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File metadata and controls

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Developing a Data Cleaning Assistant Web App in Javascript in Domino

Data scientists can publish interactive apps to share their findings with stakeholders. Apps are endlessly flexible and can do things like share results with stakeholders, host interactive analytical dashboards, provide an interface to deployed models, and much more.

We will be creating a Node.js server for uploading, processing, and visualizing CSV files. The server supports dynamic configuration based on the environment (develop or production).


1. Environment Configuration

  • Dynamically sets the server port and proxy prefix based on the environment:
    • develop: Port 8887
    • Production: Port 8888
  • Automatically constructs URLs for accessing the application.

2. Static File Serving

  • Serves index.html when accessing the root path or the proxy path.
  • Dynamically modifies the <form> action in the HTML to handle file uploads with the correct URL prefix.

3. CSV File Upload and Processing

  • Accepts file uploads at the /upload route using the formidable library.
  • Saves uploaded files to an uploads directory, ensuring the directory exists.
  • Parses uploaded CSV files using csv-parser and processes them into a formatted HTML table with json2csv.

4. Dynamic HTML Generation

  • Generates an HTML page displaying the processed CSV data in a styled table.
  • Includes a "Go Back" button to return to the root page.

5. 404 Handling

  • Responds with a "Not Found" message for unrecognized routes.


  • http: Built-in Node.js module for creating the server.
  • formidable: For handling file uploads.
  • csv-parser: For parsing CSV files.
  • json2csv: For converting JSON data to CSV format.
  • fs and path: Built-in Node.js modules for file system operations.


  • Duplicate the environment that would be used in running the Javascript application. Duplicate_environment

  • Update the Dockerfile instructions in the environment definition to install the necessary software and dependencies to execute the file type and script in a workspace.

    USER root
    RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get -y install curl build-essential libssl-dev && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
    # Install Node.js and npm using NodeSource
    RUN curl -fsSL | bash - && \
    apt-get install -y nodejs && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
    # Verify Node.js and npm installation
    RUN node -v && npm -v
    # Create an application directory
    WORKDIR /app
    # Generate a package.json file
    RUN npm init -y
    # Install required dependencies
    RUN npm install express multer csv-parser formidable json2csv
  • Further instructions on how to build a new environment can be found here.

Steps to Test the App in a Workspace

  • Launch a workspace using the environment updated above and copy the Data-Cleaning-Assistant directory and files to the workspace as seen below. You should also see node_modules directory which should include all the dependencies installed.


  • Navigate to the Data-Cleaning-Assistant directory and edit line 26 and 28. Change to the domain of your Domino deployment.

    return `https://<domain>/${process.env.DOMINO_PROJECT_OWNER}/${process.env.DOMINO_PROJECT_NAME}/notebookSession/${process.env.DOMINO_RUN_ID}/proxy/${PORT}/`;
    } else {
    return `https://<domain>/${process.env.DOMINO_PROJECT_OWNER}/${process.env.DOMINO_PROJECT_NAME}/r/notebookSession/${process.env.DOMINO_RUN_ID}/`;


  • Open a new terminal and execute the server.js script and pass in the develop argument since its being tested in the workspace. You should see a similar screenshot below that indicates that Javascript app is running on port 8887.

    node Data-Cleaning-Assistant/server.js develop
  • You should see an output similar to the below which indicates that the App is running on port 8887

    Environment: develop
    Port: 8887
    Using prefix: /integration-test/Data-cleaning-assistant/notebookSession/678915dbd3216d74d9beec1a/proxy/8887
    CSV Data Cleaner Server running on port 8887
    Access the application at https://<DOMAIN>/integration-test/Data-cleaning-assistant/notebookSession/678915dbd3216d74d9beec1a/proxy/8887/
    Current working directory: /mnt
    Raw request URL: /
    Parsed pathname: /
    Serving index.html...
    Attempting to serve file: /mnt/Data-Cleaning-Assistant/index.html
  • Copy the URL returned at Access the application at above and paste in a new browser. You should see an output similar to the below.


  • Upload a sample CSV file to test this. You should see a screenshot similar to the below showing that data was successfully cleaned and processed. I uploaded the data-to-be-scored.csv file and got the below screenshot. house-scoring-app

Steps to run the Javascript through Domino Web App

After you have tested and confirmed that the Javascript app is working as expected.

  • Ensure your now contains the deploy argument since this is now going to be tested in the Web App. Content of

    node Data-Cleaning-Assistant/server.js deploy
  • Run the Web App in your project. Navigate to the App section of your project and click on publish.


  • Once the web app is running, click on View App and you should be able to see the same Javascript App as seen below.
