This document explains the implementation of the Machine Remediation Request controller and how it will work together with Machine Health Check controller to restore unhealthy machines.
To provide a mechanism to apply remediation strategy on an unhealthy node, that will be different by type and by a provider.
- To provide the interface that will make possible to apply different remediation strategy for each cloud or bare metal providers.
- To provide details regarding the progress of the remediation operation.
- To provide a remediation strategy for each cloud or bare metal providers.
- To provide the integration with the MachineHealthCheck controller.
It's common that high available environment should have a mechanism to restore unhealthy nodes and when delete and create a new node looks feasible solution for a cloud provider, in case of bare metal hosts with additional infrastructure configuration it looks like too destructive approach.
To make possible to specify the remediation strategy for different failure cases and for nodes that run on different providers, this proposal introduces MachineRemediation controller that should monitor all MachineRemediation CR's and apply the remediation strategy according to details specified under the CR.
When the MachineRemediation will apply the remediation strategy, one who is initiating it will be the MachineHealthCheck controller. It will monitor nodes, and for each unhealthy node will create MachineRemediation CR, if after the specified timeout the MachineRemediation will not have the state
equal to Succeeded
, the MachineHealthCheck controller will notify about the remediation failure, and can try to use different type of the remediation strategy.
This proposal introduces a new API type: MachineRemediation, that makes possible to create simple MachineRemediation object with the type of the remediation strategy for the specific machine.
kind: MachineRemediation
name: mr-test
namespace: openshift-machine-api
type: reboot
machineName: test-machine
MachineRemediation status will show what the state the remediation operation has and the time when the remediation operation started.
state: Started
reason: The fencing operation started
startTime: Thu, 20 Jun 2019 03:38:39 -0400
endTime: Thu, 20 Jun 2019 03:40:39 -0400
It can introduce some integration complexity between MachineHealthCheck and MachineRemediation controllers, that will make harder to debug and to test things.
- Create new MachineRemediation CRD.
- Write a new controller that will watch MachineRemediation CR's.
- Create an operator to deploy the MachineRemediation controller.
- Create integration with the OLM.
As basic tests, it will be enough to create MachineRemediation CR's with the reboot type and verify that the machine really rebooted. In the future, we will need to test integration between MachineHealthCheck and MachineRemediation controllers to verify that our final fencing solution works as expected.
Should be managed by OLM.