▸ useLocalStorage<T
, predicate?
): [T
| undefined
, (item
: T
) => void
, () => void
useSessionStorage and useLocalStorage are convenience hooks for using the localStorage and sessionStorage APIs. The item is JSON serialized before storing.
import { useSessionStorage, useLocalStorage } from '@emdgroup/react-storage';
const [item, setItem, clearItem] = useSessionStorage('my-key');
If provided, the predicate
function is executed against the item
before it is stored or retrieved.
interface MyItem {
name: string;
localStorage.setItem('my-key', 'some value');
const [item, setItem, clearItem] = useSessionStorage('my-key', (item: unknown): item is MyItem => {
return typeof item === 'object' && item !== null && (item as Record<string, unknown>).name === 'string';
// `item` is of type MyItem if it passes the predicate. In this case, it is undefined because
// the stored value is invalid.
setItem({ id: 123 }); // fails validation and will not be stored
Name |
T |
Name | Type |
key |
undefined | string |
predicate? |
(arg : unknown ) => arg is T |
| undefined
, (item
: T
) => void
, () => void
▸ useSessionStorage<T
, predicate?
): [T
| undefined
, (item
: T
) => void
, () => void
uses the sessionStorage API instead of the localStorage API.
Name |
T |
Name | Type |
key |
undefined | string |
predicate? |
(arg : unknown ) => arg is T |
| undefined
, (item
: T
) => void
, () => void