- config - The config block controls a device's intended behavior. Config Documentation
- events_discovery - Discovery result with implicit discovery
- events_pointset - A set of points reporting telemetry data. Pointset Events Documentation
- events_system - Used for system events such as logging. System Event Documentation
- events_udmi - Used for udmi events such as logging.
- state - State message, defined by [
- metadata - Metadata is a description about the device: a specification about how the device should be configured and expectations about what the device should be doing. Defined by
- site_metadata
- configuration_endpoint - Parameters to define a message endpoint
- commands_discovery - Discovery command for provisioning
- commands_mapping - Mapping command for provisioning
- config_mapping - Configuration for mapping
- configuration_execution - Parameters for configuring the execution run of a UDMI tool
- configuration_pod - Parameters for configuring the execution run of a UDMIS pod
- configuration_pubber - Parameters to define a pubber runtime instance
- data_template - Information container for simple template substitution.
- events - Container object for all event schemas, not directly used.
- events_mapping - Mapping result with implicit enumeration
- events_validation - Validation device result
- monitoring - Output from UDMIS monitoring
- persistent_device - Device persistent data
- properties
- query_cloud - Information specific to how the device communicates with the cloud.
- state_mapping - State for mapping
- state_validation - Validation state summary