Analysts meander the web trying to find quality, real-time data to assist in their decision making processes. It's time consuming and effortful. You could pay $20,000 for a Bloomberg terminal or you could create your own, and that's what we did!
We created a dashboard which displays an overview of various financial instruments and data.
- The Macro tab displays charts on Debt/GDP ratio, Dow/Gold ratio, Gold/Silver ratio, Real estate/Gold, Gold/Monetary base, S&P/Real estate, ISM manufacturing index, Unemployment, Commodities, CPI, Retail Sales, Velocity, Yield curve, Dollar index (DXY), Cryptocurrencies, Global bond yields, exchange rates and commodity prices.
- The Micro tab tab provides company information, financial ratios, and other key metrics for the equity specified by the user.
- The ML/AI tab returns company stock price information and predicts volatility and stock price movement.
See requirements.txt file.
All visualizations were built with Plotly and deployed with Dash. Ngrok was used to connect the localhost server to a public URL. Ngrok creates a public URL from the dash local server.
- FredAPI
- Alpha Vantage API
- Yahoo Finance API
- Financial Modeling Prep API
- Tensorflow
- Scikit Learn
- Dash
- Beautiful Soup
- Plotly - Primary visualization library
- ngrok
Notes for Micro Tab
- Please enter only 1 ticker every 60 seconds. Due to API call limits it only allows for 1 ticker every minute.
- Only the first 5 charts will be updated
Notes for the AI ML TAB
- SPY, DJIA, NSAQ are fixed graphs with rolling 30 day pct changes. These graphs will not change given the ticker symbol, only the bottom 2 graphs change.
- Every time you enter a new ticker please allow a few seconds for the machine learning model to run and update the corresponding Forecast Plot
- For full sized videos checkout the Videos directory.