This log will be used to track what I am doing, different methods that I try and used to save links and other resources that I use.
Wikipedia provides lots of different data formats to download data. However the site is very confusing to use. I eventually found a way to downlaod just a current snapshot of all english pages which takes up around 16GB
- Downloaded the XML dump files from (pages articles multistream)
- Verified files against checksum to ensure nothing is corrupt
- Uncompress the bz2 file which took around half an hour. It expaneded to a size of 100GB
- Need to find a way to extract information from the giant xml file.
- I initally selected PUGIXML as the XML parser of choice due to it being very small, simple, and well documented. However, after doing further research, I found that using a DOM based parser would not be suitable due to the size of the files. and instead a SAX based parser is required.
- Instead, I will use libxml2 which is a GNOME project. Libxml++ is a C++ wrapper for libxml2 and this will be used as I am going to develop this project in C++.
- After attempting to build Libxml++ and implement it into my project with CMake and getting nowhere, I decided to try to use a package manager.
- The Libxml++ documentation website returns a 404 error however the documentation can be built from the release tar.
- A secondary version was found here
- I initially selected Conan as the package manager for this project and followed this tutorial to set it up. The package page for libxmlpp on Conan can be found here and the source code can be found here.
- I am unable to get libxml++ to link to the project. However, it does not seem to be an issue of Conan as that is able to find and download the package properly.
- An alternative method is to use Vcpkg instead of Conan so I removed Conan from the project and installed Vcpkg
- This tutorial was used to set up Vcpkg
- I am still getting issues. Could not find package configuration file is one of them and it may be an issue with the Libxmlpp library?
- It turns out that Libxml++ does not have a CMake configuration by design, as it is instead handled by PkgConfig which requires a special configuration in the CMakeLists.txt file, as I discovered here
- This guide shows how to properly configure CMake with PkgConfig. Now that this is done, Libxml++ successfully links and builds in the project. An example from the libxml++ Github was tested to confirm this.
- Next, the documentation needs to be built, and the Clang language server needs to be configured so that it can see the libraries included by CMake as currently it shows errors in my editor and no autocomplete.
In order for ClangD to recognise the libraries included with CMake, a compile_commands.json file must be generated. This is done by adding a line into the CMake configuration which generates it in the build folder. It can then by symlinked into the root directoy for it to be detected by ClangD.
Libxml2 supports both SAX and a TextParser parser. Both of these options are suitable for large files as they do not use a tree structure that requires large amounts of memory. After playing around with both options, I decided to use the SAX parser as this is most comonly used. However, I would later like to implement a TextParser to comapre the performance.
LibXML++ presents the SAX as a class which can be overloaded to add functionality to the parser. It provides functions that are called on various events that occur when the text is parsed, such as on_start_element() and on_character(). Using these functions, the title and contents of the web pages can be extracted.
Once the contents of the webpages can be extracted, the links in these pages need to be collated. This could be done with a REGEX library such as the C++ standard one. However, this is slow, which is a big problem due to the raw amount of data that needs to be processed. After researching alternatives, I decided to use RE2 which is a much faster alternative.
For the first tests, I have decided to use Neo4j, a graph database to store the wikipedia data. A good article can be found here which shows how to install Neo4j using docker. After doing this, I decided to follow some neo4j academy tutorials to learn some Cypher (the language used for neo4j) before I did anything further. I followed the bitesize tutorials to learn how to use neo4j-admin-import, the tool that is used to import massive CSV files into Neo4j. Although I prevously set up a container using a docker-compose.yaml file, I will use the commands below to do it all directly for now as it is simpler and I do not need the additional functinality for these tests.
Run the neo4j-admin command, linking the folders at these locations to use as volumes for the container
sudo docker run -v $HOME/graph_data/data:/data -v $HOME/graph_data/gameofthrones:/var/lib/neo4j/import neo4j:latest neo4j-admin database import full --nodes=/var/lib/neo4j/import/got-s1-nodes.csv --relationships=/var/lib/neo4j/import/got-s1-edges.csv
Run the container, port forwarding the db and mounting the data
sudo docker run -p7474:7474 -p7687:7687 -v $HOME/graph_data/data:/data -v $HOME/graph_data/gameofthrones:/var/lib/neo4j/import --env NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/test1234 neo4j:latest
This is the command I used. THere are many issues as my csv file currently has lots of duplicates. It also has broken links but this is expected as I am not importing all items
sudo docker run -v $HOME/graph_data/data:/data -v $HOME/graph_data/gameofthrones:/var/lib/neo4j/import neo4j:latest neo4j-admin database import full --nodes=import/nodes.csv --relationships=import/links.csv --delimiter="U+007C" --overwrite-destination --verbose --skip-duplicate-nodes=true --bad-tolerance=999999999 --skip-bad-relationships
This works and I am able to view the graph and look at the relationship between nodes. However, since this viewer is browser based, the performance is limited. Only up to 300 nodes can be viewed at one time using the online Neo4j viewer.
There are also some issues in the parser. Some page titles are being cut off, for example, there is a page called "é the Giant" which should be called "André the Giant". After some debugging it was discovered, that on_character function can return before the full string has been returned. To remedy this, at the start of each new page, a title varaible is created and each on_character function that contains "Title" data appends the result to this variable. This ensures that any title strings that are split, are recombined.
- In order to profile the code with Gprof, the flags below must be added to the CMAKE file.
After this, the program must be executed and left to finish running.
Then, the GProf can be called, passing in the executable file.
Here are some of the results:
Flat profile:
Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
% cumulative self self total
time seconds seconds calls ns/call ns/call name
4.69 0.15 0.15 re2::PODArray<int>::size() const
4.37 0.28 0.14 std::unique_ptr<int [], re2::PODArray<int>::Deleter>::get() const
3.07 0.38 0.10 std::unique_ptr<int [], re2::PODArray<int>::Deleter>::operator[](unsigned long) const
2.59 0.46 0.08 re2::SparseSetT<void>::contains(int) const
2.59 0.54 0.08 std::_Head_base<0ul, int*, false>::_M_head(std::_Head_base<0ul, int*, false> const&)
2.59 0.62 0.08 std::_Tuple_impl<0ul, int*, re2::PODArray<int>::Deleter>::_M_head(std::_Tuple_impl<0ul, int*, re2::PODArray<int>::Deleter> const&)
2.43 0.69 0.08 re2::SparseSetT<void>::max_size() const
2.43 0.77 0.08 std::tuple_element<0ul, std::tuple<int*, re2::PODArray<int>::Deleter> >::type const& std::get<0ul, int*, re2::PODArray<int>::Deleter>(std::tuple<int*, re2::PODArray<int>::Deleter> const&)
2.27 0.84 0.07 std::__uniq_ptr_impl<int, re2::PODArray<int>::Deleter>::_M_ptr() const
2.27 0.91 0.07 std::_Head_base<1ul, re2::PODArray<int>::Deleter, false>::_M_head(std::_Head_base<1ul, re2::PODArray<int>::Deleter, false> const&)
1.94 0.97 0.06 re2::DFA::AddToQueue(re2::DFA::Workq*, int, unsigned int)
1.94 1.03 0.06 std::_Tuple_impl<1ul, re2::PODArray<int>::Deleter>::_M_head(std::_Tuple_impl<1ul, re2::PODArray<int>::Deleter> const&)
1.78 1.08 0.06 re2::PODArray<int>::operator[](int) const
1.62 1.13 0.05 re2::Prog::Inst::opcode()
- Most of the time is spent on the RE2 function calls. This makes sense as the RE2 has to process a lot of text for each page. This is hard to increase efficiency so the next steps will be to include multithreading so that multiple pages can be processed at once.
Here are the commands that I used to run the program and still be able to exit the terminal.
nohup ~/WikiMapper/build/WikiMapper ~/enwiki-20240401-pages-articles-multistream.xml &
nohup writes any stdout into a log file which can be used to view the progress of the parser.
I am struggling to get the neo4j-admin tool to work at the moment so I thought I would test using the HTTP interface so I could simply write data to the database directly. I am expecting this method to be extremely slow but it would be nice to get some things to work so I can see some of the data in Neo4j. I used the curl library to perform http requests. This worked, and I was able to insert data however it took over two hours to insert around 160000 records, much less than the 6 million so this method is not really viable.
I did consider attempting to have each thread read from the file, process the data, and append it to the output file. However, one thread reading from the file would block other threads from doing so, reducing the performance. A better way to acheive multithreading is outlined below
- One thread will be used to split the data into chunks and add them to a queue.
- Other threads will then take data from this queue and process it and return it to a processed buffer.
- A last thread will take the processed data and write it to the output files.
This has now been fully implemented. Currently, the first thread splits the file into sections of 400 pages which are then added to the queue. There is also a maximum length that the queue can be. These are currently both arbitary numbers.
For some reason, there are lots of duplicate pages in the XML dump. This causes errors when importing it into neo4j using Neo4j-Admin-Import. To fix this the duplicate nodes must be removed.
- Remove the csv header line
sed -i '1d' ./nodes.csv
- Remove duplicate lines
sort nodes.csv | uniq > nodesSorted.csv
- Reinsert the csv header line
sed -i '1i pageName:ID,title,:LABEL' ./nodesSorted.csv
Unfortunatley there are still some issues with the linking of pages. Wikipedia has a number of rules that are used to link pages with similar names. For example, [[Suez_Canal]] will still link to the page titled Suez Canal. This also works for other characters such as &
and and
all being treated the same. A few find and replace rules have been implemented to fix this, however, it has not been verified that all rules have been met.
On top of this, there are lots of links to pages that do not exist. This issue is impossible to fix when importing the data into the database using Neo4j-Adim-Import so instead, the --skip-bad-relationships
flag has been set and --bad-tolerance
set to 100,000,000
The command below was used to insert the data into the Neo4j database.
sudo docker run -v $HOME/graph_data/data:/data -v $HOME/graph_data/wiki:/var/lib/neo4j/import neo4j:latest neo4j-admin database import full --nodes=/var/lib/neo4j/import/nodesSorted.csv --relationships=/var/lib/neo4j/import/links.csv --overwrite-destination --verbose --skip-bad-relationships --bad-tolerance=100000000 --multiline-fields
This resultsed in an output as shown below, with 16,625,742 nodes and 302,342,403 relationships
IMPORT DONE in 2m 50s 583ms.
16625742 nodes
302342403 relationships
16625742 properties
In order to visualise the data extracted from the Wikipedia XML file into Neo4j, a graph explorer is required. Although visualisers developed by Neo4j do exist, the free projects are not able to visualise the data in 3D and also it would be more interesting to develop it myself.
I decided to use OpenGL for this project. Other options included Vulkan, however this is much more complicated than OpenGL and only really brings real benefits if you are experienced and know what you are doing. I do not.
I followed the tutorials which gave a good introduction to OpenGL. Tutorial 18: Billboards and Particles was particularly helpful and provided the base of the project.
I made a start on the project with the knowledge I had learnt from that tutorial. I got some basic sphere billboards workingk, however the lighting was incorrect and they did not have any proper depth, making them look unrealistic when the lines were places near them.
I went back to the basics and followed this tutorial series
Following the learnOpenGLtutorial was definitely worth it. I gained a decent amount of understanding from the first tutorials series that I followed but I realised that I my progress on the project was slowing down and I was reaching roadblocks. Following these tutorial helped me learn how OpenGL works on a deeper level. It also gave me some inspiration for new things to add to the project and some improvements.
Struggled with this for a long time. Here are some resources that I used:
- Chapter 13. Lies and Impostors
- Rendering a Sphere on a Quad
- Ambient Occlusion and Edge Cueing to Enhance Real Time Molecular Visualization
- Point Sprite Sphere Impostors [2023-06-21]
- Drawing-Millions-Of-Spheres
- OpenGL impostor-sphere : problem when calculating the depth value
- Learning GLSL: the goal
- Raycasted Spheres and Point Sprites vs. Geometry Instancing (OpenGL 3.3)
- Imposter Sphere
I have not made an update for a long time however have still been developing the OpenGL explorer. I have now implemented Imposter spheres and Cylinders which was quite a challenge. Furthermore, I have worked on adding lighting to both these shaders, with simple Phong shading tecniques. I have also implemented a very basic text drawing class, however it is currently horribly optimised as I have a separate draw call for every single letter. This is obviously the performance bottleneck at the moment so this will be worked on at some point, however it works for now. A full list of features can be seen in the Explorer readme or by looking at the commit logs.
The next steps for the project is to integrate the Neo4j database into the explorer project so I can pull down some real data with real links. I do have some basic test data but it would be useful to have the actual data as I am soon to be working on the algorithm that will layout the graph in 3d space.