- engine: always try to init buf data for xptemplate before XPTupdate. fixed: #79
bracket: fix incorrect indent with cr
engine: fix wrapper indent
engine: normal-mode "x" breaks xpt
filter: pass test 60-ph-func-Next 05-def-text-arg. Next move focus to next ph
snippet-matching: snippet key should be stored in filetype instead of buffer
snippet-matching: use keyword instead of word
syntax: correct escaping nested mark
- engine: fix #69 mapping saver should not reinitiate when switching buffer
engine: support hint of pum in dictionary type
engine: post-filter uses outer-marks
eval: concat text and Echo(). fix #68
- util: xpt#once#init path parsing in windows
- util: load .xpt.vim from working dir
- engine: quick-add snippet to buffer without filetype
integration-test: of g:xptemplate_lib_filter
option: g:xptemplate_lib_filter
- integration-test: 01-g-xptemplate_key_force_pum
- integration-test: 01-g-xptemplate_key
- integration-test: escaping in g:xptemplate_vars
- integration-test: 00-verboselog
- integration-test: snippet hint
eval: \$a should unescape one back slash
eval: error message should not interrupt working flow
hint: beside string, also accept number, dict and list value type
util: xpt#once#init resolve symbolic link
- oop: skip verbose message when looking for class member
- integration-test: basic rendering.
- integration-test: indenting.
- integration-test: command 'XSET'.
- integration-test: pop up menu.
- integration-test: wrapper.
- integration-test: function:
. - snippet: golang.
- doc:
. - doc: gif screencast.
- doc:
- snippet: simplify markdown.
- engine: use closure for variable looking up.
- engine: filter action 'embed' is same with 'build'.
- engine: support to change only the visual mapping.
- engine: add conf
- action: 'embed'.
- engine: several old fashion classes.
- engine: fix script-local mapping restore.
- readme: integration with latest supertab.
- engine: non-built default value should not move cursor to next.
- engine: correct several indent handling.
- engien: option 'preview' with completeopt.
- mapping: fix lost setting during applying BuildSnippet.