jDHTUQ is a peer-to-peer DHT system based on Chord algorithm, but built to generalize the implementation of peer-to-peer DHT systems. It have two fundamental services, put and get of a resource.
jDHTUQ is using:
- Reusable api for lookup and storage
- One implementation of Chord algorithm
- One implementation of a resources management (DHash)
- Spring Boot Starters for easy setup
- Independent communication module configurable
- Peer to peer communication simulation using a data structure
- Peer to peer network communication using sockets
Data structure and network applications.
- Execute with double click or
- Using the console:
java -jar <jdhash-version>.jar
To get more information about how to use the examples, please refer to More Info page
- Clone the repository
- Execute the following command in the root folder
- For desktop ui peer to peer simulation:
gradlew :main:desktop-structure-gui:bootRun
- For desktop ui peer to peer network with sockets:
gradlew :main:desktop-network-gui:bootRun
- For standalone peer to peer network with sockets:
gradlew :main:standalone-network:bootRun
- For desktop ui peer to peer simulation:
Add the following dependencies to your project to use Chord, DHash and Communication layers in your own project.
Note: This dependencies are Spring Boot Starters, so, your project must use Spring Boot