Some high-level learning materials that walk through some of the UDMI basics:
- UDMI overview: Overview of UDMI principles and the importance of the site model. Provides instructions for downloading the necessary UDMI tools.
- Cloud setup: Demonstrates how to set up a UDMI cloud infrastructure, and includes topics such as creating an IoT registry and establishing Pub/Sub topics and subscriptions.
- Site model and device-to-cloud basics: Reviews how to set up a UDMI site model and use it to register devices to the cloud.
- Live programmatic validation: Demonstrates how to validate UDMI data at small and large scales. Explores how to use the pubber tool.
- IoT gateways: Explores what UDMI gateways are and how they can be used to connect legacy devices to the cloud.
- Sequences: Looks at using sequences, series of events and messages, to test devices and confirm that they are operating correctly.