Now we want to add a swipe forced refresh.
Note that, I'm not sure how to use newsapi
to ask for specific / new items. That's why I am gonna
delete the existing data from my app. But I suppose in production, one should properly check and request
for just the necessary portions of data. So suppose, I have the news from id = 1234 to id = 2345, or maybe
greatest timestamp = todat 10:00 am. Then I should ask the api to give me news with id > 2345 or timestamp
10:00 am, things like that.
That being said, to refesh news, first put your recyclerView inside a SwipeRefreshLayout
. Next in
your main activity, add this:
swipeRefreshLayout = findViewById(;
swipeRefreshLayout.setOnRefreshListener(SwipeRefreshLayout.OnRefreshListener {
// todo: refresh
swipeRefreshLayout.isRefreshing = false;
Now go to the NewsRepository.kt
file and add:
fun forcedRefresh() {
val handlerThread = HandlerThread("dbHandlerThread");
val looper = handlerThread.looper;
val handler = Handler(looper); {
newsBoundaryCallback?.pageNumber = 1L;
var dataSource = datasourceFactory.create();
There are some other changes, such as converting some local variables into private fields, and some private fields into public ones for convenience.