Lets get started with charming vm charms on lxd.
- Familiarity with the Juju OLM 1
- Some Python programming language, Object-Oriented Programming, Event Handlers
- Some basic LXD skill.
- Set up your development environment (See: https://discourse.charmhub.io/t/set-up-your-development-environment/7379)
- Initialize a vm charm
- Deploy it to a vm cloud.
First, make sure your iptables isn't going to mess up from docker fucking up your firewall.
iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT; iptables -F FORWARD
Launch up a VM with 15GB disk on a Ubuntu 22.04. You can use other virtual machine managers (multipass, libvirt etc.) but I use lxd.
lxc launch ubuntu:jammy juj -d root,size=15GiB --vm
Setup the machine for the tutorial
lxc shell juj
root@juj:~# sudo echo Acquire::ForceIPv4 "true"; > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99force-ipv4
root@juj:~# sudo snap install juju --classic
root@juj:~# sudo snap install charmcraft --classic
root@juj:~# lxd init --auto
root@juj:~# lxc remote list
root@juj:~# juju bootstrap localhost tutorial-controller
Creating Juju controller "tutorial-controller" on localhost/localhost
Looking for packaged Juju agent version 2.9.38 for amd64
Located Juju agent version 2.9.38-ubuntu-amd64 at https://streams.canonical.com/juju/tools/agent/2.9.38/juju-2.9.38-linux-amd64.tgz
To configure your system to better support LXD containers, please see: https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd/docs/master/explanation/performance_tuning/
Launching controller instance(s) on localhost/localhost...
- juju-3a5da3-0 (arch=amd64)
Installing Juju agent on bootstrap instance
Fetching Juju Dashboard 0.8.1
Waiting for address
Attempting to connect to fd42:e802:396b:494a:216:3eff:fe4b:8fc7:22
Attempting to connect to
Connected to fd42:e802:396b:494a:216:3eff:fe4b:8fc7
Running machine configuration script...
Bootstrap agent now started
Contacting Juju controller at to verify accessibility...
Bootstrap complete, controller "tutorial-controller" is now available
Controller machines are in the "controller" model
Initial model "default" added
root@juj:~# juju status
Model Controller Cloud/Region Version SLA Timestamp
default tutorial-controller localhost/localhost 2.9.38 unsupported 15:26:30Z
Model "admin/default" is empty.
Now when we have a juju controller atteched to a local cloud, lets get the charm initialized with charmcraft.
An empty directory with the name of our charm.
root@juj:~# mkdir mycharm
root@juj:~# cd mycharm
root@juj:~/mycharm# charmcraft init --profile machine # can be simple, machine or kubernetes
vi metadata.yaml
Now, compile/pack the charm with charmcraft.
root@juj:~/mycharm# charmcraft pack # This takes a long time the first time (3-5 minutes) since it builds inside a full container.
Packing the charm
Created 'mycharm_ubuntu-22.04amd64.charm'.
Charms packed:
The charm is ready to be deployed. Later on, you would be able to upload it to charmhub, but thats another tutorial.
juju deploy ./mycharm_ubuntu-22.04-amd64.charm
Add charm relations and interfaces
- Example: https://github.com/erik78se/juju-operators-examples/tree/main/haproxy-relate
Connect external charm libraries and interact with them:
- Example: Missing
Add charm actions:
- Example: https://github.com/erik78se/juju-operators-examples/tree/main/action-charm
Add charm configurations:
- Example: Missing
Write tests
- Example: Missing
This explains what happens to a charm once you deploy it and how you can implement advanced features for your charm, depending on your ambitions and needs for your charm and software. https://discourse.charmhub.io/t/a-charms-life/5938