- First Version Release
- Introduced some changes to the documentation for ease of use
- Fixed broken link to github
- Updated dev dependencies
- Updated PixiJS to version 5.2.4
- Use of explicit strict equality operators to prevent bugs due to false positives
- Updated PixiJS to version 5.3.3
- Refactored the main class to better accommodate for ES6 modules
- Added missing PIXI filter dependencies to the package.json
- Updated PixiJS to version 5.3.8
- Removed the js folder and moved the library to source
- Added an index.js with relevant exports for ES6 modules
- Included a changelog with documented changes to the library
- Updated the dependencies on the docs
- Resolved typos in the ReadMe and included a usage example
- Updated the license from MIT to Apache-2.0 (it was originally Apache but put wrong in package.json)
- Removed intellij Idea files from the repo
- Fixed an error that would not allow the package to be imported by Javascript
- Added node scripts to the library for building and debugging
- Exposed the library as for ES6 module compatibility
- Modified node scripts
- Modified Package.json metadata
- Removed strict javascript execution