My prompt uses powerlevel10k ( - use the below command to clone the p10k repo automatically as a submodule in the correct location for it to autoload.
git clone --recurse-submodules
To apply the configuration see - config installation should be as simple as running
Make sure you take a backup of your XDG_CONFIG_HOME dir before executing it! it should back up any existing config rather than overwrite it, but cannot guarantee this.
- Neovim
- Kitty - performant terminal with built-in layout management
- Powerlevel10k (async prompt customisation)
- ripgrep
- fzf (fuzzy find) - additional support for fuzzy search and doc preview of SFDX commands
- zoxide (cd) - directory jumper
- exa (ls replacement) - better cross platform color support
- fd-find - GNU find replacement
- rustup - Rust
- volta (node version manager) - NodeJS/NPM shim