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+ +Copyright © 2023 European Union. This document is distributed under the terms and conditions described in the European Parliament Legal Notice.
+ +DCAT-EP is an extension of the DCAT Application Profile for European data portals (DCAT-AP), designed and used for documenting datasets and data services of the European Parliament.
+Prefix | +Namespace | +
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DCAT-EP is an extension of the DCAT Application Profile for European data portals (DCAT-AP), designed and used for documenting datasets and data services of the European Parliament.
A curated collection of metadata about resources.
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
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+ Rights Statement |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ This property refers to information that indicates whether the Catalogue is public, + has access restrictions or is not public. In DCAT-EP, this property takes as value + the concept of the EU Vocabularies Access Rights Named Authority List: | +
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+ Standard |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ This property refers to an ontology or application profile that the Catalogue conforms + to - i.e., to the ontologies or application profiles used for the contained Catalogue + Records. In case of conformance to multiple ontologies (e.g., DCAT-EP is a profile + of DCAT), application profiles (e.g., DCAT-EP is a profile of DCAT-AP), and versions + of them, this property can be repeated multiple times. | +
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+ Agent |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ The entity responsible for producing the Catalogue. | +
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+ dcat:Dataset or dcat:DatasetSeries |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ This property links the Catalogue with a Dataset that is part of the Catalogue. | +
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+ 1..1
+ |
+ Date of copyright of the Catalogue. | +
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+ 1..*
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+ This property contains a free-text account of the Catalogue.This property can be repeated + for parallel language versions of the name. | +
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+ Frequency |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ This property refers to the frequency at which the Catalogue is updated. A Catalogue + is updated when the contained Catalogue Records are modified, added, or withdrawn. | +
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+ Document |
+ 0..1
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+ Linguistic System |
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+ This property refers to a language used in the textual metadata describing titles, + descriptions, etc. of the Datasets in the Catalogue. This property can be repeated + if the metadata is provided in multiple languages. | +
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+ Licence Document |
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+ |
+ This property refers to the license under which the Catalogue metadata can be used + or reused. | +
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+ Agent |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ This property refers to an entity (organisation) responsible for making the Catalogue + available. | +
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+ Catalog Record |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ This property refers to a Catalogue Record that is part of the Catalogue. | +
release date | +dcterms:issued |
+ xsd:dateTime |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ This property contains the date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the Catalogue. | +
rights holder | +dcterms:rightsHolder |
+ Agent |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ A person or organisation owning or managing rights over the Catalogue. | +
service | +dcat:service |
+ Data Service |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ This property refers to a site or end-point that is listed in the Catalogue. | +
spatial coverage | +dcterms:spatial |
+ Location |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ This property refers to a geographic region that is covered by the Catalogue. | +
themes | +dcat:themeTaxonomy |
+ Concept Scheme |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ This property refers to a knowledge organisation system used to classify the Catalogue's + Datasets. Values are concepts of the op-aut:data-theme vocabulary. | +
title | +dcterms:title |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ This property contains a name given to the Catalogue. This property can be repeated + for parallel language versions of the name. | +
type | +rdf:type |
+ IRI |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class. | +
update / modification date | +dcterms:modified |
+ xsd:dateTime |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ This property contains the most recent date on which the Catalogue was modified. | +
version | +dcat:version |
+ xsd:string |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ This property refers to the version number of Catalogue. | +
A record in a catalog, describing the registration of a single dcat:Resource.
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
application profile | +dcterms:conformsTo |
+ Standard |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ This property refers to an ontology or application profile that the Catalogue Record + conforms to. In case of conformance to multiple ontologies (e.g., DCAT-EP is a profile + of DCAT), application profiles (e.g., DCAT-EP is a profile of DCAT-AP), and versions + of them, this property can be repeated multiple times. | +
language | +dcterms:language |
+ Linguistic System |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ This property refers to a language used in the textual metadata describing titles, + descriptions, etc. of the Catalogue Record. This property can be repeated if the metadata + is provided in multiple languages | +
listing date | +dcterms:issued |
+ xsd:dateTime |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ This property contains the date on which the Catalogue Record was published. | +
primary topic | +foaf:primaryTopic |
+ dcat:Catalog or dcat:Dataset or dcat:DatasetSeries or dcat:DataService |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ This property links the Catalogue Record to the resource (Dataset, Dataset Series, + etc.) described in the record. | +
type | +rdf:type |
+ IRI |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class. | +
update / modification date | +dcterms:modified |
+ xsd:dateTime |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ This property contains the most recent date on which the Catalogue Record was changed + or modified. | +
A collection of operations that provides access to one or more datasets or data processing functions.
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
access rights | +dcterms:accessRights |
+ Rights Statement |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ This property refers to information that indicates whether the Data Service is public, + has access restrictions or is not public. In DCAT-EP, this property takes as value + the concept of the EU Vocabularies Access Rights Named Authority List: | +
conforms to | +dcterms:conformsTo |
+ Standard |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ This property refer to an established standard to which the Data Service conforms + to. In case of conformance to multiple standards, and versions of them, this property + can be repeated multiple times. | +
contact point | +dcat:contactPoint |
+ Kind |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ This property contains contact information that can be used for sending comments about + the Data Service. Relevant contact information for the cataloged Data Service. Use + of vCard is recommended. | +
description | +dcterms:description |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ This property contains a free-text account of the Data Service. This property can + be repeated for parallel language versions of the description. | +
endpoint URL | +dcat:endpointURL |
+ rdfs:Resource |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ The root location or primary endpoint of the service (an IRI). | +
endpoint description | +dcat:endpointDescription |
+ rdfs:Resource |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ This property contains a description of the services available via the end-points, + including their operations, parameters etc. The property gives specific details of + the actual endpoint instances, while dcterms:conformsTo is used to indicate the general + standard or specification that the endpoints implement. An endpoint description may + be expressed in a machine-readable form. | +
format | +dcterms:format |
+ File Type |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ This property refers to the file formats availabe for the API response. | +
identifier | +dcterms:identifier |
+ xsd:anyUri |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ This property contains the main identifier for the Data Service, i.e., the identifier + issued by the original publisher of the Data Service. It is the same URI of the Data + Service itself, typed as an xsd:anyURI. | +
in catalog | +dcat:inCatalog |
+ Catalog |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ This property links the Data Service to the Catalogue listing it. | +
licence | +dcterms:license |
+ Licence Document |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ This property contains the licence under which the Data Service is made available. | +
publisher | +dcterms:publisher |
+ Agent |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ This property refers to an entity (organisation) responsible for making the Data Service + available. | +
release date | +dcterms:issued |
+ xsd:dateTime |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ This property contains the date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the Data + Service. | +
serves dataset | +dcat:servesDataset |
+ Dataset |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ Indicates to which Dataset the Data Service is related to. | +
subject | +dcterms:subject |
+ Concept |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ This property contains a keyword or tag describing the Data Service. Values are concept + of Eurovoc vocabulary: | +
theme | +dcat:theme |
+ skos:Concept or euvoc:DatasetTheme |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ This property refers to a category of the Data Service. A Data Service may be associated + with multiple themes. Values are concepts of the op-aut:data-theme vocabulary. | +
title | +dcterms:title |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ This property contains a name given to the Data Service. This property can be repeated + for parallel language versions of the name. | +
type | +rdf:type |
+ IRI |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class. | +
update / modification date | +dcterms:modified |
+ xsd:dateTime |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ This property contains the most recent date on which the Data Service was modified. | +
version info | +dcat:version |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ This property refers to the version number of a Data Service. | +
A collection of datasets that are published separately, but share some characteristics that group them.
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
access rights | +dcterms:accessRights |
+ Rights Statement |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ This property refers to information that indicates whether the Dataset or the Dataset + Series is public, has access restrictions or is not public. In DCAT-EP, this property + takes as value the concept of the EU Vocabularies Access Rights Named Authority List: + | +
conforms to | +dcterms:conformsTo |
+ Standard |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ This property refers to an implementing rule or other specification. In DCAT-EP, this + property is used to specify the ontologies or application profiles used to represent + the data (ORG-EP, ELI-EP, etc.). In case of conformance to multiple ontologies (e.g., + the ontologies used in application profiles), application profiles, and versions of + them, this property can be repeated multiple times. | +
contact point | +dcat:contactPoint |
+ Kind |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ This property contains contact information that can be used for sending comments about + the Dataset or the Dataset Series. Relevant contact information for the catalogued + Dataset or Dataset Series. Use of vCard is recommended. | +
creator | +dcterms:creator |
+ Agent |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ The entity responsible for producing the Dataset or the Dataset Series. | +
date copyrighted | +dcterms:dateCopyrighted |
+ xsd:gYear |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ Date of copyright of the Dataset or Dataset Series. | +
description | +dcterms:description |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ This property contains a free-text account of the Dataset or of the Dataset Series. + This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the description. | +
frequency | +dcterms:accrualPeriodicity |
+ Frequency |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ This property refers to the frequency at which the Dataset or a Dataset Series is + updated. A Dataset Series is updated when any of its child Datasets is modified, added, + or withdrawn. | +
identifier | +dcterms:identifier |
+ xsd:anyURI |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ This property contains the main identifier for the Dataset, i.e., the identifier issued + by the original publisher of the Dataset. It is the same URI of the Dataset itself, + typed as an xsd:anyURI. | +
in catalog | +dcat:inCatalog |
+ Catalog |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ This property links the Dataset or Dataset Series to the Catalogue listing it. | +
issued | +dcterms:issued |
+ xsd:dateTime |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ This property contains the date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the Dataset + or of the Dataset Series. | +
language | +dcterms:language |
+ Linguistic System |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ This property refers to a language of the Dataset or of the Dataset Series. This property + can be repeated if there are multiple languages in the Dataset. | +
modified | +dcterms:modified |
+ xsd:dateTime |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ This property contains the most recent date on which the Dataset or the Dataset Series + was modified. A Dataset Series is modified when any of its child Datasets is updated, + added, or withdrawn. | +
provenance | +dcterms:provenance |
+ dcterms:ProvenanceStatement |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ This property contains a statement about the lineage of a Dataset or a Dataset Series. | +
publisher | +dcterms:publisher |
+ Agent |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ This property refers to an entity (organisation) responsible for making the Dataset + or the Dataset Series available. | +
rights holder | +dcterms:rightsHolder |
+ Agent |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ A person or organisation owning or managing rights over the Dataset or the Dataset + Series. | +
spatial coverage | +dcterms:spatial |
+ Location |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ This property refers to a geographic region that is covered by the Dataset or by the + Dataset Series. | +
subject | +dcterms:subject |
+ Concept |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ This property contains a keyword or tag describing the Dataset or of the Dataset Series. + In DCAT-AP, this property takes as value the concepts of the EuroVoc vocabulary: | +
temporal coverage | +dcterms:temporal |
+ Period of time |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ This property refers to a temporal period that the Dataset or the Dataset Series covers. | +
theme | +dcat:theme |
+ skos:Concept or euvoc:DatasetTheme |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ This property refers to a category of the Dataset or of the Dataset Series. A Dataset + or a Dataset Series may be associated with multiple themes. Values are concepts of + the op-aut:data-theme vocabulary. | +
title | +dcterms:title |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ This property contains a name given to the Dataset or to the Dataset Series. This + property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the name. | +
type | +rdf:type |
+ IRI |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class. | +
A collection of data, published or curated by a single agent, and available for access or download in one or more representations.
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
access rights | +dcterms:accessRights |
+ Rights Statement |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ This property refers to information that indicates whether the Dataset or the Dataset + Series is public, has access restrictions or is not public. In DCAT-EP, this property + takes as value the concept of the EU Vocabularies Access Rights Named Authority List: + | +
conforms to | +dcterms:conformsTo |
+ Standard |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ This property refers to an implementing rule or other specification. In DCAT-EP, this + property is used to specify the ontologies or application profiles used to represent + the data (ORG-EP, ELI-EP, etc.). In case of conformance to multiple ontologies (e.g., + the ontologies used in application profiles), application profiles, and versions of + them, this property can be repeated multiple times. | +
contact point | +dcat:contactPoint |
+ Kind |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ This property contains contact information that can be used for sending comments about + the Dataset or the Dataset Series. Relevant contact information for the catalogued + Dataset or Dataset Series. Use of vCard is recommended. | +
creator | +dcterms:creator |
+ Agent |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ The entity responsible for producing the Dataset or the Dataset Series. | +
date copyrighted | +dcterms:dateCopyrighted |
+ xsd:gYear |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ Date of copyright of the Dataset or Dataset Series. | +
description | +dcterms:description |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ This property contains a free-text account of the Dataset or of the Dataset Series. + This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the description. | +
distribution | +dcat:distribution |
+ Distribution |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ This property links the Dataset to an available Distribution. | +
frequency | +dcterms:accrualPeriodicity |
+ Frequency |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ This property refers to the frequency at which the Dataset or a Dataset Series is + updated. A Dataset Series is updated when any of its child Datasets is modified, added, + or withdrawn. | +
has current version | +dcat:hasCurrentVersion |
+ Dataset |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ This property is intended for relating a non-versioned or abstract Dataset to a single + snapshot that can be used as a permalink to indicate the current version of the content. + The notion of version used by this property is limited to versions resulting from + revisions occurring to a Dataset as part of its life-cycle. | +
has version | +dcat:hasVersion |
+ Dataset |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ This property is intended for relating a non-versioned or abstract resource to several + versioned resources | +
identifier | +dcterms:identifier |
+ xsd:anyURI |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ This property contains the main identifier for the Dataset, i.e., the identifier issued + by the original publisher of the Dataset. It is the same URI of the Dataset itself, + typed as an xsd:anyURI. | +
in catalog | +dcat:inCatalog |
+ Catalog |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ This property links the Dataset or Dataset Series to the Catalogue listing it. | +
in series | +dcat:inSeries |
+ Dataset Series |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ This property refers to a Dataset Series of which the Dataset is part. | +
is replaced by | +dcterms:isReplacedBy |
+ Dataset |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ A related Dataset that supplants, displaces, or supersedes the described Dataset. | +
is version of | +dcat:isVersionOf |
+ Dataset |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ This property is intended for relating a versioned resource to the corresponding non-versioned + or abstract resource. | +
issued | +dcterms:issued |
+ xsd:dateTime |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ This property contains the date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the Dataset + or of the Dataset Series. | +
language | +dcterms:language |
+ Linguistic System |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ This property refers to a language of the Dataset or of the Dataset Series. This property + can be repeated if there are multiple languages in the Dataset. | +
modified | +dcterms:modified |
+ xsd:dateTime |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ This property contains the most recent date on which the Dataset or the Dataset Series + was modified. A Dataset Series is modified when any of its child Datasets is updated, + added, or withdrawn. | +
next | +dcat:next |
+ Dataset |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ The next Dataset (after the current one) in a Dataset Series. | +
previous | +dcat:prev |
+ Dataset |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ The previous Dataset (before the current one) in a Dataset Series. | +
previous version | +dcat:previousVersion |
+ Dataset |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ This property is meant to be used to specify a version chain, consisting of snapshots + of a Dataset. The notion of version used by this property is limited to versions resulting + from revisions occurring to a Dataset as part of its life-cycle. One of the typical + cases here is representing the history of the versions of a dataset that have been + released over time. | +
provenance | +dcterms:provenance |
+ dcterms:ProvenanceStatement |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ This property contains a statement about the lineage of a Dataset or a Dataset Series. | +
publisher | +dcterms:publisher |
+ Agent |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ This property refers to an entity (organisation) responsible for making the Dataset + or the Dataset Series available. | +
replaces | +dcterms:replaces |
+ Dataset |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ A related Dataset that is supplanted, displaced, or superseded by the described Dataset. | +
rights holder | +dcterms:rightsHolder |
+ Agent |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ A person or organisation owning or managing rights over the Dataset or the Dataset + Series. | +
spatial coverage | +dcterms:spatial |
+ Location |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ This property refers to a geographic region that is covered by the Dataset or by the + Dataset Series. | +
status | +adms:status |
+ Dataset Status |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ This property refers to the maturity of the Dataset or of the Dataset Series. Values + are concepts of EU Vocabularies Dataset Status Named Authority List: | +
subject | +dcterms:subject |
+ Concept |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ This property contains a keyword or tag describing the Dataset or of the Dataset Series. + In DCAT-AP, this property takes as value the concepts of the EuroVoc vocabulary: | +
temporal coverage | +dcterms:temporal |
+ Period of time |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ This property refers to a temporal period that the Dataset or the Dataset Series covers. | +
theme | +dcat:theme |
+ skos:Concept or euvoc:DatasetTheme |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ This property refers to a category of the Dataset or of the Dataset Series. A Dataset + or a Dataset Series may be associated with multiple themes. Values are concepts of + the op-aut:data-theme vocabulary. | +
title | +dcterms:title |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ This property contains a name given to the Dataset or to the Dataset Series. This + property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the name. | +
type | +rdf:type |
+ IRI |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class. | +
version | +dcat:version |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ This property contains a version number or other version designation of the Dataset. | +
version notes | +adms:versionNotes |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ This property contains a description of the differences between this version and a + previous version of the Dataset. This property can be repeated for parallel language + versions of the version notes. | +
A specific representation of a dataset. A dataset might be available in multiple serializations that may differ in various ways, including natural language, media-type or format, schematic organization, temporal and spatial resolution, level of detail or profiles (which might specify any or all of the above).
+Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
access URL | +dcat:accessURL |
+ rdfs:Resource |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ A URL of the resource that gives access to a Distribution of the Dataset. E.g. landing + page, feed, SPARQL endpoint. dcat:accessURL SHOULD be used for the URL of a service + or location that can provide access to this distribution, typically through a Web + form, query or API call. dcat:downloadURL is preferred for direct links to downloadable + resources. If the distribution(s) are accessible only through a landing page (i.e. + direct download URLs are not known), then the landing page URL associated with the + dcat:Dataset SHOULD be duplicated as access URL on a distribution. dcat:accessURL + matches the property-chain dcat:accessService/dcat:endpointURL. In the RDF representation + of DCAT this is axiomatized as an OWL property-chain axiom. | +
byte size | +dcat:byteSize |
+ xsd:nonNegativeInteger |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ This property contains the size of a Distribution in bytes. | +
checksum | +spdx:checksum |
+ Checksum |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ This property provides a mechanism that can be used to verify that the contents of + a Distribution have not changed. | +
conformsTo | +dcterms:conformsTo |
+ Standard |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ This property refers to an established schema to which the described Distribution + conforms. In DCAT-EP, this property is used to specify the ontologies or application + profiles used to represent the data (ORG-EP, ELI-EP, etc.). In case of conformance + to multiple ontologies (e.g., the ontologies used in application profiles), application + profiles, and versions of them, this property can be repeated multiple times. | +
description | +dcterms:description |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ This property contains a free-text account of the Resource. This property can be repeated + for parallel language versions of the description. | +
download URL | +dcat:downloadURL |
+ rdfs:Resource |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ This property contains a URL that is a direct link to a downloadable file in a given + format. The URL of the downloadable file in a given format. E.g. CSV file or RDF file. + The format is indicated by the distribution’s dcterms:format and/or dcat:mediaType. + dcat:downloadURL SHOULD be used for the URL at which this distribution is available + directly, typically through a HTTP Get request. | +
format | +dcterms:format |
+ File Type |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ This property refers to the file format of the Distribution. | +
language | +dcterms:language |
+ Linguistic System |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ This property refers to a language used in the textual metadata describing titles, + descriptions, etc. of the Datasets in the Catalog. This property can be repeated if + the metadata is provided in multiple languages. | +
licence | +dcterms:license |
+ Licence Document |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ This property contains the licence under which the Distribution is made available. | +
media type | +dcat:mediaType |
+ Media Type |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ This property refers to the media type of the Distribution. | +
package format | +dcat:packageFormat |
+ Media Type |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ The package format of the Distribution in which one or more data files are grouped + together, e.g. to enable a set of related files to be downloaded together. This property + to be used when the files in the Distribution are packaged, e.g. in a TAR file, a + Frictionless Data Package or a Bagit file. The format SHOULD be expressed using a + media type as defined by IANA, if available. | +
rights | +dcterms:accessRights |
+ Rights Statement |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ This property MAY include information regarding access or restrictions based on privacy, + security, or other policies. Three options (:public, :restricted, :non-public) | +
status | +adms:status |
+ Dataset Status |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ This property refers to the maturity of the Dataset. Values are concepts of EU Vocabularies + Dataset Status Named Authority List: | +
title | +dcterms:title |
+ rdf:langString |
+ 0..*
+ |
+ This property contains a name given to the Resource. This property can be repeated + for parallel language versions of the name. | +
type | +rdf:type |
+ IRI |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class. | +
An interval of time that is named or defined by its start and end. The interval can also be open - i.e., it can have just a start or just an end.
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
end date | +dcat:endDate |
+ xsd:dateTime |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ This property contains the end of the period. | +
start date | +dcat:startDate |
+ xsd:dateTime |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ This property contains the start of the period. | +
type | +rdf:type |
+ IRI |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class. | +
A Checksum is a value that allows to check the integrity of the contents of a file. Even small changes to the content of the file will change its checksum. This class allows the results of a variety of checksum and cryptographic message digest algorithms to be represented.
+Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
algorithm | +spdx:algorithm |
+ Checksum Algorithm |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ This property identifies the algorithm used to produce the Checksum. | +
checksum value | +spdx:checksumValue |
+ xsd:hexBinary |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ This property provides a lower case hexadecimal encoded digest value produced using + a specific algorithm. | +
type | +rdf:type |
+ IRI |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class. | +
A description following the VCARD-RDF specification, e.g. to provide telephone number and e-mail address for a contact point.
+Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
URL | +vcard:hasURL |
+ rdfs:Resource |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ A URL associated with an agent. | +
formatted name | +vcard:hasFN |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ The formatted name of an agent. | +
has email | +vcard:hasEmail |
+ rdfs:Resource |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ An email of an agent. | +
organisation name | +vcard:organization-name |
+ xsd:string |
+ 0..1
+ |
+ The name of the organisation associated with an agent. | +
type | +rdf:type |
+ IRI |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class. | +
A concept, possibly included in a concept scheme.
+Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
type | +rdf:type |
+ IRI |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class. | +
An aggregation of concepts.
A textual resource intended for human consumption that contains information, e.g., a Web page about a Dataset.
A standard or other specification to which a Catalogue, Catalogue Record, Data Service, Dataset, or Distribution conforms.
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
in scheme | +skos:inScheme |
+ IRI |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ Property stating the concept scheme that a given resource is part of. | +
type | +rdf:type |
+ IRI |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class. | +
A legal document giving official permission to do something with a resource.
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
in scheme | +skos:inScheme |
+ op-aut:licence |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ Property stating the concept scheme that a given resource is part of. | +
type | +rdf:type |
+ IRI |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class. | +
A spatial region or named place.
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
in scheme | +skos:inScheme |
+ op-aut:country |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ Property stating the concept scheme that a given resource is part of. | +
type | +rdf:type |
+ IRI |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class. | +
A language of the resource.
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
in scheme | +skos:inScheme |
+ op-aut:language |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ Property stating the concept scheme that a given resource is part of. | +
type | +rdf:type |
+ IRI |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class. | +
A statement about the intellectual property rights (IPR) held in or over a resource, a legal document giving official permission to do something with a resource, or a statement about access rights.
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
in scheme | +skos:inScheme |
+ op-aut:access-right |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ Property stating the concept scheme that a given resource is part of. | +
type | +rdf:type |
+ IRI |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class. | +
A media type, e.g. the format of a computer file.
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
in scheme | +skos:inScheme |
+ |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ Property stating the concept scheme that a given resource is part of. | +
type | +rdf:type |
+ IRI |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class. | +
A rate at which something recurs.
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
in scheme | +skos:inScheme |
+ op-aut:frequency |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ Property stating the concept scheme that a given resource is part of. | +
type | +rdf:type |
+ IRI |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class. | +
A media type or extent.
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
in scheme | +skos:inScheme |
+ op-aut:file-type |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ Property stating the concept scheme that a given resource is part of. | +
type | +rdf:type |
+ IRI |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class. | +
A theme used for data classification.
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
in scheme | +skos:inScheme |
+ op-aut:data-theme |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ Property stating the concept scheme that a given resource is part of. | +
type | +rdf:type |
+ IRI |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class. | +
A status of a dataset.
Property name | +URI | +Expected value | +Card. | +Description | +
in scheme | +skos:inScheme |
+ op-aut:dataset-status |
+ 1..1
+ |
+ Property stating the concept scheme that a given resource is part of. | +
type | +rdf:type |
+ IRI |
+ 1..*
+ |
+ Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class. | +
An algorithm used to produce a checksum.
Changes since DCAT-EP version 0.3:
+ +sh:node
constraint to spdx:algorithm
, and added spdx:ChecksumAlgorithm
class shape - see Issue
constraint to spdx:checksum
- see Issue
constraint to dcat:distribution
- see Issue
- see Issue #21.dcat:theme
for dcat:DataService
, dcat:Dataset
, and dcat:DatasetSeries
- see Issue
and sh:nodeKind
constraints to dcat:hasVersion
- see Issue #19.dcterms:accrualPeriodicity
for dcat:Catalogue
, dcat:Dataset
, and dcat:DatasetSeries
- see Issue #18.op-aut:dataset-theme
with op-aut:data-theme
- see Issue #15.euvoc:DatasetStatus
were wrongly specified on foaf:Agent
: fixed - see Issue #14.euvoc:DatasetTheme
were wrongly specified on foaf:Agent
: fixed - see Issue #13.rdfs:Standard
with dcterms:Standard
in dcat:DataService
- see Issue
constraint to adms:versionNotes
- see Issue #11.dcat:hasVersion
- see Issue #10.skos:Concept
's - see Issue #6.