Please email us (Evolgenius Team) if you have any questions; attach your datasets and trees if necessary.
Dot plot is a variant of Bar chart, therefore a dataset for Bar charts can be used directly.
- overview
- modifiers
- the !dotplots modifier
- strokes
- show data values
- hide some values
- customise column label styles
- examples
- add dotplots to collapsed trees
Let's see some examples: The tree:
... and an example dataset:
##dot plots
!groups dot 1,dot 2,dot 3
!colors #028482,#7ABA7A,yellow
!title Example of dot plot
# -- legends --
!legendstyle circle
!showLegends 1
## -- if !scalebycol is set to 1, each column of data will be scaled independently
!scalebycol 0
!byarea 1
# ---- grid and grid label / group label are also supported --
!grid 1
!gridlabel 1
# stroke and stroke color also work here
!defaultStrokeColor pink
#!defaultStrokeWidth 2
# here shape can be 'rect' or 'circle'; roundedcorner only applies to 'rect' shapes ...
!dotplots shape=circle,margin=2,colwidth=30,roundedcorner=3
## -- show data value works at here as well --
!showdataValue show=1,fontsize=12,fontcolor=black
A 8,13,5
B 10,20,20
C 8,9,7
D 20,20,20
By default, data are represented by dots / filled circles; however they could be alternatively represented by rectangular:
##dot plots
!groups dot 1,dot 2,dot 3
!colors #028482,#7ABA7A,yellow
!title Example of dot plot
!legendstyle rect
!showLegends 1
!byarea 1
!grid 1
!gridlabel 1
!defaultStrokeColor pink
#!defaultStrokeWidth 2
!dotplots shape=rect,margin=2,colwidth=30,roundedcorner=3
!showdataValue show=1,fontsize=12,fontitalic=0,textalign=start,fontcolor=black
A 8,13,5
B 10,20,20
C 8,9,7
D 20,20,20A 8,13,5
B 10,20,20
C 8,9,7
D 20,20,20
The following 'modifiers' (Key-Value pairs) are supported for dot plots:
Key (case insensitive) | Value | Description |
universal modifiers | ||
!Groups or !LegendText | comma separated text | Legend texts; for example 'group_a,group_b,group_c' |
!LegendStyle or !Style | rect or circle or star | shapes to be plotted before the legend texts; default = rect |
!LegendColors or !Colors | comma separated color codes or names | colors to be applied to the shapes specified by LegendStyle; for example 'red,green,yellow' ; note the number of colors should match the number of legend fields |
!Title or !Legend | text | title of the legend; default = name of the dataset |
!ShowLegends | 0 or 1 | 0 : hide legends; 1 : show legends |
!opacity | float number between 0 to 1 | opacity of the dataset |
modifiers shared with Bar Charts | modifiers that apply to both Bar Charts and Dot Plots | |
!grid | none | show a background grid |
!gridlabel or !axis | none | show grid labels (note: does not work in circular modes |
!defaultStrokeWidth | any value >= 0 | stroke width that applies to both legends and the chart |
!defaultStrokeColor | any valid color name such as red and yellow and html hex color such as #FF00FF | stroke color that applies to both legends and the chart; see more about stroke colors; also see the section below |
dot plots specific | ||
!scalebycol | none | scale the data by column, i.e. the max value in a column will take the maximum plot width of a column; default is to scale by the maximum of all data |
other modifiers | ||
!dotplots | see section below for more details | |
!showdataValue | see section show data value for more details | |
!columnLabelStyle | tweak column label styles; see 'column label style' below for detail |
notes on preparing your datasets!!
- please always use TAB to separate the modifiers and their values.
- if a modifier is used (accidentally) multiple tiles, only the last one will be used.
- the "data" part of this dataset can only contain two columns of tab-delimited texts; the third column, if presents, will be ignored
- please also always use TAB to separate the columns in the data section.
The 'value' of the modifier !dotplots can be any combination of the following, separated by a ",":
key | alternative value | description |
shape = circle | rect | shape of the dot plots; default is circle |
colwidth=30 | any integer > 0 | set pixel width per column ; optional; default = 20 |
margin=2 | any integer >= 0 | set pixel space between columns; optional; default = 0 |
roundedcorner=1 | any integer >= 0 | set rounded corner in pixels for rectangular; valid when shape=rect; optional, default = 0 |
User can choose different stroke colors for different columns using the modifier !colors; for example, by simply changing the value of !colors to :
For example:
##dot plots
!groups dot 1,dot 2,dot 3
## -- set stroke color --
!colors #028482:blue,#7ABA7A:gold,#B76EB8:darkgrey
## -- set stroke width to 2 --
#!defaultStrokeColor pink
!defaultStrokeWidth 2
!title Example of dot plot
!legendstyle circle
!showLegends 1
!byarea 1
!grid 1
!gridlabel 1
!dotplots shape=circle,margin=2,colwidth=30,roundedcorner=3
!showdataValue show=1,fontsize=12,fontcolor=white
A 8,13,5
B 10,20,20
C 8,9,7
D 20,20,20
The 'value' of the modifier !showdataValue can be any combination of the following, separated by a ",":
key | alternative value | description |
show = 1 | 0 | show or hide data values; optional; the data values will be shown if omitted |
fontsize=12 | any integer | set font size; optional; default = 10 |
fontcolor=red | any value color name | set text color; optional; default = 'black' or 'white' depending on the background color |
fontitalic=1 | 0 | set font italic; optional; default = 0 |
valuesToHide=value1, or valuesToHide=value1:value2 | any number(s) | specify a single value to hide, e.g. valuesToHide=9, or a range of values to hide, e.g. valuesToHide=0.5:10 (inclusive). Default is to hide none |
NOTE: when 'fontcolor' is omitted, the default font color will be either 'black' or 'white' depending the background color, for example:
!groups dot 1,dot 2,dot 3
!colors #028482,#7ABA7A,yellow
!title Example of dot plot
!legendstyle circle
!showLegends 1
!byarea 1
!grid 1
!gridlabel 1
!defaultStrokeColor pink
!dotplots shape=circle,margin=2,colwidth=30,roundedcorner=3
!showdataValue show=1,fontsize=12,fontitalic=0,textalign=start
A 8,13,5
B 10,20,20
C 8,9,7
D 20,20,20
The purpose here is to ensure the readability of the texts on any background colors.
In this particular case, if we force the text color to 'white':
!groups dot 1,dot 2,dot 3
!colors #028482,#7ABA7A,yellow
!title Example of dot plot
!legendstyle circle
!showLegends 1
!byarea 1
!grid 1
!gridlabel 1
!defaultStrokeColor pink
!dotplots shape=circle,margin=2,colwidth=30,roundedcorner=3
!showdataValue show=1,fontsize=12,fontcolor=white
A 8,13,5
B 10,20,20
C 8,9,7
D 20,20,20
... the texts of the 3rd column where the background color is yellow are unreadable:
Now we are going to hide values from 5 to 9 (inclusive):
!groups dot 1,dot 2,dot 3
!colors #028482,#7ABA7A,yellow
!title Example of dot plot
!legendstyle circle
!showLegends 1
!byarea 1
!grid 1
!gridlabel 1
!defaultStrokeColor pink
!dotplots shape=circle,margin=2,colwidth=30,roundedcorner=3
!showdataValue show=1,fontsize=12,fontitalic=0,textalign=start,valuesToHide=5:9
A 8,13,5
B 10,20,20
C 8,9,7
D 20,20,20
NOTE: modifier !columnLabelStyle is also supported by heatmap. The 'value' of the modifier !columnLabelStyle can be any combination of the following, separated by a ","; for example:
key | alternative valu | description |
show = 1 | 0 | show or hide data values; optional; if omitted, the column lables will be shown |
fontsize=12 | any integer | set font size; optional; default = 10 |
fontcolor=red | any value color name | set text color for all labels; optional; default = colors matching the corresponding columns |
fontitalic=1 | 0 | set font italic; optional; default = 0 |
fontbold=1 | 0 | set font weight to bold; optional; default = 0 |
textangle=-60 | any number(s) | set rotation angle; optional, default = -60 |
Here is an example:
##dot plots
!groups dot 1,dot 2,dot 3
## -- set stroke color --
!colors #028482:blue,#7ABA7A:gold,#B76EB8:darkgrey
## -- set stroke width to 2 --
#!defaultStrokeColor pink
!defaultStrokeWidth 2
!title Example of dot plot
!legendstyle circle
!showLegends 1
!byarea 1
!grid 1
!gridlabel 1
!dotplots shape=circle,margin=2,colwidth=30,roundedcorner=3
!showdataValue show=1,fontsize=12,fontcolor=white,valuestohide=5:9
!columLabelStyle show=1,fontsize=14,fontbold=1,textangle=60
A 8,13,5
B 10,20,20
C 8,9,7
D 20,20,20
More examples will be added.
Evolview supports collapsing at internal nodes; collapsed nodes are treated as leaf nodes. It is therefore very straightforward to add dot plots to a collapsed tree. See here for more information.