diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 6bfe784..a2daf17 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ No modules. | [additional\_node\_pools](#input\_additional\_node\_pools) | additional node pool definitions |
min_count = optional(number, 0)
max_count = optional(number, 10)
initial_count = optional(number, 1)
max_pods = optional(number, 30)
preemptible = optional(bool, false)
disk_size_gb = optional(number, 400)
image_type = optional(string, "COS_CONTAINERD")
instance_type = optional(string, "n2-standard-8")
gpu_accelerator = optional(string, "")
labels = optional(map(string), {})
taints = optional(list(string), [])
node_locations = optional(list(string), [])
| `{}` | no | | [allowed\_ssh\_ranges](#input\_allowed\_ssh\_ranges) | CIDR ranges allowed to SSH to nodes in the cluster. | `list(string)` |
| no | | [deploy\_id](#input\_deploy\_id) | Domino Deployment ID. | `string` | n/a | yes | -| [gke](#input\_gke) | gke = {
k8s\_version = Cluster k8s version
release\_channel = GKE release channel
public\_access = {
enabled = Enable API public endpoint
cidrs = List of CIDR ranges permitted for accessing the public endpoint
control\_plane\_ports = Firewall ports to open from the master, e.g., webhooks
advanced\_datapath = Enable the ADVANCED\_DATAPATH provider
network\_policies = Enable network policy switch. Cannot be enabled when enable\_advanced\_datapath is true
vertical\_pod\_autoscaling = Enable GKE vertical scaling
kubeconfig = {
path = Specify where the cluster kubeconfig file should be generated.
} |
k8s_version = optional(string, "1.28"),
release_channel = optional(string, "STABLE"),
public_access = optional(object({
enabled = optional(bool, false),
cidrs = optional(list(string), [])
}), {}),
control_plane_ports = optional(list(string), [])
advanced_datapath = optional(bool, true),
network_policies = optional(bool, false),
vertical_pod_autoscaling = optional(bool, true),
kubeconfig = optional(object({
path = optional(string, null)
}), {})
| `{}` | no | +| [gke](#input\_gke) | gke = {
k8s\_version = Cluster k8s version
release\_channel = GKE release channel
public\_access = {
enabled = Enable API public endpoint
cidrs = List of CIDR ranges permitted for accessing the public endpoint
control\_plane\_ports = Firewall ports to open from the master, e.g., webhooks
advanced\_datapath = Enable the ADVANCED\_DATAPATH provider
network\_policies = Enable network policy switch. Cannot be enabled when enable\_advanced\_datapath is true
vertical\_pod\_autoscaling = Enable GKE vertical scaling
kubeconfig = {
path = Specify where the cluster kubeconfig file should be generated.
} |
k8s_version = optional(string, "1.29"),
release_channel = optional(string, "STABLE"),
public_access = optional(object({
enabled = optional(bool, false),
cidrs = optional(list(string), [])
}), {}),
control_plane_ports = optional(list(string), [])
advanced_datapath = optional(bool, true),
network_policies = optional(bool, false),
vertical_pod_autoscaling = optional(bool, true),
kubeconfig = optional(object({
path = optional(string, null)
}), {})
| `{}` | no | | [kms](#input\_kms) | kms = {
database\_encryption\_key\_name = Use an existing KMS key for the Application-layer Secrets Encryption settings. (Optional)
} |
database_encryption_key_name = optional(string, null)
| `{}` | no | | [location](#input\_location) | The location (region or zone) of the cluster. A zone creates a single master. Specifying a region creates replicated masters accross all zones | `string` | `"us-west1-b"` | no | | [managed\_dns](#input\_managed\_dns) | managed\_dns = {
enabled = Whether to create DNS records in the given zone
name = Managed zone to modify
dns\_name = DNS record name to create
service\_prefixes = List of additional prefixes to the dns\_name to create
} |
enabled = optional(bool, false)
name = optional(string, "")
dns_name = optional(string, "")
service_prefixes = optional(set(string), [])

| `{}` | no | diff --git a/variables.tf b/variables.tf index bc2df21..3f7c1dc 100644 --- a/variables.tf +++ b/variables.tf @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ variable "gke" { EOF type = object({ - k8s_version = optional(string, "1.28"), + k8s_version = optional(string, "1.29"), release_channel = optional(string, "STABLE"), public_access = optional(object({ enabled = optional(bool, false),