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Controlled vocabularies

The datasets published in this repository make use of the controlled vocabularies listed below.

An RDF dump of these controlled vocabularies is available in this folder, with the exception of the IANA Media Types, for which there is no official RDF representation.

Prefix Namespace URI
Vocabulary name Vocabulary URI Used in dataset
EU Vocabularies Address Type NAL op-aut:address-type MEPs
EU Vocabularies Corporate Bodies NAL op-aut:corporate-body Adopted texts, Parliamentary questions, Plenary documents, Plenary session documents
EU Vocabularies Corporate Body Classification NAL op-aut:corporate-body-classification Corporate bodies, MEPs
EU Vocabularies Countries NAL op-aut:country Calendar, Corporate bodies, MEPs
EU Vocabularies Events NAL op-aut:event Adopted texts, Calendar, Parliamentary questions, Plenary documents
EU Vocabularies File Types NAL op-aut:file-type Adopted texts, Parliamentary questions, Plenary documents, Plenary session documents
EU Vocabularies Honorifics NAL op-aut:honorific MEPs
EU Vocabularies Human Sexes NAL op-aut:human-sex MEPs
EU Vocabularies Places NAL op-aut:place Calendar
EU Vocabularies Resource Types NAL op-aut:resource-type Adopted texts, Calendar, Parliamentary questions, Plenary documents, Plenary session documents
EU Vocabularies Roles NAL op-aut:role Adopted texts, MEPs, Parliamentary questions, Plenary documents
EU Vocabularies Sites NAL op-aut:site Calendar, MEPs
IANA Media Types iana:media-types Adopted texts, Parliamentary questions, Plenary documents, Plenary session documents