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Apostolis Bekiaris edited this page Feb 25, 2020
11 revisions
The module exports 194 Cmdlets that can help you automate your every day tasks. The module is used in production from the eXpandFramework build scripts and Azure Tasks.
In this page you can see a list of all Cmdlets with a short description. For details and real world examples search the Wiki.
is available in PSGallery
. Open a PowerShell prompt and type:
Install-Module XpandPwsh
To list the module command issue the next line into a PowerShell prompt.
Get-XpwshCommand #alias gxcm
To display the wiki help page for a specific cmdlet from your console (tab autocompletion):
Get-XPwshHelp Get-XPwshHelp #alias gxh
Cmdlet | Synopsis |
Add-AssemblyBindingRedirect | Adds Assembly binding redirects for a list of packages. |
Add-AzBuild | Add a new AzureDevOps build to a definition. |
Add-AzBuildTag | Tag an AzureDevOps Build. |
Add-GitDiff | Filtered git stage. |
Add-NuspecDependency | Adds a dependency to a Nuspec file. |
Add-PackageReference | Adds PackageReference to an MSBuild project. |
Add-ProjectReference | Add assembly reference to an MSBuild project. |
Add-XmlElement | Add an XmlElement to an XmlDocument. |
Approve-LastExitCode | Throws if $lastExitCode is not zero. |
Checkpoint-GitHubIssue | Adds unique comments to a GitHub issue containing templated info from related commits. |
Clear-AspNetTemp | Clears ASP.Net temp folders. |
Clear-AzStorageBlob | Clear an Azure Blob Container. |
Clear-DotNetSdkFallBackFolder | Clears the NugetFallbackFolder |
Clear-NugetCache | Clears all local nuget caches. |
Clear-ProjectDirectories | Removes recursively common directories like bin, obj, .vs, packages |
Clear-TempFolders | Clears Windows Temp folder |
Close-GithubIssue | Close a GitHub Issue based on its last update. |
Compress-Files | Compress File and Directories. |
Compress-Project | Compress all files for a VS Solution |
ConvertTo-Dictionary | Converts a pipeline to a dictionary. |
ConvertTo-Directory | Convert path to directory. |
ConvertTo-FramedText | Formats text with a customizable frame. |
ConvertTo-HttpQueryString | Converts a Hastable to an HttpQueryString. |
ConvertTo-Object | {{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
ConvertTo-PackageObject | Converts nuget.exe commands output. |
Disable-ExecutionPolicy | {{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Find-Alias | CmdLet alias lookup. |
Find-History | Command line historical lookup. |
Find-NugetPackage | Fast Nuget.org lookup. |
Find-NugetPackageInstallationFolder | Finds the installation path of a nuget package out of a predefined set of directories. |
Find-PaketRefs | Paket references lookup. |
Find-XpandNugetPackage | Finds only eXpandFramework packages. |
Find-XpandPackage | Find eXpandFrameoWork only packages. |
Format-Xml | Pretty-print formatted XML source |
Get-Assembly | Checks if ASsembly is loaded to the AppDomain. |
Get-AssemblyInfoVersion | Returns the version of an AssemblyInfo.cs |
Get-AssemblyMetadata | Lists key/value pairs of the AssemblyMetadata attribute. |
Get-AssemblyPublicKey | {{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Get-AssemblyPublicKeyToken | {{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Get-AssemblyReference | Lists Assembly references. |
Get-AzArtifact | Download AzureDevOps Build artifacts. |
Get-AzBuilds | Lists AzureDevOps builds. |
Get-AzDefinition | Lists AzureDevOps definitions |
Get-AzTestRuns | Lists AzureDevOps Test Runs. |
Get-CallerPreference | Fetches "Preference" variable values from the caller's scope. |
Get-ChocoPackage | {{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Get-DevExpressPath | Returns the installation paths of DevExpress found in a system. |
Get-DevExpressVersion | Returns the DevExpress version depending on the parameter set used. |
Get-Distinct | {{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Get-DotNetCoreVersion | Returns all installed sdks. |
Get-DotNetTool | Lists DotNet tools. |
Get-DotNetVersion | Lists installed DotNet versions. |
Get-DxNugets | Lists all assemblies in a DevExpress Nuget package. |
Get-GitHubClient | {{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Get-GitHubCommitIssue | Lists all GitHub issues that related to a commit. |
Get-GitHubIssue | List Github issues for a repository. |
Get-GitHubIssueComment | Returns the comments of a GitHub Issue. |
Get-GitHubIssueEvents | {{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Get-GitHubLabel | Lists GitHub repository labels. |
Get-GitHubMilestone | Returns github repository milestones. |
Get-GitHubRelease | Returns github repository releases. |
Get-GitHubRepositoryTag | Returns GitHub repository tags. |
Get-GitLastSha | Returns the Sha of the last git commit. |
Get-LatestMinorVersion | List minor versions for a Nuget Package. |
Get-MsBuildPath | Returns the MSBuild path. |
Get-NugetInstallationFolder | Retrieves the Nuget packages installation folders |
Get-NugetPackage | Download and extract a NuGet package without installing it. |
Get-NugetPackageDependencies | Lists Nuget package dependencies. |
Get-NugetPackageDownloadsCount | Get the downloads of a NuGet packages |
Get-NugetPackageMetadataVersion | {{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Get-NugetPackageSearchMetadata | Returns only the metadata of a NuGet package. |
Get-NugetPath | Download Nuget.exe if not exists and returns its path. |
Get-PackageFeed | Returns common package feeds like Nuget.org and Xpand. |
Get-PackageReference | Lists MSBuild project PackageRefence. |
Get-PackageSourceLocations | Returns the locations of the registered in the system package feeds. |
Get-PackageTargetFramework | {{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Get-PaketDependenciesPath | Finds the paket.dependecies location searching recursively upwards. |
Get-PaketFiles | Lists Paket files. |
Get-PaketPackageRequirement | Lists Paket files. |
Get-ProjectTargetFramework | Get the TargetFramework for an MSBuild project. |
Get-ReferenceConflict | List all reference conflicts for a list of assemblies. |
Get-RelativePath | Returns the relative path needed to move from one location to another. |
Get-SymbolSources | List the sources of a symbol (*.pdb) |
Get-VersionPart | Version formatting |
Get-VSPath | {{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Get-XAFLatestMinors | List latest XAF minor versions. |
Get-XAFModule | List XAF module c# classes in all assemblies in a folder. |
Get-XafPackageNames | List XAF Nuget package names for a version. |
Get-XmlContent | {{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Get-XpandNugetPackageDependencies | List Xpand Nuget package dependencies. |
Get-XpandPackageNames | Lists Xpand package names. |
Get-XpandPackages | Lists all Xpand Nuget package (Release/Lab) |
Get-XpandPath | {{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Get-XpandPublicKeyToken | Outputs the Xpand PublicKeyToken. |
Get-XpandPwshDirectoryName | Outputs the XpandPwsh installation folder. |
Get-XpandReleaseChange | Query all eXpandFramework releases. |
Get-XpandRepository | {{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Get-XpandVersion | Returns eXpandFramework version for several scenarios. |
Get-XPwshCommand | Lists XpandPwsh Cmdlets. |
Get-XpwshHelp | Navigates to the online wiki page. |
Import-Class | Imports a Powershell class. |
Install-Chocolatey | {{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Install-DebugOptimizationHook | Installs system wide hook for disabling debugging optimizations |
Install-DevExpress | Installs all DevExpress assemblies needed for all solutions under a directory. |
Install-DotnetCore | Installs dotnet cli |
Install-SubModule | {{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Install-Xpand | This is the eXpandFramework main installer. |
Invoke-AzureRestMethod | Invokes Azure DevOps REST API |
Invoke-PaketAdd | Adds a package with Paket. |
Invoke-PaketClearCache | Clears all Paket caches for a repository. |
Invoke-PaketConvertFromNuget | Converts all projects under a folder to Paket usage instead of Nuget. |
Invoke-PaketFindVersions | Search for Paket dependency Versions. |
Invoke-PaketInit | Create an empty paket.dependencies file in the current working directory. |
Invoke-PaketInstall | Compute Paket dependency graph, download dependencies and update projects. |
Invoke-PaketRemove | Remove a Paket dependency. |
Invoke-PaketRestore | Download the Paket computed dependency graph. |
Invoke-PaketShowInstalled | Show Paket installed top-level packages. |
Invoke-PaketSimplify | Simplify declared dependencies by removing transitive dependencies. |
Invoke-PaketUpdate | Update Paket dependencies to their latest version. |
Invoke-Parallel | Invokes tasks in parallel. |
Invoke-Script | Invokes a Powershell script with retry options. |
Mount-Assembly | Loads a .NET/.NETCore assembly into the AppDomain. |
Move-PaketSource | Replaces a Paket source in a paket.dependecy file. |
New-Assembly | {{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
New-AssemblyResolver | Creates a Mono.Cecil Assembly Resolver. |
New-Command | {{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
New-GitHubComment | Post a comment to a GitHub issue |
New-GithubReleaseNotes | Generates GitHub Release notes. |
New-GithubReleaseNotesTemplate | {{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
New-MacAddress | Generates a new MacAddress. |
New-XAFProject | Creates a new XAF MSBuild project/solution In SDK format. |
Publish-AssemblyToGac | Publish assemblies to Gac. |
Publish-GitHubRelease | Publish a release for a Github repository. |
Publish-NugetPackage | Publishes a NuGet package. |
Push-GitSSH | Push to a remote a Git repository using SSH. |
Read-AssemblyDefinition | Reads Assembly using Mono.Cecil which does not load it into the AppDomain. |
Remove-AzBuild | Deletes an AzureDevOps build. |
Remove-AzBuildInProgress | {{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Remove-BlankLines | Removes blank lines from a files |
Remove-DefaultValueKeys | Removes hastable keys with default values. |
Remove-ProjectLicenseFile | Removes licx files from a VS project. |
Remove-ProjectNuget | Replace Nuget packages with direct assembly references |
Remove-VersionConverterFlags | Removes Xpand.VersionConverter flags so to repatch the assemblies. |
Resolve-AssemblyDependencies | Resolve all referenced assemblies for a given assembly, reclusively. |
Set-VsoVariable | {{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Start-SelfElevate | Elevates the current powershell session |
Start-XpandProjectConverter | Updates versions of eXpandFramework/XAF assemblies. |
Submit-GitStage | Stage all Git unstaged files. |
Switch-DevExpress | Switch csproj DevExpress references to Nuget packages |
Switch-XpandToNugets | Switch all Xpand MSBuild project references to Nuget packages. |
Test-AssemblyReference | Lists assemblies that do not match the VersionFilter. |
Test-Symbol | Checks if the symbol is valid for a given assembly. |
Uninstall-AllModules | Uninstall all Powershell modules. |
UnInstall-DotnetCoreSdk | UnInstall a DotnetCoreSdk. |
Uninstall-ProjectAllPackages | Uninstall all NuGet and their dependencies from a project. |
UnInstall-Xpand | Uninstall eXpandFramework project. |
UnPublish-NugetPackage | Unpublish Nuget packages from a source. |
Update-AssemblyInfo | Updates the AssemblyInfo.cs version |
Update-AssemblyInfoVersion | Updates the AssemblyInfo.cs version |
Update-AzBuild | Update an AzureDevops build. |
Update-GitHubIssue | Update a GitHub issue. |
Update-HintPath | Update VS project HintPath. |
Update-NugetPackage | Update VS project NuGet packages to their latest version found from all registered in the system sources. |
Update-NugetProjectVersion | Update the version found in AssemblyInfo.cs looking in Git history for any midification since the last tag. |
Update-Nuspec | {{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Update-OutputPath | Updates VS project output path. |
Update-ProjectAutoGenerateBindingRedirects | Enables AutoGenerateBindingRedirects for a VS project. |
Update-ProjectDebugSymbols | Enable Debug Symbols for a VS Project. |
Update-ProjectLanguageVersion | Update Project language version to Latest
Update-ProjectPackage | Calls the Update-NugetPackage cmdlet from inside VS Package Manager Console |
Update-ProjectProperty | Update a VS project property. |
Update-ProjectSign | Signs a VS project. |
Update-ProjectTargetFramework | Update the Target Framework in a MSBuild project. |
Update-Symbols | Index symbols to local or remote locations. |
Update-Version | Update version parts. |
Use-MonoCecil | {{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Use-NugetAssembly | {{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Use-Object | Disposes a disposable object, same as c# using keyword. |
Wait-Task | Wait for a task to complete. Similar to c# await keyword. |
Write-HostFormatted | Text formatting. |