This document describes how to clone Dynatrace OneAgent extension to private AWS accounts.
Dynatrace OneAgent AWS Lambda extension is a AWS Lambda layer shared from a Dynatrace AWS account. The layer must be attached to AWS Lambda functions to enable deep monitoring. Specific security policies might apply that disallow the usage of such shared AWS Lambda layers.
To mitigate those security concerns, Dynatrace OneAgent AWS Lambda extension can be cloned to an private AWS account.
can be used to clone a layer.
$ dt-awslayertool --profile default clone arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:725887861453:layer:Dynatrace_OneAgent_1_207_6_20201127-103507_nodejs:1 --target-region eu-central-1
querying layer version meta information for arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:725887861453:layer:Dynatrace_OneAgent_1_207_6_20201127-103507_nodejs:1
downloading arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:725887861453:layer:Dynatrace_OneAgent_1_207_6_20201127-103507_nodejs:1 content [1833343 bytes] to ...
Connected... 10% 20% 29% 39% 49% 59% 69% 79% 88% 98% Done.
downloaded layer content to
cloning layer to eu-central-1
created arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-1:123456789012:layer:Dynatrace_OneAgent_1_207_6_20201127-103507_nodejs:1
The command cloned AWS Lambda layer
to the
account defined by default
AWS profile and AWS region eu-central-1
Once the layer is cloned to the specific account or region, it can be attached to Lambda functions to enable monitoring.