You can't declare the same variable twice at the same level. If a new variable is declared with the same name, in an inner scope, it's said to shadow the outer one.

<script> tags do not create new scopes. A declared variable enters the global scope at the top most level. globalThis is a new feature that lets you access the global object. Older ways to access the global object include: window (doesn't work in Node or Web Workers), self (doesn't work in Node), or global (only works in Node).

It's recommended to leave off the global scope whenever possible, eg don't prefix with window..

Variables are scoped and activated. Scope means when an entity can be seen. Activated means when an entity can be accessed. const, let, function, class are all block scoped. import is module scoped. var is function scoped. const, let, clas are declaration activated. function and var are activated at start (eg variable hoisting).

Within a scope, there are bound and free variables. Bound variables are declared within it, parameters or local. Free are declared externally, also known as non-local variables.

A closure is a function plus a connection to the variables that exist at its birth place.

function funcFactory(value) {
  return () => {
    return value;

const func = funcFactory("abc");
assert.equal(func(), "abc");


JavaScript's type hierarchy:

  | (primitive)
     | undefined
     | null
     | boolean
     | number
     | string
     | symbol
  | (object)
     | Object
        | Array
        | Map
        | Set
        | Function
        | RegExp
        | Date

The specification only has seven types:

  1. undefined, where undefined is the only element
  2. null, where null is the only element
  3. boolean: true, false
  4. number: -123, 3.14, etc...
  5. string: "abc", etc...
  6. symbol: Symbol("My Symbol"), etc...
  7. object: all objects, but different from Object which is the type of all instances of class Object

Primitives are immutable, passed by value, and compared by value.

Objects are mutable (by default), passed by reference, and compared by reference.

typeof returns one of the seven types. instanceof tests if a value is of a given class.

ES6 introduced classes, before there were only constructor functions:


Operators coerce operands to appropriate values and mostly only work with primitive values.

"7" * "3" // 21
const obj = { "true": 123 };
obj[true] // 123
[1,2,3] + [4,5,6] // "1,2,34,5,6"

+ coerces operands to String (if any is a String) -- otherwise converts them to Numbers.

= initializes variable declarations or handles assignments. It can be used in a compound nature: +=.

==, != is for loose equality. It coerces operands. So [1,2,3] == "1,2,3" is true. It also considers undefined/null to be equal.

===, !== is for strict equality. It never coerces. It does not consider undefined/null to be equal. Recommendation is to always use strict, except for if you consider undefined/null equal OR want the coercion.

Comparison operators: <, <=, >, >=.

Comma operator: , - evaluates both expressions and returns the last one.

Primitive Values

undefined and null

undefined means not initialized or not existing (property on object).

null means intentional absence of any object value. JSON doesn't support undefined, only null.

To check for it:

if (x === null)
if (x === undefined)
if (x !== undefined && x !== nulll)
if (x) // truthy
if (!x) // falsy

For both, accessing properties will result in an TypeError exception.

If a function is called without an argument, the parameter value will be undefined.


boolean type has two values: true and false. You can convert with Boolean(value) or !!value.

x Boolean(x)
undefined false
null false
boolean value no change
number value 0/NaN -> false, otherwise -> true
string value "" -> false, otherwise -> true
object value always true

if(x) does a coercion on x, so truthy values will pass. It's equivalent to if (Boolean(value) === true).

Truthiness checks are imprecise. if (obj.prop) is skipped if no property exists, but also if prop has a falsy value like 0 or "".

To check if a property exists, use the in operator: if ("path" in fileDesc).

The conditional operator: <condition> ? <thenExpression> : <elseExpression>. Also called the ternary operator because it has three operands.

Logical and/or are: && and ||. ! is unary for not.


JavaScript only has floating point numbers. 98 === 98.0 is true.

Number literals can be expressed like:

0b11 // base 2, 3
0o10 // base 8, 8
35 // base 10, 35
0xE7 // base 16, 231

35.0 // 35
3e2 // 3x10^2

Accessing properties after an integer literal can be done by wrapping it in parenthesis (otherwise it's interpreted as a decimal dot). Eg (7).toString().

Math operators: +, -, *, /, %, ** (exponent), ++, --.

To coerce to a number, use Number(value) or +value. Avoid parseFloat(value).

x Number(x)
undefined NaN
null 0
boolean false -> 0, true -> 1
number no change
string "" -> 0, otherwise parsed number
object configurable via .valueOf()

NaN stands for not a number, but is of type number. Infinity is another number.


String literals are delimited by single/double quotes.

Special characters in strings: \n Unix line break, \r\n Windows line break, \t tab, \\ backslash.

Characters can be accessed via [] like str[1]. Conversion can be done via String(value) or ""+value or value.toString(). That last one doesn't work for undefined/null. An Object can define the toString() method to customize its string value.


Template literals use backticks:

`Count: ${num}!`

Tagged templates are template literals that follow a function. It leads to the function being called, with arguments derived from the contents of the template literal:

const getArgs = (...args) => args;
  getArgs`Count: ${5}!`,
  [["Count: ", "!"], 5]

String interpolation is done via ${}. Tagged templates can also receive a raw version (as opposed to the cooked version above):

function cookedRaw(templateStrings, ...subs) {
  return {
    cooked: [...templateStrings],
    raw: templateStrings.raw,

Use String.raw for raw literal strings where backslashes don't do anything. Backticks can be used for multi-line strings. Use the dedent function from standard library to dedent lines.


Symbols are created via Symbol(). They're used for values for constants or unique property keys.

const COLOR_BLUE = "Blue";
const MOOD_BLUE = "Blue";
assert.equal(COLOR_BLUE, MOOD_BLUE); // not what we want

const COLOR_BLUE = Symbol("Blue");
const MOOD_BLUE = Symbol("Blue");
assert.notEqual(COLOR_BLUE, MOOD_BLUE);

Meta-level keys can be used so they don't interfere with base-level properties:

const specialMethod = Symbol("specialMethod");
const obj = {
  _id: "kf12oi",
  [specialMethod]() {
    return this._id;

Control Flow and Data Flow


if checks if a value is truthy and executes a block if it is. Can be chained with else and else if.

switch has a body with case clauses and an optional default clause. Don't forget the return or break, because case clauses will continue further until explicitly stopped. This works well with empty case clauses.

break and continue can be used to stop a loop or skip to the next iteration. Breaks can be labeled:

foo: { // label
  if (condition) break foo; // back to label

while, do while, for iterate just like other imperative languages.

for of iterates over an iterable (something that supports the iteration protocol). You can also use [index, element] entries for Arrays: for (const [index, elem] of arr.entries()).

for await of works with async iterables: for await (const item of asyncIterable).

for in should be avoided. It's used to access object keys, but it's almost always better to just use for (const key of Object.keys(obj)).

Exception Handling

throw works like throw new Error("Problem!). You can subclass and create your own errors:

class MyError extends Error {
function func() {
  throw new MyError("Problem!");

Exception handling works like:

try {
  // try statements
} catch (error) {
  // catch statements
} finally {
  // finally statements

Callable Values

Ordinary function can be: function, method, constructor.

There are specialized functions: arrow function can only be a function, method can only be a method, class can only be a constructor function.

A real function is invoked via a function call, a method is stored on a property, and constructor is invoked via new.

Ordinary functions:

function ordinary(a, b, c) {
  // ...
const ordinary = function(a, b, c) {
  // ...
const ordinary = function name(a, b, c) {
  // name accessible here ...

Specialized functions:

const arrow = () => { return 123 };
const obj = { method() { return "abc" } };
class MyClass { }
const instance = new MyClass();

Whereas ordinary functions can be anything, the other three are specialized. Arrow functions this is lexical, which is defined by its surroundings. A method's this is undefined when used as a regular function call. Recommendation is to prefer specialized functions when possible. If you don't use this, ordinary and arrow functions are mostly the same.

Arrow functions were introduced for: being concise, being able to access the this outside of its scope. When an ordinary function is defined, this will always be the instance of the object it belongs to. For arrow functions, this has the previous value before the arrow function's definition.

Arrow functions:

const f = function (x, y, z) { return 123 };
const f = (x, y, z) => { return 123 };
const f = (x, y, z) => 123;
const id = x => x; // single parameter can omit parenthesis
[1,2,3].map(x => x+1);

const func1 = () => ({a: 1}); // returning object literal requires parenthesis though, otherwise
                              // it's interpreted as a code block with break label "a"

JavaScript doesn't complain if a function receives too few or too many arguments. Extra arguments are ignored. Missing parameters are undefined.

You can set defaults: function f(x, y=0).

You can set variable number of arguments: function f(x, ...y) where y becomes an array. Using ... in a function call spreads an array into multiple arguments.

JavaScript doesn't have named parameters, but can be simulated via object literals.




// Named exports
export function f() {}
export const one = 1;
export {foo, b as bar};

// Default exports
export default function f() {}
export default 123;

// Re-exporting
export * from "./some-module.mjs";
export {foo, b as bar} from "./some-module.mjs";


// Named imports
import {foo, bar as b} from "./some-modules.mjs";
// Namespace import
import * as someModule from "./some-module.mjs";
// Default import
import someModule from "./some-module.mjs";

// Combinations:
import someModule, * as someModule from "./some-module.mjs";
import someModule, {foo, bar as b} from "./some-module.mjs";

// Empty import (For modules with side effects)
import "./some-module.mjs";
  • scripts are code fragments that browsers run in global scope
  • CommonJS modules are a format mainly used on servers
  • AMD modules are mainly used in browsers
  • ECMAScript modules are JavaScript's built-in module formats, use this when possible

Each module can have exactly one default export. A module can have both named and default exports, but the author recommends sticking to one style per module.

While you can prefix export default to function and class definitions, you cannot prefix it to const. This is because a const can have multiple values: const foo = 1, bar = 2, baz = 3.

npm is the package manager for Node. It installs packages to node_modules/ directory. Bundling tools let you use it on the frontend.

Single Objects

Objects have a set of properties. They're used as records and dictionaries in JavaScript. Maps are usually better for dictionaries.

const jane = {
  first: "Jane",
  last: "Doe"
const first = "Jane", last = "Doe";
const jane = { first, last };

jane.first; // "Jane"
jane.last = "Smith";
jane.last; // "Smith"

const jane = {
  // ...
  says(text) {
    return `${this.first} says "${text}"`;
  get full() {
    return `${this.first} ${this.last}`;
  set full(fullName) {
    const parts = fullName.split(" ");
    this.first = parts[0];
    this.last = parts[1];
jane.fullName; // Jane Doe
jane.fullName = "Jane Smith";

Object literal features also include spreading and destructuring:

const obj = {foo: 1, bar: 2};
{...obj, baz: 3}; // {foo:1, bar:2, baz:3}

It's common to use spreading to shallow copy objects: const copy = {...original};.

It's common to use spreading for default values: const data = {...DEFAULTS, ...providedData}. The second spread overrides the first. It can also be used as a non-destructive merge.

You can use .call() to specify a custom this value:, arg1, arg2).

bind lets you bind a this value and arguments.

Computed property keys can be set via []: const obj = {["Hello World!"]: true};

There are pitfalls. in also gets inherited properties, like __proto__. Whenever you can, use Maps instead. If you can't, use an object without prototype.

Prototype Chains and Classes

JavaScript objects have all and own properties. All properties include inherited ones.

const proto = {
  protoProp: "a"
const obj = {
  __proto__: proto,
  objProp: "b"
Object.keys(obj); // ["objProp"]
obj.protoProp = "x";
Object.keys(obj); // ["objProp", "protoProp"]
proto.protoProp === "a";
obj.protoProp === "x";

Classes are a compact syntax for setting up prototype chains:

class Person {
  constructor(name) { = name;
  describe() {
    return "Person named " +;
const jane = new Person("Jane");
const tarzan = new Person("Tarzan");
jane.describe(); // Person named Jane
tarzane.describe(); // Person named Tarzan

Classes can also be expressions: const Person = class { ... };.

Under the hood, jane.__proto__ points to the Person prototype, which has a constructor function that is Person(). That's why typeof(Person) === "function". __proto__ is a pseudo property for accessing the prototype of an object. Person.prototype points to the prototype of all instances of Person.

Classes can have static properties:

class Bar {
  static staticMethod() {
    return "staticMethod";
  static get staticGetter() {
    return "staticGetter";

Classes can subclass via the extends keyword.

JavaScript only supports single inheritance, but there is a mixin technique:

const S1 = (Sup) => class extends Sup { /*...*/ };
const S2 = (Sup) => class extends Sup { /*...*/ };
class C extends S2(S1(Object)) {
  /* ... */


Synchronous Iteration

The type definitions for iteration (in Typescript):

interface Iterable<T> {
  [Symbol.iterator]() : Iterator<T>
interface Iterator<T> {
  next() : IteratorResult<T>;
interface IteratorResult<T> {
  value: T;
  done: boolean;

const iterable = ["a", "b"];
const iterator = iterable[Symbol.iterator]();
function logAll(iterable) {
  const iterator = iterable[Symbol.iterator]();
  while (true) {
    const {value, done} =;
    if (done) break;

Conforming to the protocol lets the object be used in for of loops.


Arrays are used as tuples and sequences.

const arr = ["a", "b", "c"];
arr[0]; // "a"
arr.length; // 3
arr; // ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
arr.length = 1;
arr; // ["a"]
[...arr.keys()]; // [0]
[...arr.entries()]; // [[0,0]] index/value pairs

const iterable = ["b", "c"];
["a", ...iterable, "d"]; // ["a", "b", "c", "d"]

Iterate over an Array using for of. You can usually convert an Array-like object to an Array using Array.from().

Maps & WeakMaps

To create a Map:

new Map();
new Map([
  [1, "one"],
  [2, "two"],
  [3, "three"]
new Map()
  .set(1, "one")
  .set(2, "two")
  .set(3, "three");

Copies can be created via new Map(originalMap).

set() and get() can be used to set/get values. has() checks to see if key is present. delete() removes an entry. clear() removes everything. .size returns the number of entries. entries()/keys()/values() returns an iterator.

WeakMaps have the following differences: they're black boxes where value can only be accessed if you have the WeakMap and key, keys are weakly held (a key can still be garbage collected).

You can't iterate or loop over keys, values, or entries. You can't compute the size. You can't clear it. All WeakMap keys must be objects.

WeakMaps are useful for caches and private data in Classes.

Sets & WeakSets

Sets contain arbitrary values and can perform membership checks quickly.

new Set();
new Set(["red", "green", "blue"]);

Use add() to add an element. has() checks for membership. delete() removes an element. .size returns number of elements. clear() removes all elements. Sets are iterable. Sets use === to compare elements, so two objects are never considered equal. Example:

set.size; // 1
set.size; // 2

Set unions can be done via spreading: new Set([...a, ...b]). Intersection can be done via filtering: new Set([...a].filter(x => b.has(x))). Difference can also be done via filtering: new Set([...a].filter(x => !b.has(x))).

To use map, first convert the Set to an array: [...set].map(x => x * 2). Same with filter.

WeakSets are similar to WeakMaps. It's useful to mark/tag objects.


Object destructuring lets you batch extract values:

const address = {
  street: "Evergreen Terrace",
  number: "742",
  city: "Springfield",
  state: "NT",
  zip: "49007"
const { street: s, city: c } = address;
s; // "Evergreen Terrace"
c; // "Springfield"
const { 0: x, 2: y } = ["a", "b", "c"]; // index
const { street, city } = address; // short-hand
const { street, ...remaining } = address; // rest
const { missing, ...remaining } = address; // missing is undefined

Array destructuring works too:

const [x,y] = ["a", "b"];
const [, x, y] = ["a", "b", "c"]; // skips "a"
const [x, y, ...remaining] = ["a", "b", "c", "d"];
// works with any iterable

You can't destructure null or undefined. You can't Array-destructure non-iterable values.


Async Programming

Tasks are functions that are executed sequentially in a single process:

while (true) {
  const task = taskQueue.dequeue();

The above is an event loop that adds tasks to the queue. We used to use a lot of callbacks in JavaScript. Promises are a pattern that makes callbacks easier and is a mechanism for async functions:

dividePromise(12, 3)
  .then(result => assert.equal(result, 4))
  .catch(err =>

Async functions are a better syntax for promises:

async function main() {
  try {
    const result = await dividePromise(12, 3);
    assert.equal(result, 4);
  } catch (error) {;

By default, JavaScript runs in a single process called the event loop. It sequentially executes tasks. Task sources (such as the one taking care of UI events) access the queue. The event loop also accesses the queue.

You can avoid blocking the browser by making operations asynchronous. Also perform long computations in a separate process via Web Workers. Also take breaks during long computations.

Breaks can be taken via setTimeout and clearTimeout. JavaScript makes a guarantee: tasks are run to completion before next task is executed.

The patterns for async programming are: events, callbacks, and promises. Events are usually callbacks assigned to specific identifiers, such as onsuccess or onerror. The DOM uses this with event listeners.


Implementing a promise:

function addAsync(x, y) {
  return new Promise(
    (resolve, reject) => {
      if (x === undefined || y === undefined) {
        reject(new Error("Must provide two parameters"));
      } else {
        resolve(x + y);

A promise has three states: pending, fulfilled, or rejected. It protects us from race conditions. then() and catch() callbacks are only executed once the promise is settled. It's possible for a promise to never be settled.

Promise.resolve() creates a fulfilled promise with the given value. Promise.reject() creates a rejected promise.

.then() returns a fresh Promise. It can return a non-promise value (which means success) or it can return another Promise. It can throw an error, which can be caught via .catch() in a chained call. .catch() is triggered by rejections. Both always returns Promises.

  .then(result1 => { return asyncFunction2() })
  .then(result2 => { ... })
  .catch(error => { /* handle error from both thens */ });

Async Functions

Promises are the foundation of async functions.

async function fetchJsonAsync(url) {
  try {
    const request = await fetch(url); // async
    const text = await request.text(); // async
    return JSON.parse(text); // sync
  } catch (error) {;

Is the same as:

function fetchJsonViaPromises(url) {
  return fetch(url)
    .then(request => request.text()) //async
    .then(text => JSON.parse(text)) // sync
    .catch(error => {;

Prefix a function call with await operator when a value is a Promise. The operator pauses the async function and resumes once the Promise is settled. The result of an async function is always a Promise.

async function func1() {}
async func2 = async function() {};
const func3 = async () => {};
const obj = { async m() {} );
class MyClass { async m() {} }

Async functions always return a Promise. The return value will be implicitly wrapped. A thrown exception will be a rejected Promise. If a Promise is explicitly returned, it will not be wrapped.

Use Promise.all if you need to nest async calls.

You don't need to use await if you want to fire and forget, for example if you want to start an async operation but don't care about the result.