zipkin: localhost:9411
redis commander: localhost:8081
dapr dashboard: localhost:9000
adminer: localhost:8080
System: SQLite 3
Password: pass
Database: /db/main.db
flowchart TB
inputfile["inputfile\nnew transactions"]
outputfile["outputfile\ncopleted transactions"]
debitTnx["debitTnx\ndebit source"]
creditTnx["creditTnx\ncredit destination"]
start --> inputfile
inputfile --> gateway
gateway -.->|lock amount and init transfer\ntopic.balance| balance
linkStyle 2 stroke:blue;
balance -.->|topic.debit_transaction| debitTnx
debitTnx -.->|topic.balance| balance
linkStyle 3 stroke:orange;
linkStyle 4 stroke:orange;
balance -.->|topic.credit_transaction| creditTnx
creditTnx -.->|topic.balance| balance
linkStyle 5 stroke:green;
linkStyle 6 stroke:green;
gateway --> outputfile
outputfile --> X[end]
linkStyle 7 stroke:red
linkStyle 8 stroke:red
- setup k0s cluster
- install redis, nats, postgres, vault?, grafana? with helm
- port dapr app to k8s
- scale to zero with
- check how to debug with Bridge to k8s/dapr
- check grafana loki/tempo
- check debezium