diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 8e46f65..f742fdb 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,156 +1,44 @@
storm is a command line tool to manage your ssh connections.
-## installation
+- adding, editing, deleting, listing, searching across your SSHConfig.
+- command alias support for your CLI preferences.
+- support for custom SSH directives.
+- scriptable as a python library.
+- user interfaces besides cli. (web ui, wxpython, unity(ubuntu) indicator.)
- $ [sudo] pip install stormssh
-or if you like 90s:
- $ [sudo] easy_install stormssh
-or download add storm directory to the your `$PATH`. E.g.
- $ git clone git://github.com/emre/storm.git
- $ export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`/storm/storm/bin/; storm
-and install dependencies.
-## getting started
-### adding hosts
- $ storm add [-h] [--id_file ID_FILE] name connection_uri
-Where `-h`, `id_file` are optional arguments.
- $ storm add my_vps root@emreyilmaz.me:22
- my_vps added to your ssh config. you can connect it by typing "ssh my_vps".
-### modifying hosts
- storm edit [-h] [--id_file ID_FILE] name connection_uri
-Where `-h`, `id_file` are optional arguments.
- $ storm edit my_vps emre@emreyilmaz.me:2400
- "my_vps" updated successfully.
-### deleting a single host
- $ storm delete name
- $ storm delete my_vps
- success hostname "my_vps" deleted successfully.
-### searching hosts
- $ storm search git
- Listing results for git:
- github -> emre@github.com:22
-### listing hosts
- $ storm list
- Listing hosts:
- vps -> 22@emreyilmaz.me:22
- netscaler -> root@
-### deleting all hosts
- $ storm delete_all
- all entries deleted.
-### custom ssh config directives
-storm does not wrap/cover all of the SSHConfig directives since there is a billion of them. But,
-other than adding it manually to your ssh config file, you can use --o parameter to accomplish this.
-It works both add and edit sub commands.
- $ storm add web-prod web@webprod.com --o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" --o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"
-### aliases for sub commands
-create a config file in: /home/$user/.stormssh/config
- "aliases": {
- "add": ["create", "touch"],
- "delete": ["rm"]
- }
+$ [sudo] pip install stormssh
-**all user defined aliases can be seen in storm --help output.**
-## web ui
-*added in version: 0.5*
-you can also use the web ui instead of commandline interface:
-$ storm web
-$ storm web --port 3333
-$ storm web --debug True
+or if you like 90s:
+$ [sudo] easy_install stormssh
-## known issues
-If you use zsh on a mac and get "command not found: storm" for main storm script, make sure you have storm in your PATH.
+####usage & documentation
- $ export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/share/python/; storm
-## connection_uri format
- - user@server:port
- - server:port
- - server
-defaults for user -> $USER, port -> 22
+#### screens
-/see ssh_uri_parser for further look.
-## tools/libraries using storm
-- storm-indicator (indicator for ubuntu/unity.)
-- stormssh (wxpython interface to stormssh)
-## contributors
+**web ui**
-- @ras0ir - PKGBUILD for Archlinux and testing excessive ssh configs.
-- @benvand
-- @Bengt
-- @henrysher
-- @playpauseandstop
-- @abhinav-upadhyay
-- @aleno
-- @cihann
-- @f
-## donations
-## analytics
[![Bitdeli Badge](https://d2weczhvl823v0.cloudfront.net/emre/storm/trend.png)](https://bitdeli.com/free "Bitdeli Badge")