+ |
+ Adopted texts dataset description+ |
Prefix | +Namespace | +
dcterms | +http://purl.org/dc/terms/ | +
eli | +http://data.europa.eu/eli/ontology# | +
eli-dl | +http://data.europa.eu/eli/eli-draft-legislation-ontology# | +
ep-document-types | +https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-document-types/ | +
ept | +https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ | +
epvoc | +https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/epvoc# | +
file-type | +http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/ | +
op-aut | +http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/ | +
org | +http://www.w3.org/ns/org# | +
rdf | +http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns# | +
rdfs | +http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema# | +
skos | +http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core# | +
xsd | +http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema# | +
This Dataset Description is a subset of the general ELI-EP application profile and it includes classes and properties used in Adopted texts datasets. Descriptions of classes and properties can be found in ELI-EP application profile.
+This node shape represents a subset of eli:Work
+ PREFIX eli: <http://data.europa.eu/eli/ontology#>
+SELECT ?this
+ ?this eli:work_type <https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-document-types/TEXT_ADOPTED>.
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
adopts | +eli-dl:adopts |
+ IRI |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
creator | +dcterms:creator |
+ Reference to an Organization |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
date document | +eli:date_document |
+ xsd:date |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
ep number | +ept:epvoc#epNumber |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
identifier | +dcterms:identifier |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
identifier year | +ept:epvoc#identifierYear |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
inverse consolidated by | +^eli:consolidated_by |
+ Corrigendum to Adopted text |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
inverse corrects | +^eli:corrects |
+ Corrigendum to Adopted text |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
inverse created a realization of | +^eli-dl:created_a_realization_of |
+ ept:adopted-texts#ProcessReference or ept:adopted-texts#PlenarySittingActivityReference |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
inverse decided on a realization of | +^eli-dl:decided_on_a_realization_of |
+ Reference to a Decision |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
is about | +eli:is_about |
+ Reference to a Concept (Eurovoc) |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
is about directory code | +ept:epvoc#isAboutDirectoryCode |
+ Reference to a Concept (Directory Code) |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
is about subject matter | +ept:epvoc#isAboutSubjectMatter |
+ Reference to a Concept (Subject Matter) |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
is realized by | +eli:is_realized_by |
+ Expression |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
label | +rdfs:label |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
notation | +skos:notation |
+ ept:epvoc#publicRegister |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
parliamentary term | +eli-dl:parliamentary_term |
+ IRI |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
publisher | +dcterms:publisher |
+ Reference to an Organization |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
title | +dcterms:title |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli:Work |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
work type | +eli:work_type |
+ Reference to a Work type |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
This node shape represents a subset of eli:Work
+ PREFIX eli: <http://data.europa.eu/eli/ontology#>
+SELECT ?this
+ ?this eli:work_type <https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-document-types/BUDGET_EP_DRAFT>.
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
creator | +dcterms:creator |
+ Reference to an Organization |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
date document | +eli:date_document |
+ xsd:date |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
identifier | +dcterms:identifier |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
identifier year | +ept:epvoc#identifierYear |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
is annex of | +eli:is_annex_of |
+ Adopted text |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
is realized by | +eli:is_realized_by |
+ Expression |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
numbering | +ept:epvoc#numbering |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
parliamentary term | +eli-dl:parliamentary_term |
+ IRI |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
publisher | +dcterms:publisher |
+ Reference to an Organization |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
title | +dcterms:title |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli:Work |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
work type | +eli:work_type |
+ Reference to a Work type |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
This node shape represents a subset of eli:Work
+ PREFIX eli: <http://data.europa.eu/eli/ontology#>
+SELECT ?this
+ ?this eli:work_type <https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-document-types/AMENDMENT_BUDGET_EU_DRAFT>.
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
creator | +dcterms:creator |
+ Reference to an Organization |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
date document | +eli:date_document |
+ xsd:date |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
identifier | +dcterms:identifier |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
identifier year | +ept:epvoc#identifierYear |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
inverse created a realization of | +^eli-dl:created_a_realization_of |
+ Reference to an Activity of Plenary Sitting |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
is realized by | +eli:is_realized_by |
+ Expression |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
numbering | +ept:epvoc#numbering |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
parliamentary term | +eli-dl:parliamentary_term |
+ IRI |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
publisher | +dcterms:publisher |
+ Reference to an Organization |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
title | +dcterms:title |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli:Work |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
work type | +eli:work_type |
+ Reference to a Work type |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
This node shape represents a subset of eli:Work
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
consolidated by | +eli:consolidated_by |
+ Adopted text |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
corrects | +eli:corrects |
+ Adopted text |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
creator | +dcterms:creator |
+ Reference to an Organization |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
date document | +eli:date_document |
+ xsd:date |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
identifier | +dcterms:identifier |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
identifier year | +ept:epvoc#identifierYear |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
is realized by | +eli:is_realized_by |
+ Expression |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
numbering | +ept:epvoc#numbering |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
parliamentary term | +eli-dl:parliamentary_term |
+ IRI |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
publisher | +dcterms:publisher |
+ Reference to an Organization |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
title | +dcterms:title |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli:Work |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
work type | +eli:work_type |
+ Reference to a Work type |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
This node shape represents a subset of eli:Expression
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
alternative title | +eli:title_alternative |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
is embodied by | +eli:is_embodied_by |
+ Manifestation |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
language | +eli:language |
+ Reference to a Language |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
title | +eli:title |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli:Expression |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
This node shape represents a subset of eli:Manifestation
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
byte size | +ept:epvoc#byteSize |
+ xsd:long |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
format | +dcterms:format |
+ Reference to a Media Type or Extent (Format) |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ Remark: XML format is expected only for TEXT_ADOPTED, not CORRIGENDUM. | +
is exemplified by | +eli:is_exemplified_by |
+ IRI |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
issued | +dcterms:issued |
+ xsd:dateTime |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
media type | +eli:media_type |
+ IRI |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli:Manifestation |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class eli:WorkType
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
Is in scheme | +skos:inScheme |
+ ept:ep-document-types |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli:WorkType |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class dcterms:LinguisticSystem
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
Is in scheme | +skos:inScheme |
+ op-aut:language |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ dcterms:LinguisticSystem |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class dcterms:MediaTypeOrExtent
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
Is in scheme | +skos:inScheme |
+ op-aut:format |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ dcterms:MediaTypeOrExtent |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class skos:Concept
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
Is in scheme | +skos:inScheme |
+ http://eurovoc.europa.eu |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ skos:Concept |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class skos:Concept
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
Is in scheme | +skos:inScheme |
+ op-aut:subject-matter |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ skos:Concept |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class skos:Concept
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
Is in scheme | +skos:inScheme |
+ op-aut:dir-eu-legal-act |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ skos:Concept |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class org:Organization
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
type | +rdf:type |
+ org:Organization |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class eli-dl:Process
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
created a realization of | +eli-dl:created_a_realization_of |
+ Adopted text |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli-dl:Process |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class eli-dl:Decision
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
decided on a realization of | +eli-dl:decided_a_realization_of |
+ Adopted text |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
had activity type | +eli-dl:had_activity_type |
+ IRI |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli-dl:Decision |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class eli-dl:Activity
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
created a realization of | +eli-dl:created_a_realization_of |
+ Adopted text |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
had activity type | +eli-dl:had_activity_type |
+ IRI |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli-dl:Activity |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
2.1.0 - 2024-03-21
+1.5.0 - 2023-12-07
+1.3.0 - 2023-09-26
+1.1 - 2023-04-12
++ |
+ Committee Documents dataset description+ |
Prefix | +Namespace | +
dcterms | +http://purl.org/dc/terms/ | +
eli | +http://data.europa.eu/eli/ontology# | +
eli-dl | +http://data.europa.eu/eli/eli-draft-legislation-ontology# | +
ep-activities | +https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-activities/ | +
ep-document-types | +https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-document-types/ | +
ep-roles | +https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-roles/ | +
ept | +https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ | +
epvoc | +https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/epvoc# | +
file-type | +http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/ | +
foaf | +http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/ | +
op-aut | +http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/ | +
org | +http://www.w3.org/ns/org# | +
rdf | +http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns# | +
rdfs | +http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema# | +
skos | +http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core# | +
xsd | +http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema# | +
This Dataset Description is a subset of the general ELI-EP application profile and it includes classes and properties used in committee documents datasets. Descriptions of classes and properties can be found in ELI-EP application profile.
+This node shape represents a subset of eli:Work
+ PREFIX eli: <http://data.europa.eu/eli/ontology#>
+SELECT ?this
+ ?this eli:work_type ?type .
+ VALUES ?type {
+ <https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-document-types/OPINION_PARLIAMENTARY_COMMITTEE_DRAFT>
+ }
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
creator | +dcterms:creator |
+ comdoc:OrganizationReference or comdoc:PersonReference |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
date document | +eli:date_document |
+ xsd:date |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
descriptor | +eli:is_about |
+ Reference to a Concept (Eurovoc) |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
ep number | +ept:epvoc#epNumber |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
ep number version | +ept:epvoc#epNumberVersion |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
identifier | +dcterms:identifier |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
identifier year | +ept:epvoc#identifierYear |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
inverse created a realization of | +^eli-dl:created_a_realization_of |
+ Reference to a Process |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
inverse foresees change of | +^eli-dl:foresees_change_of |
+ Amendment list |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
is about directory code | +ept:epvoc#isAboutDirectoryCode |
+ Reference to a Concept (Directory Code) |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
is about subject matter | +ept:epvoc#isAboutSubjectMatter |
+ Reference to a Concept (Subject Matter) |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
is realized by | +eli:is_realized_by |
+ Expression |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
label | +rdfs:label |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
notation | +skos:notation |
+ ept:epvoc#publicRegister |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
original language | +ept:epvoc#originalLanguage |
+ Reference to a Language |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
parliamentary term | +eli-dl:parliamentary_term |
+ IRI |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
publisher | +dcterms:publisher |
+ Reference to an Organization |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
title | +dcterms:title |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli:Work |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
work had participation | +ept:epvoc#workHadParticipation |
+ Participation |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
work type | +eli:work_type |
+ Reference to a Work type |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
This node shape represents a subset of eli:Work
+ PREFIX eli: <http://data.europa.eu/eli/ontology#>
+SELECT ?this
+ ?this eli:work_type ?type .
+ VALUES ?type {
+ <https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-document-types/OPINION_PARLIAMENTARY_COMMITTEE>
+ }
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
adopts | +eli-dl:adopts |
+ Opinion Parliamentary Committee Draft |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
creator | +dcterms:creator |
+ comdoc:OrganizationReference or comdoc:PersonReference |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
date document | +eli:date_document |
+ xsd:date |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
descriptor | +eli:is_about |
+ Reference to a Concept (Eurovoc) |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
ep number | +ept:epvoc#epNumber |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
ep number version | +ept:epvoc#epNumberVersion |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
identifier | +dcterms:identifier |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
identifier year | +ept:epvoc#identifierYear |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
inverse created a realization of | +^eli-dl:created_a_realization_of |
+ Reference to a Process |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
is about directory code | +ept:epvoc#isAboutDirectoryCode |
+ Reference to a Concept (Directory Code) |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
is about subject matter | +ept:epvoc#isAboutSubjectMatter |
+ Reference to a Concept (Subject Matter) |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
is realized by | +eli:is_realized_by |
+ Expression |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
label | +rdfs:label |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
notation | +skos:notation |
+ ept:epvoc#publicRegister |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
original language | +ept:epvoc#originalLanguage |
+ Reference to a Language |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
parliamentary term | +eli-dl:parliamentary_term |
+ IRI |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
publisher | +dcterms:publisher |
+ Reference to an Organization |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
title | +dcterms:title |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli:Work |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
work had participation | +ept:epvoc#workHadParticipation |
+ Participation |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
work type | +eli:work_type |
+ Reference to a Work type |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
This node shape represents a subset of eli:Work
+ PREFIX eli: <http://data.europa.eu/eli/ontology#>
+SELECT ?this
+ ?this eli:work_type ?type .
+ VALUES ?type {
+ <https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-document-types/OPINION_LETTER_PARLIAMENTARY_COMMITTEE>
+ }
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
creator | +dcterms:creator |
+ comdoc:OrganizationReference or comdoc:PersonReference |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
date document | +eli:date_document |
+ xsd:date |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
descriptor | +eli:is_about |
+ Reference to a Concept (Eurovoc) |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
ep number | +ept:epvoc#epNumber |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
ep number version | +ept:epvoc#epNumberVersion |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
identifier | +dcterms:identifier |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
identifier year | +ept:epvoc#identifierYear |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
inverse created a realization of | +^eli-dl:created_a_realization_of |
+ Reference to a Process |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
is about directory code | +ept:epvoc#isAboutDirectoryCode |
+ Reference to a Concept (Directory Code) |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
is about subject matter | +ept:epvoc#isAboutSubjectMatter |
+ Reference to a Concept (Subject Matter) |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
is realized by | +eli:is_realized_by |
+ Expression |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
label | +rdfs:label |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
notation | +skos:notation |
+ ept:epvoc#publicRegister |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
original language | +ept:epvoc#originalLanguage |
+ Reference to a Language |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
parliamentary term | +eli-dl:parliamentary_term |
+ IRI |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
publisher | +dcterms:publisher |
+ Reference to an Organization |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
title | +dcterms:title |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli:Work |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
work had participation | +ept:epvoc#workHadParticipation |
+ Participation |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
work type | +eli:work_type |
+ Reference to a Work type |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
This node shape represents a subset of eli:Work
+ PREFIX eli: <http://data.europa.eu/eli/ontology#>
+SELECT ?this
+ ?this eli:work_type ?type .
+ VALUES ?type {
+ <https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-document-types/REPORT_PARLIAMENTARY_COMMITTEE_DRAFT>
+ }
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
creator | +dcterms:creator |
+ comdoc:OrganizationReference or comdoc:PersonReference |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
date document | +eli:date_document |
+ xsd:date |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
descriptor | +eli:is_about |
+ Reference to a Concept (Eurovoc) |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
ep number | +ept:epvoc#epNumber |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
ep number version | +ept:epvoc#epNumberVersion |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
identifier | +dcterms:identifier |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
identifier year | +ept:epvoc#identifierYear |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
inverse adopts | +^eli-dl:adopts |
+ Reference to a Work (REPORT_PLENARY) |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
inverse created a realization of | +^eli-dl:created_a_realization_of |
+ Reference to a Process |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
inverse foresees change of | +^eli-dl:foresees_change_of |
+ Amendment list |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
is about directory code | +ept:epvoc#isAboutDirectoryCode |
+ Reference to a Concept (Directory Code) |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
is about subject matter | +ept:epvoc#isAboutSubjectMatter |
+ Reference to a Concept (Subject Matter) |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
is realized by | +eli:is_realized_by |
+ Expression |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
label | +rdfs:label |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
notation | +skos:notation |
+ ept:epvoc#publicRegister |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
original language | +ept:epvoc#originalLanguage |
+ Reference to a Language |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
parliamentary term | +eli-dl:parliamentary_term |
+ IRI |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
publisher | +dcterms:publisher |
+ Reference to an Organization |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
title | +dcterms:title |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli:Work |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
work had participation | +ept:epvoc#workHadParticipation |
+ Participation |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
work type | +eli:work_type |
+ Reference to a Work type |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
This node shape represents a subset of eli:Work
+ PREFIX eli: <http://data.europa.eu/eli/ontology#>
+SELECT ?this
+ ?this eli:work_type ?type .
+ VALUES ?type {
+ <https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-document-types/AGREEMENT_PROVISIONAL>
+ }
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
creator | +dcterms:creator |
+ comdoc:OrganizationReference or comdoc:PersonReference |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
date document | +eli:date_document |
+ xsd:date |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
descriptor | +eli:is_about |
+ Reference to a Concept (Eurovoc) |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
ep number | +ept:epvoc#epNumber |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
ep number version | +ept:epvoc#epNumberVersion |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
identifier | +dcterms:identifier |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
identifier year | +ept:epvoc#identifierYear |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
inverse created a realization of | +^eli-dl:created_a_realization_of |
+ Reference to a Process |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
inverse decided on a realization of | +^eli-dl:decided_on_a_realization_of |
+ Reference to a Decision |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
is about directory code | +ept:epvoc#isAboutDirectoryCode |
+ Reference to a Concept (Directory Code) |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
is about subject matter | +ept:epvoc#isAboutSubjectMatter |
+ Reference to a Concept (Subject Matter) |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
is realized by | +eli:is_realized_by |
+ Expression |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
label | +rdfs:label |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
notation | +skos:notation |
+ ept:epvoc#publicRegister |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
original language | +ept:epvoc#originalLanguage |
+ Reference to a Language |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
parliamentary term | +eli-dl:parliamentary_term |
+ IRI |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
publisher | +dcterms:publisher |
+ Reference to an Organization |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
title | +dcterms:title |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli:Work |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
work had participation | +ept:epvoc#workHadParticipation |
+ Participation |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
work type | +eli:work_type |
+ Reference to a Work type |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
This node shape represents a subset of eli:Work
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
date document | +eli:date_document |
+ xsd:date |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
ep number | +ept:epvoc#epNumber |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
ep number version | +ept:epvoc#epNumberVersion |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
foresees change of | +eli-dl:foresees_change_of |
+ comdoc:OpinionParliamentaryCommitteeDraft or comdoc:ReportParliamentaryCommitteeDraft |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
identifier | +dcterms:identifier |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
identifier year | +ept:epvoc#identifierYear |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
is realized by | +eli:is_realized_by |
+ Expression |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
label | +rdfs:label |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
notation | +skos:notation |
+ ept:epvoc#publicRegister |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
original language | +ept:epvoc#originalLanguage |
+ Reference to a Language |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
parliamentary term | +eli-dl:parliamentary_term |
+ IRI |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
publisher | +dcterms:publisher |
+ Reference to an Organization |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
title | +dcterms:title |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli:Work |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
work type | +eli:work_type |
+ Reference to a Work type |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
This node shape represents a subset of eli:Expression
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
alternative title | +eli:title_alternative |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
is embodied by | +eli:is_embodied_by |
+ Manifestation |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
language | +eli:language |
+ Reference to a Language |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
title | +eli:title |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli:Expression |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
This node shape represents a subset of eli:Manifestation
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
byte size | +ept:epvoc#byteSize |
+ xsd:long |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
format | +dcterms:format |
+ Reference to a Media Type or Extent (Format) |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
is exemplified by | +eli:is_exemplified_by |
+ IRI |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
issued | +dcterms:issued |
+ xsd:dateTime |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
media type | +eli:media_type |
+ IRI |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli:Manifestation |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
This node shape represents a subset of eli-dl:Participation
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
had participant organization | +eli-dl:had_participant_organization |
+ Reference to an Organization |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
had participant person | +eli-dl:had_participant_person |
+ Reference to a Person |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
participation in name of | +eli-dl:participation_in_name_of |
+ Reference to an Organization |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
participation role | +eli-dl:participation_role |
+ Reference to a Participation Role |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli-dl:Participation |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class eli:WorkType
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
Is in scheme | +skos:inScheme |
+ ept:ep-document-types |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli:WorkType |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class dcterms:LinguisticSystem
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
Is in scheme | +skos:inScheme |
+ op-aut:language |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ dcterms:LinguisticSystem |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class dcterms:MediaTypeOrExtent
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
Is in scheme | +skos:inScheme |
+ op-aut:format |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ dcterms:MediaTypeOrExtent |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class org:Organization
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
type | +rdf:type |
+ org:Organization |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class eli-dl:ParticipationRole
This node shape refers to the class skos:Concept
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
Is in scheme | +skos:inScheme |
+ http://eurovoc.europa.eu |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ skos:Concept |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class skos:Concept
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
Is in scheme | +skos:inScheme |
+ op-aut:subject-matter |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ skos:Concept |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class skos:Concept
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
Is in scheme | +skos:inScheme |
+ op-aut:dir-eu-legal-act |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ skos:Concept |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class foaf:Person
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
type | +rdf:type |
+ foaf:Person |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class eli-dl:Process
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
created a realization of | +eli-dl:created_a_realization_of |
+ comdoc:OpinionParliamentaryCommitteeDraft or comdoc:OpinionParliamentaryCommittee or comdoc:OpinionLetterParliamentaryCommittee or comdoc:ReportParliamentaryCommitteeDraft or comdoc:AgreementProvisional |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli-dl:Process |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class eli-dl:Decision
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
decided on a realization of | +eli-dl:decided_a_realization_of |
+ Agreement Provisional |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
had activity type | +eli-dl:had_activity_type |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli-dl:Decision |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class eli:Work
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
adopts | +eli-dl:adopts |
+ Report Parliamentary Committee Draft |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli:Work |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
work type | +eli:work_type |
+ ept:ep-document-types/REPORT_PLENARY |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
2.1.0 - 2024-03-21
+1.5.0 - 2023-12-13
+1.3.0 - 2023-09-26
++ |
+ External documents dataset description+ |
Prefix | +Namespace | +
dcterms | +http://purl.org/dc/terms/ | +
eli | +http://data.europa.eu/eli/ontology# | +
eli-dl | +http://data.europa.eu/eli/eli-draft-legislation-ontology# | +
ep-document-types | +https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-document-types/ | +
ept | +https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ | +
epvoc | +https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/epvoc# | +
file-type | +http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/file-type/ | +
op-aut | +http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/ | +
org | +http://www.w3.org/ns/org# | +
rdf | +http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns# | +
rdfs | +http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema# | +
skos | +http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core# | +
xsd | +http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema# | +
This Dataset Description is a subset of the general ELI-EP application profile and it includes classes and properties used in External documents datasets. Descriptions of classes and properties can be found in ELI-EP application profile.
+This node shape represents a subset of eli:Work
+ PREFIX eli: <http://data.europa.eu/eli/ontology#>
+SELECT ?this
+ ?this eli:work_type <https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-document-types/ACT_FOLLOWUP>.
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
answers_to | +eli-dl:answers_to |
+ Reference to an Adopted Text |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
creator | +dcterms:creator |
+ Reference to an Organization |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
date document | +eli:date_document |
+ xsd:date |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
identifier | +dcterms:identifier |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
identifier year | +ept:epvoc#identifierYear |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
inverse created a realization of | +^eli-dl:created_a_realization_of |
+ Reference to a Process |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
is realized by | +eli:is_realized_by |
+ Expression |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
label | +rdfs:label |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
publisher | +dcterms:publisher |
+ Reference to an Organization |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
title | +dcterms:title |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli:Work |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
work type | +eli:work_type |
+ Reference to a Work type |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
This node shape represents a subset of eli:Expression
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
is embodied by | +eli:is_embodied_by |
+ Manifestation |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
language | +eli:language |
+ Reference to a Language |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
title | +eli:title |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli:Expression |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
This node shape represents a subset of eli:Manifestation
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
byte size | +ept:epvoc#byteSize |
+ xsd:long |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
format | +dcterms:format |
+ Reference to a Media Type or Extent (Format) |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
is exemplified by | +eli:is_exemplified_by |
+ IRI |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
issued | +dcterms:issued |
+ xsd:dateTime |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
media type | +eli:media_type |
+ IRI |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli:Manifestation |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class eli:WorkType
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
Is in scheme | +skos:inScheme |
+ ept:ep-document-types |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli:WorkType |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class dcterms:LinguisticSystem
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
Is in scheme | +skos:inScheme |
+ op-aut:language |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ dcterms:LinguisticSystem |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class dcterms:MediaTypeOrExtent
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
Is in scheme | +skos:inScheme |
+ op-aut:file-type |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ dcterms:MediaTypeOrExtent |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class org:Organization
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
type | +rdf:type |
+ org:Organization |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class eli-dl:Process
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
created a realization of | +eli-dl:created_a_realization_of |
+ Follow-up of acts |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli-dl:Process |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class eli:Work
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli:Work |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
work type | +eli:work_type |
+ ept:ep-document-types/TEXT_ADOPTED |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
2.1.0 - 204-03-21
++ |
+ Meetings dataset description+ |
Prefix | +Namespace | +
dcterms | +http://purl.org/dc/terms/ | +
eli | +http://data.europa.eu/eli/ontology# | +
eli-dl | +http://data.europa.eu/eli/eli-draft-legislation-ontology# | +
ep-activities | +https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-activities/ | +
ep-document-types | +https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-document-types/ | +
ept | +https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ | +
epvoc | +https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/epvoc# | +
euvoc | +http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/euvoc# | +
foaf | +http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/ | +
op-aut | +http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/ | +
org | +http://www.w3.org/ns/org# | +
rdf | +http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns# | +
skos | +http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core# | +
vcard | +http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns# | +
xsd | +http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema# | +
This Dataset Description is a subset of the general ELI-EP application profile and it includes classes and properties used in Meetings datasets. Descriptions of classes and properties can be found in ELI-EP application profile.
+This node shape refers to the class eli-dl:Activity
+ PREFIX eli-dl: <http://data.europa.eu/eli/eli-draft-legislation-ontology#>
+SELECT ?this
+ ?this eli-dl:had_activity_type <https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-activities/PLENARY_SITTING> .
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
activity date | +eli-dl:activity_date |
+ xsd:date |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
activity end date | +eli-dl:activity_end_date |
+ xsd:dateTime |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
activity id | +eli-dl:activity_id |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
activity label | +eli-dl:activity_label |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
activity start date | +eli-dl:activity_start_date |
+ xsd:dateTime |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
activity type | +eli-dl:had_activity_type |
+ Reference to an Activity type |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
consists of | +eli-dl:consists_of |
+ Reference to an Activity [PLENARY_VOTE_RESULTS] |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
consists of | +eli-dl:consists_of |
+ Reference to an Activity, i.e. PLENARY_DEBATE, PLENARY_VOTE, etc. |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
documented by a realization of | +eli-dl:documented_by_a_realization_of |
+ Reference to a Work |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
had excused person | +eli-dl:had_excused_person |
+ Reference to a Person |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
had participant person | +eli-dl:had_participant_person |
+ Reference to a Person |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
inverse consists of | +^eli-dl:consists_of |
+ Plenary Session |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
locality | +vcard:hasLocality |
+ Reference to a Place |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
number of attendees | +eli-dl:number_of_attendees |
+ xsd:integer |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
parliamentary term | +eli-dl:parliamentary_term |
+ IRI |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
recorded in a realization of | +eli-dl:recorded_in_a_realization_of |
+ Reference to a Work |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
scheduled_in | +ept:epvoc#scheduledIn |
+ Meeting Part |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli-dl:Activity |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class eli-dl:Activity
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
activity date | +eli-dl:activity_date |
+ xsd:date |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
activity end date | +eli-dl:activity_end_date |
+ xsd:dateTime |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
activity id | +eli-dl:activity_id |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
activity label | +eli-dl:activity_label |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
activity start date | +eli-dl:activity_start_date |
+ xsd:dateTime |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
activity type | +eli-dl:had_activity_type |
+ Reference to an Activity type |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
consists of | +eli-dl:consists_of |
+ Plenary Sitting |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
documented by a realization of | +eli-dl:documented_by_a_realization_of |
+ Reference to a Work |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
parliamentary term | +eli-dl:parliamentary_term |
+ IRI |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli-dl:Activity |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class eli-dl:ForeseenActivity
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
activity date | +eli-dl:activity_date |
+ xsd:date |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
activity end date | +eli-dl:activity_end_date |
+ xsd:dateTime |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
activity id | +eli-dl:activity_id |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
activity label | +eli-dl:activity_label |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
activity start date | +eli-dl:activity_start_date |
+ xsd:dateTime |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
activity type | +eli-dl:had_activity_type |
+ Reference to an Activity type |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
consists of | +eli-dl:consists_of |
+ Reference to a Foreseen Activity, i.e. PLENARY_DEBATE, PLENARY_VOTE, etc. |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
parliamentary term | +eli-dl:parliamentary_term |
+ IRI |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
pericles identifier | +skos:notation |
+ ept:epvoc#periclesId |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
room part | +ept:epvoc#hasRoom |
+ Room |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli-dl:ForeseenActivity |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class epvoc:Room
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
identifier | +dcterms:identifier |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
office address | +euvoc:officeAddress |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
site | +ept:epvoc#hasSite |
+ Reference to a Site |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ ept:epvoc#Room |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class eli-dl:ForeseenActivity
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
activity date | +eli-dl:activity_date |
+ xsd:date |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
activity id | +eli-dl:activity_id |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
activity label | +eli-dl:activity_label |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
activity order | +eli-dl:activity_order |
+ xsd:integer |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
activity type | +eli-dl:had_activity_type |
+ Reference to an Activity type |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
agenda point | +skos:notation |
+ ept:epvoc#agendaPoint |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
forms part of | +eli-dl:forms_part_of |
+ Reference to a Foreseen Activity, i.e. PLENARY_PART_SESSION_DOSSIER |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
heading label | +ept:epvoc#headingLabel |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
inverse scheduledIn | +^ept:epvoc#scheduledIn |
+ Reference to a Process |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
structured label | +ept:epvoc#structuredLabel |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli-dl:ForeseenActivity |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class eli-dl:ForeseenActivity
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
activity date | +eli-dl:activity_date |
+ xsd:date |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
activity end date | +eli-dl:activity_end_date |
+ xsd:dateTime |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
activity id | +eli-dl:activity_id |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
activity label | +eli-dl:activity_label |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
activity start date | +eli-dl:activity_start_date |
+ xsd:dateTime |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
activity type | +eli-dl:had_activity_type |
+ Reference to an Activity type |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
agenda id | +skos:notation |
+ ept:epvoc#agendaId |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
based on a realization of | +eli-dl:based_on_a_realization_of |
+ Reference to a Work |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
structured label | +ept:epvoc#structuredLabel |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli-dl:ForeseenActivity |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class eli-dl:Activity
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
activity date | +eli-dl:activity_date |
+ xsd:date |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
activity id | +eli-dl:activity_id |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
activity label | +eli-dl:activity_label |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
activity order | +eli-dl:activity_order |
+ xsd:integer |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
activity type | +eli-dl:had_activity_type |
+ Reference to an Activity type |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
consists of | +eli-dl:consists_of |
+ Reference to a Plenary Speech Activity |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
consists of | +eli-dl:consists_of |
+ Reference to an Activity, i.e. PLENARY_DEBATE, PLENARY_VOTE, etc. |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
executed | +eli-dl:executed |
+ Reference to a Foreseen Activity, i.e. PLENARY_PART_SESSION_DOSSIER |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
inverse consists of | +^eli-dl:consists_of |
+ Reference to a Process |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
recorded in a realization of | +eli-dl:recorded_in_a_realization_of |
+ Reference to a WorkSubdivision |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli-dl:Activity |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class eli-dl:Activity
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
activity date | +eli-dl:activity_date |
+ xsd:date |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
activity id | +eli-dl:activity_id |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
activity label | +eli-dl:activity_label |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
activity type | +eli-dl:had_activity_type |
+ Reference to an Activity type |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
consists of | +eli-dl:consists_of |
+ Reference to a Plenary Outcome Decision or Vote |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
notation | +skos:notation |
+ ept:epvoc#dlvId |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli-dl:Activity |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class eli-dl:ActivityType
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
Is in scheme | +skos:inScheme |
+ ept:ep-activities |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli-dl:ActivityType |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class eli:WorkType
This node shape refers to the class dcterms:Location
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
Is in scheme | +skos:inScheme |
+ op-aut:place |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ dcterms:Location |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class org:Site
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
Is in scheme | +skos:inScheme |
+ op-aut:site |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ org:Site |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class eli:ComplexWork or eli:Work
This node shape refers to the class eli-dl:Decision or eli-dl:Vote
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
had activity type | +eli-dl:had_activity_type |
+ ept:ep-activities/PLENARY_OUTCOME |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ IRI |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class eli-dl:Activity
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
had activity type | +eli-dl:had_activity_type |
+ IRI |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli-dl:Activity |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class foaf:Person
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
type | +rdf:type |
+ foaf:Person |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class eli-dl:Process
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli-dl:Process |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class eli:Work
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
type | +rdf:type |
+ IRI |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
work type | +eli:work_type |
+ IRI |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class eli:WorkSubdivision
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli:WorkSubdivision |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
2.1.0 - 2024-03-21
+1.5.0 - 2023-12-12
+1.3.0 - 2023-09-26
+1.2 - 2023-06-06
+1.1 - 2023-04-13
+1.0 - 2022-11-18
++ |
+ Parliamentary questions dataset description+ |
Prefix | +Namespace | +
dcterms | +http://purl.org/dc/terms/ | +
eli | +http://data.europa.eu/eli/ontology# | +
eli-dl | +http://data.europa.eu/eli/eli-draft-legislation-ontology# | +
ep-document-types | +https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-document-types/ | +
ep-roles | +https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-roles/ | +
ept | +https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ | +
epvoc | +https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/epvoc# | +
foaf | +http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/ | +
op-aut | +http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/ | +
org | +http://www.w3.org/ns/org# | +
rdf | +http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns# | +
rdfs | +http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema# | +
skos | +http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core# | +
xsd | +http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema# | +
This Dataset Description is a subset of the general ELI-EP application profile and it includes classes and properties used in Parliamentary questions datasets. Descriptions of classes and properties can be found in ELI-EP application profile.
+This node shape represents a subset of eli:Work
+ PREFIX eli: <http://data.europa.eu/eli/ontology#>
+SELECT ?this
+ ?this eli:work_type ?type .
+ VALUES ?type {
+ <https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-document-types/QUESTION_WRITTEN>
+ }
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
based on | +eli:based_on |
+ IRI |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
creator | +dcterms:creator |
+ Reference to an Organization |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
date document | +eli:date_document |
+ xsd:date |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
en number version | +ept:epvoc#epNumberVersion |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
ep number | +ept:epvoc#epNumber |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
identifier | +dcterms:identifier |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
identifier year | +ept:epvoc#identifierYear |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
inverse answers to | +^eli-dl:answers_to |
+ questions:AnswerToQuestion |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
is realized by | +eli:is_realized_by |
+ Expression |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
label | +rdfs:label |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
notation | +skos:notation |
+ ept:epvoc#publicRegister |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
original language | +ept:epvoc#originalLanguage |
+ Reference to a Language |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
parliamentary term | +eli-dl:parliamentary_term |
+ IRI |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
publisher | +dcterms:publisher |
+ Reference to an Organization |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
stakeholder participant | +ept:epvoc#workHadParticipation |
+ Participation |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
title | +dcterms:title |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli:Work |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
work type | +eli:work_type |
+ Reference to a Work type |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
This node shape represents a subset of eli:Work
+ PREFIX eli: <http://data.europa.eu/eli/ontology#>
+SELECT ?this
+ ?this eli:work_type ?type .
+ VALUES ?type {
+ <https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-document-types/QUESTION_ORAL>
+ }
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
based on | +eli:based_on |
+ IRI |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
creator | +dcterms:creator |
+ Reference to an Organization |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
date document | +eli:date_document |
+ xsd:date |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
en number version | +ept:epvoc#epNumberVersion |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
ep number | +ept:epvoc#epNumber |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
identifier | +dcterms:identifier |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
identifier year | +ept:epvoc#identifierYear |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
is realized by | +eli:is_realized_by |
+ Expression |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
label | +rdfs:label |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
notation | +skos:notation |
+ ept:epvoc#publicRegister |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
original language | +ept:epvoc#originalLanguage |
+ Reference to a Language |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
parliamentary term | +eli-dl:parliamentary_term |
+ IRI |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
publisher | +dcterms:publisher |
+ Reference to an Organization |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
stakeholder participant | +ept:epvoc#workHadParticipation |
+ Participation |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
title | +dcterms:title |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli:Work |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
work type | +eli:work_type |
+ Reference to a Work type |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
This node shape represents a subset of eli:Work
+ PREFIX eli: <http://data.europa.eu/eli/ontology#>
+SELECT ?this
+ ?this eli:work_type ?type .
+ VALUES ?type {
+ <https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-document-types/INTERPELLATION_MAJOR>
+ }
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
based on | +eli:based_on |
+ IRI |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
creator | +dcterms:creator |
+ Reference to an Organization |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
date document | +eli:date_document |
+ xsd:date |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
en number version | +ept:epvoc#epNumberVersion |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
ep number | +ept:epvoc#epNumber |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
identifier | +dcterms:identifier |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
identifier year | +ept:epvoc#identifierYear |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
is realized by | +eli:is_realized_by |
+ Expression |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
label | +rdfs:label |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
notation | +skos:notation |
+ ept:epvoc#publicRegister |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
original language | +ept:epvoc#originalLanguage |
+ Reference to a Language |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
parliamentary term | +eli-dl:parliamentary_term |
+ IRI |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
publisher | +dcterms:publisher |
+ Reference to an Organization |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
stakeholder participant | +ept:epvoc#workHadParticipation |
+ Participation |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
title | +dcterms:title |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli:Work |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
work type | +eli:work_type |
+ Reference to a Work type |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
This node shape represents a subset of eli:Work
+ PREFIX eli: <http://data.europa.eu/eli/ontology#>
+SELECT ?this
+ ?this eli:work_type ?type .
+ VALUES ?type {
+ <https://data.europarl.europa.eu/def/ep-document-types/INTERPELLATION_MINOR>
+ }
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
based on | +eli:based_on |
+ IRI |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
creator | +dcterms:creator |
+ Reference to an Organization |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
date document | +eli:date_document |
+ xsd:date |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
en number version | +ept:epvoc#epNumberVersion |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
ep number | +ept:epvoc#epNumber |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
identifier | +dcterms:identifier |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
identifier year | +ept:epvoc#identifierYear |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
inverse answers to | +^eli-dl:answers_to |
+ questions:AnswerToQuestion |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
is realized by | +eli:is_realized_by |
+ Expression |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
label | +rdfs:label |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
notation | +skos:notation |
+ ept:epvoc#publicRegister |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
original language | +ept:epvoc#originalLanguage |
+ Reference to a Language |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
parliamentary term | +eli-dl:parliamentary_term |
+ IRI |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
publisher | +dcterms:publisher |
+ Reference to an Organization |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
stakeholder participant | +ept:epvoc#workHadParticipation |
+ Participation |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
title | +dcterms:title |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli:Work |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
work type | +eli:work_type |
+ Reference to a Work type |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
This node shape represents a subset of eli:Work
This node shape represents a subset of eli:Work
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
date document | +eli:date_document |
+ xsd:date |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
en number version | +ept:epvoc#epNumberVersion |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
ep number | +ept:epvoc#epNumber |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
identifier | +dcterms:identifier |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
identifier year | +ept:epvoc#identifierYear |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
is annex of | +eli:is_annex_of |
+ questions:AnswerToQuestion |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
is realized by | +eli:is_realized_by |
+ Expression |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
label | +rdfs:label |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
notation | +skos:notation |
+ ept:epvoc#publicRegister |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
numbering | +ept:epvoc#numbering |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
parliamentary term | +eli-dl:parliamentary_term |
+ IRI |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
publisher | +dcterms:publisher |
+ Reference to an Organization |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
stakeholder participant | +ept:epvoc#workHadParticipation |
+ Participation |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
title | +dcterms:title |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli:Work |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
work type | +eli:work_type |
+ Reference to a Work type |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
alternative title | +eli:title_alternative |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
is embodied by | +eli:is_embodied_by |
+ Manifestation |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
language | +eli:language |
+ Reference to a Language |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
title | +eli:title |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli:Expression |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
byte size | +ept:epvoc#byteSize |
+ xsd:long |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
format | +dcterms:format |
+ Reference to a Format |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
is exemplified by | +eli:is_exemplified_by |
+ IRI |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ + |
issued | +dcterms:issued |
+ xsd:dateTime |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
media type | +eli:media_type |
+ IRI |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli:Manifestation |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class eli-dl:Participation
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
participation in name of | +eli-dl:participation_in_name_of |
+ Reference to an Organization |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
participation organization | +eli-dl:had_participant_organization |
+ Reference to an Organization |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
participation person | +eli-dl:had_participant_person |
+ Reference to a Person |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ + |
participation role | +eli-dl:participation_role |
+ Reference to a Role |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli-dl:Participation |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class eli-dl:ParliamentaryTerm
This node shape refers to the class eli:WorkType
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
Is in scheme | +skos:inScheme |
+ ept:ep-document-types |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli:WorkType |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class dcterms:LinguisticSystem
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
Is in scheme | +skos:inScheme |
+ op-aut:language |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ dcterms:LinguisticSystem |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class dcterms:MediaTypeOrExtent
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
Is in scheme | +skos:inScheme |
+ op-aut:format |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ dcterms:MediaTypeOrExtent |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class eli-dl:ParticipationRole
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
Is in scheme | +skos:inScheme |
+ ept:ep-roles |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
type | +rdf:type |
+ eli-dl:ParticipationRole |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class org:Organization
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
type | +rdf:type |
+ org:Organization |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
This node shape refers to the class foaf:Person
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
type | +rdf:type |
+ foaf:Person |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ + |
2.1.0 - 2024-03-21
+1.1 - 2023-04-27
+1.0 - 2022-11-18