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executable file
296 lines (250 loc) · 10.2 KB

Please email us (Evolgenius Team) if you have any questions; attach your datasets and trees if necessary.

Dot plots

Dot plot is a variant of Bar chart, therefore a dataset for Bar charts can be used directly.

Table of contents


Let's see some examples: The tree:


... and an example dataset:

##dot plots
!groups	dot 1,dot 2,dot 3
!colors	#028482,#7ABA7A,yellow
!title	Example of dot plot
# -- legends --
!legendstyle	circle
!showLegends	1
## -- if !scalebycol is set to 1, each column of data will be scaled independently
!scalebycol	0
!byarea	1
# ---- grid and grid label / group label are also supported --
!grid	1
!gridlabel	1
# stroke and stroke color also work here
!defaultStrokeColor	pink
#!defaultStrokeWidth	2
# here shape can be 'rect' or 'circle'; roundedcorner only applies to 'rect' shapes ...
!dotplots	shape=circle,margin=2,colwidth=30,roundedcorner=3
## -- show data value works at here as well --
!showdataValue	show=1,fontsize=12,fontcolor=black
A	8,13,5
B	10,20,20
C	8,9,7
D	20,20,20

By default, data are represented by dots / filled circles; however they could be alternatively represented by rectangular:

##dot plots
!groups	dot 1,dot 2,dot 3
!colors	#028482,#7ABA7A,yellow
!title	Example of dot plot
!legendstyle	rect
!showLegends	1
!byarea	1
!grid	1
!gridlabel	1
!defaultStrokeColor	pink
#!defaultStrokeWidth	2
!dotplots	shape=rect,margin=2,colwidth=30,roundedcorner=3
!showdataValue	show=1,fontsize=12,fontitalic=0,textalign=start,fontcolor=black
A	8,13,5
B	10,20,20
C	8,9,7
D	20,20,20A	8,13,5
B	10,20,20
C	8,9,7
D	20,20,20

Supported modifiers

The following 'modifiers' (Key-Value pairs) are supported for dot plots:

Key (case insensitive) Value Description
universal modifiers
!Groups or !LegendText comma separated text Legend texts; for example 'group_a,group_b,group_c'
!LegendStyle or !Style rect or circle or star shapes to be plotted before the legend texts; default = rect
!LegendColors or !Colors comma separated color codes or names colors to be applied to the shapes specified by LegendStyle; for example 'red,green,yellow' ; note the number of colors should match the number of legend fields
!Title or !Legend text title of the legend; default = name of the dataset
!ShowLegends 0 or 1 0 : hide legends; 1 : show legends
!opacity float number between 0 to 1 opacity of the dataset
modifiers shared with Bar Charts modifiers that apply to both Bar Charts and Dot Plots
!grid none show a background grid
!gridlabel or !axis none show grid labels (note: does not work in circular modes
!defaultStrokeWidth any value >= 0 stroke width that applies to both legends and the chart
!defaultStrokeColor any valid color name such as red and yellow and html hex color such as #FF00FF stroke color that applies to both legends and the chart; see more about stroke colors; also see the section below
dot plots specific
!scalebycol none scale the data by column, i.e. the max value in a column will take the maximum plot width of a column; default is to scale by the maximum of all data
other modifiers
!dotplots see section below for more details
!showdataValue see section show data value for more details
!columnLabelStyle tweak column label styles; see 'column label style' below for detail

notes on preparing your datasets!!

  1. please always use TAB to separate the modifiers and their values.
  2. if a modifier is used (accidentally) multiple tiles, only the last one will be used.
  3. the "data" part of this dataset can only contain two columns of tab-delimited texts; the third column, if presents, will be ignored
  4. please also always use TAB to separate the columns in the data section.

The !dotplots modifier

The 'value' of the modifier !dotplots can be any combination of the following, separated by a ",":

key alternative value description
shape = circle rect shape of the dot plots; default is circle
colwidth=30 any integer > 0 set pixel width per column ; optional; default = 20
margin=2 any integer >= 0 set pixel space between columns; optional; default = 0
roundedcorner=1 any integer >= 0 set rounded corner in pixels for rectangular; valid when shape=rect; optional, default = 0


User can choose different stroke colors for different columns using the modifier !colors; for example, by simply changing the value of !colors to :


For example:

##dot plots
!groups	dot 1,dot 2,dot 3
## -- set stroke color --
!colors	#028482:blue,#7ABA7A:gold,#B76EB8:darkgrey
## -- set stroke width to 2 --
#!defaultStrokeColor	pink
!defaultStrokeWidth	2
!title	Example of dot plot
!legendstyle	circle
!showLegends	1
!byarea	1
!grid	1
!gridlabel	1
!dotplots	shape=circle,margin=2,colwidth=30,roundedcorner=3
!showdataValue	show=1,fontsize=12,fontcolor=white
A	8,13,5
B	10,20,20
C	8,9,7
D	20,20,20

Show data value

The 'value' of the modifier !showdataValue can be any combination of the following, separated by a ",":

key alternative value description
show = 1 0 show or hide data values; optional; the data values will be shown if omitted
fontsize=12 any integer set font size; optional; default = 10
fontcolor=red any value color name set text color; optional; default = 'black' or 'white' depending on the background color
fontitalic=1 0 set font italic; optional; default = 0
valuesToHide=value1, or valuesToHide=value1:value2 any number(s) specify a single value to hide, e.g. valuesToHide=9, or a range of values to hide, e.g. valuesToHide=0.5:10 (inclusive). Default is to hide none

NOTE: when 'fontcolor' is omitted, the default font color will be either 'black' or 'white' depending the background color, for example:

!groups	dot 1,dot 2,dot 3
!colors	#028482,#7ABA7A,yellow
!title	Example of dot plot
!legendstyle	circle
!showLegends	1
!byarea	1
!grid	1
!gridlabel	1
!defaultStrokeColor	pink
!dotplots	shape=circle,margin=2,colwidth=30,roundedcorner=3
!showdataValue	show=1,fontsize=12,fontitalic=0,textalign=start
A	8,13,5
B	10,20,20
C	8,9,7
D	20,20,20

The purpose here is to ensure the readability of the texts on any background colors.

In this particular case, if we force the text color to 'white':

!groups	dot 1,dot 2,dot 3
!colors	#028482,#7ABA7A,yellow
!title	Example of dot plot
!legendstyle	circle
!showLegends	1
!byarea	1
!grid	1
!gridlabel	1
!defaultStrokeColor	pink
!dotplots	shape=circle,margin=2,colwidth=30,roundedcorner=3
!showdataValue	show=1,fontsize=12,fontcolor=white
A	8,13,5
B	10,20,20
C	8,9,7
D	20,20,20

... the texts of the 3rd column where the background color is yellow are unreadable:

Hide a value or a range of values

Now we are going to hide values from 5 to 9 (inclusive):

!groups	dot 1,dot 2,dot 3
!colors	#028482,#7ABA7A,yellow
!title	Example of dot plot
!legendstyle	circle
!showLegends	1
!byarea	1
!grid	1
!gridlabel	1
!defaultStrokeColor	pink
!dotplots	shape=circle,margin=2,colwidth=30,roundedcorner=3
!showdataValue	show=1,fontsize=12,fontitalic=0,textalign=start,valuesToHide=5:9
A	8,13,5
B	10,20,20
C	8,9,7
D	20,20,20

Customise column label styles

NOTE: modifier !columnLabelStyle is also supported by heatmap. The 'value' of the modifier !columnLabelStyle can be any combination of the following, separated by a ","; for example:

key alternative valu description
show = 1 0 show or hide data values; optional; if omitted, the column lables will be shown
fontsize=12 any integer set font size; optional; default = 10
fontcolor=red any value color name set text color for all labels; optional; default = colors matching the corresponding columns
fontitalic=1 0 set font italic; optional; default = 0
fontbold=1 0 set font weight to bold; optional; default = 0
textangle=-60 any number(s) set rotation angle; optional, default = -60

Here is an example:

##dot plots
!groups	dot 1,dot 2,dot 3
## -- set stroke color --
!colors	#028482:blue,#7ABA7A:gold,#B76EB8:darkgrey
## -- set stroke width to 2 --
#!defaultStrokeColor	pink
!defaultStrokeWidth	2
!title	Example of dot plot
!legendstyle	circle
!showLegends	1
!byarea	1
!grid	1
!gridlabel	1
!dotplots	shape=circle,margin=2,colwidth=30,roundedcorner=3
!showdataValue	show=1,fontsize=12,fontcolor=white,valuestohide=5:9

!columLabelStyle	show=1,fontsize=14,fontbold=1,textangle=60

A	8,13,5
B	10,20,20
C	8,9,7
D	20,20,20


More examples will be added.

Add dotplots to collapsed trees

Evolview supports collapsing at internal nodes; collapsed nodes are treated as leaf nodes. It is therefore very straightforward to add dot plots to a collapsed tree. See here for more information.

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