diff --git a/public/timeline/data.csv b/public/timeline/data.csv deleted file mode 100644 index 9ddfe09..0000000 --- a/public/timeline/data.csv +++ /dev/null @@ -1,105 +0,0 @@ -YEAR;REST OF DATE;1ST ROW;HEADING [2ND ROW];3RD ROW;MILESTONE;TYPE;IMAGE URL;CTA 1;LINK 1;CTA 2;LINK 2;CTA 3;LINK 3 -1994;;;Freaknet Medialab;The first Italian medialab is born: freaknet.org in Sicily, co-founded by some of the people at the origin of Dyne.org;;;;;freaknet.org;;;; -1994;;;Metro Olografix;Metro Olografix is born in Pescara, cultural association for telematic cultures;;;;;olografix.org;;;; -1997;;;TIG97 demoscene event;The Italian Gathering demo party;;;;;http://storico.olografix.org/ig97;;;; -1997;;;Giardini Pensili;Theatre cooperation with Giardini Pensili performing live video coding for various projects: Affreschi, Nishmat Hashmal, Il Cartografo, Trance Bakxai;;;;;https://giardini.sm;;;; -1997;;;Radio #Cybernet;The first Internet streaming radio in Italy is born out of the #cybernet IRC channel;;;;;https://radiocybernet.org;;;; -1998;;;Hackmeeting;The first hackmeeting takes place in a squat in Firenze (CPA) gathering all the Italian hacker communities at large, plus members of CCC and Hacktic. Since then the hackmeeting continues as an annual meeting, taking place every year in a different place in Italy.;0;;;;https://hackmeeting.org;;;; -1998;;;TIG98 demoscene event;;;;;;http://storico.olografix.org/tig98;;;; -;;;;;;;;;;;;; -2000;29/03;;Dyne.org on-line ;Dyne.org is born from the diaspora of the Freaknet brotherhood;0;;;;https://dyne.org;;;; -2000;06/08;;net.congestion;Dyne.org crew participats to the International Festival of Streaming Media in Amsterdam, Tactical Media;;;;;http://www.tacticalmediafiles.net/events/4682/net_congestion;;;; -2000;December;;Hasciicam;New software published: Hasciicam, (h)ascii for the masses! Converting live video into ASCII and streaming it online Also reviewed on slashdot, among other uses the software is deployed in Sun labs to gather entropy from lava lamps.;0;software;;;https://ascii.dyne.org;;;; -;;;;;;;;;;;;; -2001;31/05;;FreeJ 2001;New software publication: FreeJ, vision mixer to set the veejay free.;;;;;https://freej.dyne.org;;;; -2001;September;;Sophisticated Soiree;Premiere of Sophisticated Soiree at Ars Electronica, Linz The audience hearthbeats controll sound and visuals in a performance setting inspired by an episode of the Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson Performed in: ARS festival (Linz, 2001), Steirischerherbst (Graz, 2001), Berliner Festspiele (Berlin, 2002), ZKM Intermedium2 (Karlsruhe, 2002);;art;;;https://webarchive.ars.electronica.art/en/archives/festival_archive/festival_catalogs/festival_catalog.asp%3FiProjectID=8199.html;;;; -2001;11/09;;MuSE;MuSE, the Multiple Streaming Engine software for independent Internet radios is released free and open source.;0;software;;;https://archive.flossmanuals.net/muse/;;;; -2001;November;;TUBOCATODICO;Premiere of TUBOCATODICO :: kill-a-tv today! Theatre performance on the mind-control operated on people by TV networks Performed in: Anarres (Bari), Forte Prenestino (Roma), CSOA Bulk (Milano), TPO (Bologna), ESC Mur.at (Graz);;art;;;;;;; -;;;;;;;;;;;;; -2002;22/03;;Intermedium2 award;The Sophisticated Soiree audio/visual performance wins the Intermedium2 award at ZKM in Karlsruhe;;art;;;https://zkm.de/de/event/2002/03/a-sophisticated-soiree-1;;;; -2002;24/11;;Palazzo delle Esposizioni;Dyne.org artists and hackers perform in a massive party dance-floor setup in the middle of Rome, using only free software and live coding using FreeJ and self-constructed computers on stage.;;art;;;;;;; -2002;12/09;;Next Five Minutes;The fourth and last edition of the Next 5 Minutes tactical media festival takes place in Amsterdam, with the participation of several Dyne.org hackers.;;;;;;;;; -2002;;;FARAH;Net.art project to discover and document what nowadays remains untouched by the war within the palestinian popular culture: everything in the tales of childrens and older people which still reaches to have nothing to do with the daily horror of war, which risks to pervade unreversibly the identity of a population.;;art;;;https://jaromil.dyne.org/journal/farah.html;;;; -2002;;;ASCII Shell Forkbomb;;0;art;;;;;;; -;;;;;;;;;;;;; -2003;21/05;;PEAM;The first edition of the PEAM (Pescara Electronic Artists Meeting) takes place with the participation of Dyne.org artists and hackers, including a performance of TUBOCATODICO.;;art;;;https://www.exibart.com/exiwebart/exiwebart_report-peam-2003-pescara-ecoteca/ | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIAlZxWbEa8&t=28s;;;; -2003;25/07;;Otokultivator;Dyne.org crews program educational tracks on free and open source software in art during a series of youth camps in Vis, Croatia;;;;;;;;; -2003;08/08;;Makrolab residency;A crew of Dyne.org hackers goes to live into the Makrolab for two weeks, on a desert island in the middle of the Venetian bay. There an intensive period of development takes place, from which the dyne:bolic 1.0 release will be born;;;;;;;;; -2003;24/09;;dyne:bolic v1;;0;software;;;;;;; -;;;;;;;;;;;;; -2004;;;Streamtime;Haan al-Irsaal (Arabic for Streamtime), was born in the spring of 2004 when two journalists and a hacker joined forces with the purpose to promote independent, free speech web-radio and blogging from war-torn Iraq and its Diaspora.;;;;;;;;; -2004;25/05;;Trans.hackmeeting;The Trans.hackmeeting takes place in Pola, Croatia, in the premises of the Monteparadiso squat. Dyne.org crews participate to organize this trans-national hacker meeting at the eastern borders of Europe, also releasing THK, an open source intro/invitation to the event.;;;;;https://www.pouet.net/party.php?which=666&when=2004;;;; -2004;20/08;;MOCA 2004;Dyne.org village settles tents at the Metro Olografix hacker camp in Pescara, Italy;;;;;https://www.olografix.org/timeline-25-anni/;;;; -;;;;;;;;;;;;; -2005;;;Dyne.org Foundation;Dyne.org acquires non-profit foundation status in Amsterdam thanks to a board of directors including Heiner Holtappels (director of Montevideo/Time Based Arts) and Robert de Geuss (open-source software entrepreneur);0;;;;;;;; -2005;January;;India;Dyne.org's developer Jaromil tours India giving various workshops and then volunteering for the Tsunami relief in Tamil Nadu. Among the workshops given, one is held at the National Design Institute in Ahmedabad, about free and open source software design;;;;;;;;; -;;;;;;;;;;;;; -2006;11/05;;ASCII;"Dyne.org hosts the ""hackers lounge"" at the ASCII squat: a weekly lab about security hacking, from the good ol days to the 0-day.";;;;;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII_(squat);;;; -2006;07/06;;Transmission;With the participation of many Dyne.org hackers, Transmission.cc takes place for the first time in the CSOA Forte Prenestino (Roma) as a meeting of international online video distribution projects for social change.;;;;;;;;; -2006;08/06;;dyne:bolic v2;Version 2 of the 100% free operating system dyne:bolic is released, codename DHORUBA;0;software;;;https://dynebolic.org;;;; -2006;22/06;;I LOVE YOU;The I LOVE YOU exhibition on hacker art tours across Serbia: Kuda (Novi Sad) and BELEF (Belgrade);;art;;;http://www.digitalcraft.org/www/html/iloveyou/;;;; -;;;;;;;;;;;;; -2007;;;Bricolabs;;;;;;;;;; -2007;08/08;;CCCamp;The Dyne.org village settles its tents for the first time in the Chaos Computer Camp together with Servus.at;0;;;;;;;; -2007;May;;Goodbye Privacy;"The ""goobye privacy"" symposium takes place in the Ars Electronica Festival, curated by Armin Medosh. Jaromil delivers a speech about piracy, privacy and thought control, in memory of Toni Onuoha.";0;;;;https://noemalab.eu/memo/events/goodbye-privacy-ars-electronica-2007/;;;; -;;;;;;;;;;;;; -2008;12/06;;Hackerspace festival;The first hackerspace festival is hosted by tmp/lab in Paris, with the partecipation of Dyne.org;;;;;http://hackerspaces.org;;;; -2008;11/08;;House of Natural Fibers;The Indonesian collective House of Natural Fibers (HONF) organizes the Yogyakarta International Media art festival, hosting Dyne.org hackers into the program. This is the beginning of a long friendship and exchange with Indonesian hackers.;;;;;;;;; -;;;;;;;;;;;;; -2009;January;;Vilém Flusser Award;Jaromil is awarded with the Vilém Flusser prize together with theorist Brian Holmes, while leading the R&D of Montevideo / Time Based Arts artlab.;0;;;;;;;; -2009;02/03;;Wintercamp;The Dyne.org crew at large has a possibility to gather at the Wintercamp in Amsterdam, organized by the Institute of Network Cultures. This is the first time international hackers from the dyne.org network can travel from all over the world to meet together in one place.;;;;;https://networkcultures.org/wintercamp/2009/03/08/opening-eyes-and-earlids/;;;; -2009;13/08;;HAR2009;The Dyne.org village is established during the Hacking at Random international hacker camp in Holland. Cecile Landman, Jo van der Spek and Jaromil deliver a presentation about Streamtime.org together with members of the Iraqi Linux User Group.;;;;;;;;; -2009;03/10;;Free Culture Forum;Dyne.org crew participates and contributes to the first Free Culture Forum in Barcelona (FCForum) The forum will take place for the following years until the final of a charter for citizens' and artists' rights in the digital age.;0;;;;https://fcforum.net/en/;;;; -2009;18/12;;Verdebinario;The MIAI, Interactive Museum of Industrial Archeology, is born in Cosenza and joins our network of computer musea.;;;;;https://verdebinario.org;;;; -;;;;;;;;;;;;; -2010;April;;DYNDY;Dyndy.net is launched as an observatory on alternative and complementary currencies.;0;;;;https://dyndy.net;;;; -2010;24/07;;GHM;10 years of history of Dyne.org are presented along with reflections on our experience for the GNU hackers meeting in Den Haag, hosted by rev.space;;;;;https://www.gnu.org/ghm/2010/denhaag/;;;; -2010;05/11;;FSCONS;Dyne.org presents for the first time a lecture on Permaculture and Free Software design at the Free Society Conference and Nordic Summit. This marks the beginning of a research track on urban regeneration focusing on design patterns between permaculture and open source.;;;;;https://fsfe.org/events/fscons-2010.en.html;;;; -;;;;;;;;;;;;; -2011;;;Tomb 1.0;The first stable release of Tomb 1.0 is announced.;0;software;;;https://tomb.dyne.org;;;; -2011;August;;CCCamp;The tends of the Dyne.org village are settled at the Chaos Computer Camp. Jaromil and Radium deliver a speech about the Crypto Commons, the ascent and future of Bitcoin, alternative and complementary currencies;;;File:Jaromil Chaos Communication Camp 2011.jpg - Wikimedia Commons;;https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/camp/2011/Fahrplan/events/4450.en.html;;;; -2011;22/09;;dyne:bolic v3;"Version 3 of the 100% free operating system dyne:bolic is released, with codename ""MUNIR""";0;software;;;https://dynebolic.org;;;; -;;;;;;;;;;;;; -2012;February;;ZShaolin;The Android software ZShaolin is released, allowing people to run a fully featured terminal on any Android device, without routing.;;software;;;;;;; -;;;;;;;;;;;;; -2013;13/09;;40under40;CTO and co-founder Jaromil is awarded a fellowship in the 40 under 40 program for young European leaders.;;;;;;;;; -2013;;;Constitution of the European Pirate Party;We proudly support the Constitution of the European Pirate Party, the first international party of modern Europe. Jaromil is among the 8 pirates who signed its constitution in Luxemburg.;0;;;;;;;; -2013;August;;Yurt.in;The Yurt project is erected in RuralHub, hosting a densely participated summer school in the south of Italy;;;;;;;;; -;;;;;;;;;;;;; -2014;;;MO20;The Metro Olografix cultural association for telematic cultures is now 20 years old!;;;;;;;;; -2014;November;;Devuan;"The development of a fork of Debian is announced by an anonymous group of ""Veteran UNIX Admins"". With the support of Dyne.org the distribution established a fork to provide users with a minimalist GNU+Linux distribution to free users from the entangling web of dependencies in Debian's systemd adoption.";0;;;;https://devuan.org;;;; -2014;26/11;;Tomb 2.0;Tomb the crypto undertaker software gets a whole refactoring and new features, reaching release version 2.0;;software;;;;;;; -;;;;;;;;;;;;; -2015;16/08;;CCCamp;The Dyne.org village once again settles its tent at the Chaos Computer Camp, sharing its space with the newborn Idiopolis village.;;;;;;;;; -2015;;;Freecoin 2015.09;The new software Freecoin is announced, developed to provide a social wallet capable of running complementary currency transaction over multiple blockchains.;;;;;http://freecoin.ch;;;; -2015;;;Bitcoin documentary video (2015) “Ulterior States”;The first documentary about Bitcoin and the crypto scene comes out featuring the earliest protagonists of the movement, including Jaromil, Vinay Gupta and many others.;0;;;;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQGQXy0RIIo;;;; -2015;;;Apertura Dyne Office;;;;;;;;;; -2015;;;#CCCamp2015;Lecture Jaromil;0;;;;;;;; -2015;;;Robin Hood;;;;;;;;;; -2015;;;STARTS-EU;The STARTS-EU project begins with a series of keynotes including Jaromil and Laura Beloff at BOZAR in BXL ;0;;;;https://starts.eu/;;;; -;;;;;;;;;;;;; -2016;;;Festival DRIFT;Jaromil delivers a lecture about Bitcoin and Algorithmic Sovereignty at the Philosophy Festival held by the Vlaams Cultural Institute in Amsterdam;;;;;https://twitter.com/festivaldrift;;;; -2016;;;D–CENT;D-CENT project final event ;;;;;https://dcentproject.eu/;;;; -2016;;;#MOCA2016 Pescara Abruzzo;;;;;;;;;; -2016;;;Launch of the Commonfare project on Poverty, Income and Employement in Europe;The start of the COMMONFARE project with a cooperation between Italy, Netherlands and Croatia.;;;;;https://commonfare.net;;;; -2016;;;DATA PORTRAITS by Jaromil Rojo;Premiere on display at #OBA public library in #Amsterdam for the exhibion DATA AESTHETICS (140ct-13Nov);0;;;;;;;; -2016;;;The Data Prevention Manifesto;;;;;;https://dataprevention.net/;;;; -;;;;;;;;;;;;; -2017;;;DECODE Project launch;"The flagship EU project DECODE provides tools that put individuals in control of whether they keep their personal data private or share it for the public good - -";;;;;https://decodeproject.eu;;;; -2017;;;Dowse at transmediale;;;;;;;;;; -2017;;;Devuan at at #FSCONS;;0;;;;;;;; -2017;;;#Enschede;Jaromil lecture on the history of the Cyberpunk movement at GOGBOT festival;;;;;;;;; -2017;;;Tech Festival Lecture;;;;;;https://itu.dk/;;;; -2017;;; #thingsconams!;DOWSE Workshop held at ThingCon IoT Community conference in Amsterdam;;;;;https://www.dowse.eu/;;;; -2017;;;The Data Portraits by Jaromil;DATA PORTRAITS exhibited at the MACRO Museum in Rome and featured on RAI national TV educational channel;0;;;;https://fotonicafestival.com/en/editions/2018-rome/location/ | https://www.raiplay.it/video/2018/02/Denis-Jaromil-Rojo-Data-Portaits-Dal-digitale-allanalogico-1ed2d452-a07f-4bc4-992d-fed51ed35c8e.html;;;; -;;;;;;;;;;;;; -2018;;;First AlgoSov workshop;At Tech Festival in Copenhagen is held the first Algorithmic Sovereignty workshop. Jaromil publishes his doctoral dissertation at University Plymouth, which is today the most viewed research thesis of all times in the Public University Archive.;0;;;;https://algosov.org/;;;; -2018;;;DECODE project is featured at the #ICT2018 event in Vienna;;;;;;https://decodeproject.eu;;;; -2018;;;Cybersecurity EU TV show;Cryptome features an episode of the European TV Channel about Cybersecurity and IoT with Jaromil and colleagues of Radically Open Security;;;;;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmkVHuyl0d0;;;; -;;;;;;;;;;;;; -2019;;Dyne.org presents in Amsterdam the;LEDGER project;fund offering technical mentorship for the development of free and open source projects;0;;;Official website;https://ledgerproject.eu;;;; -;;;;;;;;;;;;; -2019;;Clusterduck and Dyne meet at ;Influencer Festival Barcellonaa;;0;;;Read the festival program;https://theinfluencers.org/en/2019/program;;;; -2020;;;A Vision of Europe;Jaromil joins an International all-star cast of thinkers, artists, and policy makers to draw a vision for a transparent, united, democratic Europe in this book, sharing the experience of Dyne.org as an alternative institution for the Commons.;0;;;See on Eris.Press;https://eris.press/A-Vision-for-Europe;;;; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tailwind.config.cjs b/tailwind.config.cjs index c3bf0fa..95597c2 100644 --- a/tailwind.config.cjs +++ b/tailwind.config.cjs @@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ module.exports = { 'bg-interdisciplinarity', 'bg-cybersecurity', 'bg-primary', + 'bg-accent', + 'bg-saccent', + 'bg-taccent', + 'bg-baccent', 'rotate-2', '-rotate-1', ],