From b26c2098460d2a9db39263c51ee40eed07a709ba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: inbargazit Web Form will render here @Html.Raw(ViewBag.SupportingTexts.ContinueButton)
+ @ViewBag.Description
+ @description
+ API methods used:
+ Templates::list, and
+ Templates::create.
+ @Html.Raw(
+ @String.Format(
+ ViewBag.SupportingTexts.ViewSourceFile,
+ "CreateAndEmbedFormService.cs"
+ )
+ )
+ The examples with this text could not be found. Please, modify the search field. The examples with this text could not be found. Please, modify the search field. Prerequisite: Please first create the template using Create a template. The template you created via Create a template will be used. Prerequisite: Please first create the template using Create a template. The template you created via Create a template will be used. This example sends an envelope based on a template. In addition to the template's document(s), the example adds an additional document to the envelope by using the Composite Templates feature. Prerequisite: Please first create the template using Create a template. The template you created via Create a template will be used. Prerequisite: Please set the DS_PAYMENT_GATEWAY_ID value in the configuration file. This example sends an envelope based on a template. In addition to the template's document(s), the example adds an additional document to the envelope by using the Composite Templates feature. Prerequisite: Please first create the template using Create a template. The template you created via Create a template will be used. Prerequisite: Please set the DS_PAYMENT_GATEWAY_ID value in the configuration file. Problem: please first create an envelope using Send an envelope with a remote (email) signer and cc recipient. The envelope you created via Send an envelope with a remote (email) signer and cc recipient will be queried. Problem: please first create an envelope using Send an envelope with a remote (email) signer and cc recipient. The envelope you created via Send an envelope with a remote (email) signer and cc recipient will be queried. Bulk copy #1 Bulk copy #2 Problem: please first create an envelope using Send an envelope with a remote (email) signer and cc recipient. The envelope you created via Send an envelope with a remote (email) signer and cc recipient will be queried. Problem: please first create an envelope using Send an envelope with a remote (email) signer and cc recipient. The envelope you created via Send an envelope with a remote (email) signer and cc recipient will be queried. Bulk copy #1 Bulk copy #2 Signer 1 Signer 2 Prerequisite: Please first create an envelope with a paused signature workflow using Pause a signature workflow. Signer 1 Conditional signer 2 when unchecked Conditional signer 2 when checked Signer 1 Conditional signer 2 when unchecked Conditional signer 2 when checked Signer 1 Signer 2 Prerequisite: Please first create an envelope with a paused signature workflow using Pause a signature workflow. Signer 1 Conditional signer 2 when unchecked Conditional signer 2 when checked Signer 1 Conditional signer 2 when unchecked Conditional signer 2 when checked Problem: please first create an envelope using Send an envelope with a remote (email) signer and cc recipient. The envelope you created via Send an envelope with a remote (email) signer and cc recipient will be queried. Problem: please first create an envelope using Send an envelope with a remote (email) signer and cc recipient. Problem: please first create a list of the envelope's documents usingList an envelope's documents. Please choose a document. The envelope includes a pdf, Word, and HTML document. Multipart data transfer is used to send the documents in binary format to DocuSign. Binary transfer is 33% more efficient than base64 encoding and is recommended for documents over 15M Bytes. Binary transfer is not yet supported by the SDK. Prerequisite: Please first create an envelope using Send an envelope using a template. The last envelope you created with this example launcher will be queried. Recommendation: Use Send an envelope using a template, then this example, since Send an envelope using a template includes many tabs of different types. Prerequisite: Please first create the template using Create a template. Problem: Please first create an envelope using Set tab values for a envelope. The last envelope you created with this example launcher will be queried. Recommendation: Create an envelope using Set tab values for a envelope then use this example in order to see an example of custom tab values. New brand No brands were found for this account; please create one first. No brands were found for this account; please create one first. Prerequisite: Please first create the template using Create a template. Problem: please first create an envelope using Send an envelope with a remote (email) signer and cc recipient. The envelope you created via Send an envelope with a remote (email) signer and cc recipient will be queried. Problem: please first create an envelope using Send an envelope with a remote (email) signer and cc recipient. Problem: please first create a list of the envelope's documents usingList an envelope's documents. Please choose a document. The envelope includes a pdf, Word, and HTML document. Multipart data transfer is used to send the documents in binary format to DocuSign. Binary transfer is 33% more efficient than base64 encoding and is recommended for documents over 15M Bytes. Binary transfer is not yet supported by the SDK. Permission profile Permission profileThe web form has been embedded below using the DocuSign.js library.
+ @Html.Raw(ViewBag.CodeExampleText.ExampleName)
+Please Authenticate with DocuSign
- "LoginButton": "Authenticate with DocuSign",
- "LoginHelperText": "You need to authenticate with DocuSign to continue your request."
- },
- "SelectAPIPage": {
- "SelectAPIHeader": "Please choose an API type
- "SelectAPIButton": "Choose your desired API"
- },
- "HelpingTexts": {
- "EmailWontBeShared": "We'll never share your email with anyone else.",
- "PhoneNumberWontBeShared": "We'll never share your phone number with anyone else.",
- "CCEmailShouldDifferFromSigner": "The email for the cc recipient must be different from the signer's email.",
- "AccessCodeText": "Provide this string to a recipient that is different such as in person or by mail or via a different email.",
- "CountryCodeText": "The country code for the phone number below.",
- "ChooseDateInTheFuture": "Please choose a future date.",
- "PhoneNumberWillBeNotified": "This phone number will receive a notification.",
- "DynamicContentValue": "Provide values for the dynamic content fields shown on the elastic template agreement.",
- "DynamicContentNote": "Note: The elastic template must be manually modified through the elastic templates UI to include these dynamic content fields.",
- "EmbedClickwrapURL": "Agreement URL returned in the JSON response:",
- "SaveAgentActivationCode": "Save this code. You'll need it when activating the new agent.",
- "EmailAddressOfUserToDelete": "The email address of the user whose data will be deleted. Note that this email address should be associated with a user that has been closed for 24 hours.",
- "UserIDOfUserToDelete": "The user ID of the user whose data will be deleted. Note that this ID should be associated with a user that has been closed for 24 hours."
- }
- },
- "APIs": [
- {
- "Name": "eSignature",
- "Groups": [
+ "SupportingTexts":{
+ "HomePageText":"Run and explore DocuSign code examples with Authorization Code Grant or JWT Grant authentication",
+ "ViewSourceFile":"View source file {0} on GitHub.",
+ "APIMethodUsed":"API method used:",
+ "APIMethodUsedPlural":"API methods used:",
+ "SearchFailed":"Please Authenticate with DocuSign
+ "LoginButton":"Authenticate with DocuSign",
+ "LoginHelperText":"You need to authenticate with DocuSign to continue your request."
+ },
+ "SelectAPIPage":{
+ "SelectAPIHeader":"Please choose an API type
+ "SelectAPIButton":"Choose your desired API"
+ },
+ "HelpingTexts":{
+ "EmailWontBeShared":"We'll never share your email with anyone else.",
+ "PhoneNumberWontBeShared":"We'll never share your phone number with anyone else.",
+ "CCEmailShouldDifferFromSigner":"The email for the cc recipient must be different from the signer's email.",
+ "AccessCodeText":"Provide this string to a recipient that is different such as in person or by mail or via a different email.",
+ "CountryCodeText":"The country code for the phone number below.",
+ "ChooseDateInTheFuture":"Please choose a future date.",
+ "PhoneNumberWillBeNotified":"This phone number will receive a notification.",
+ "DynamicContentValue":"Provide values for the dynamic content fields shown on the elastic template agreement.",
+ "DynamicContentNote":"Note: The elastic template must be manually modified through the elastic templates UI to include these dynamic content fields.",
+ "EmbedClickwrapURL":"Agreement URL returned in the JSON response:",
+ "SaveAgentActivationCode":"Save this code. You'll need it when activating the new agent.",
+ "EmailAddressOfUserToDelete":"The email address of the user whose data will be deleted. Note that this email address should be associated with a user that has been closed for 24 hours.",
+ "UserIDOfUserToDelete":"The user ID of the user whose data will be deleted. Note that this ID should be associated with a user that has been closed for 24 hours."
+ }
+ },
+ "APIs":[
+ {
+ "Name":"eSignature",
+ "Groups":[
- "Name": "Sending a signature request (remote signing)",
- "Examples": [
- {
- "ExampleNumber": 2,
- "CFREnabled": "AllAccounts",
- "ExampleName": "Send an envelope with a remote (email) signer and cc recipient",
- "ExampleDescription": "The envelope includes a pdf, Word, and HTML document. Anchor text(AutoPlace) is used to position the signing fields in the documents.",
- "LinksToAPIMethod": [
- {
- "Path": "",
- "PathName": "Envelopes:create"
- }
- ],
- "Forms": [
- {
- "Inputs": [
- {
- "InputName": "Signer Email",
- "InputPlaceholder": ""
- },
- {
- "InputName": "Signer Name",
- "InputPlaceholder": "Pat Johnson"
- },
- {
- "InputName": "CC Email",
- "InputPlaceholder": ""
- },
- {
- "InputName": "CC Name",
- "InputPlaceholder": "Pat Johnson"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "ResultsPageText": "The envelope has been created and sent!
Envelope ID {0}."
- },
- {
- "ExampleNumber": 9,
- "CFREnabled": "AllAccounts",
- "ExampleName": "Send an envelope using a template",
- "ExampleDescription": "The envelope is defined by the template. The signer and cc recipient name and email are used to fill in the template's roles.",
- "LinksToAPIMethod": [
- {
- "Path": "",
- "PathName": "Envelopes:create"
- }
- ],
- "RedirectsToOtherCodeExamples": [
- {
- "CodeExampleToRedirectTo": 8,
- "RedirectText": "
The document list is from your results for List an envelope's documents.
Envelope ID {0}."
- },
- {
- "ExampleNumber": 42,
- "CFREnabled": "NonCFR",
- "ExampleName": "Request a signature by email with document generation",
- "ExampleDescription": "Creates an envelope from a template with a document that is dynamically generated to include all the customized data specified by the sender.",
- "LinksToAPIMethod": [
- {
- "Path": "",
- "PathName": "Templates:create"
- },
- {
- "Path": "",
- "PathName": "TemplateDocuments:update"
- },
- {
- "Path": "",
- "PathName": "TemplateRecipientTabs:create"
- },
- {
- "Path": "",
- "PathName": "Envelopes:create"
- },
- {
- "Path": "",
- "PathName": "DocumentGeneration:getEnvelopeDocGenFormFields"
- },
- {
- "Path": "",
- "PathName": "DocumentGeneration:updateEnvelopeDocGenFormFields"
- },
- {
- "Path": "",
- "PathName": "Envelopes:update"
- }
- ],
- "Forms": [
- {
- "Inputs": [
+ "Name":"Sending a signature request (remote signing)",
+ "Examples":[
+ {
+ "ExampleNumber":2,
+ "CFREnabled":"AllAccounts",
+ "ExampleName":"Send an envelope with a remote (email) signer and cc recipient",
+ "ExampleDescription":"The envelope includes a pdf, Word, and HTML document. Anchor text(AutoPlace) is used to position the signing fields in the documents.",
+ "LinksToAPIMethod":[
+ {
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"Envelopes:create"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Forms":[
+ {
+ "Inputs":[
+ {
+ "InputName":"Signer Email",
+ "InputPlaceholder":""
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"Signer Name",
+ "InputPlaceholder":"Pat Johnson"
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"CC Email",
+ "InputPlaceholder":""
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"CC Name",
+ "InputPlaceholder":"Pat Johnson"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "ResultsPageText":"The envelope has been created and sent!
Envelope ID {0}."
+ },
+ {
+ "ExampleNumber":9,
+ "CFREnabled":"AllAccounts",
+ "ExampleName":"Send an envelope using a template",
+ "ExampleDescription":"The envelope is defined by the template. The signer and cc recipient name and email are used to fill in the template's roles.",
+ "LinksToAPIMethod":[
+ {
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"Envelopes:create"
+ }
+ ],
+ "RedirectsToOtherCodeExamples":[
+ {
+ "CodeExampleToRedirectTo":8,
+ "RedirectText":"
The document list is from your results for List an envelope's documents.
Envelope ID {0}."
+ },
+ {
+ "ExampleNumber":42,
+ "CFREnabled":"NonCFR",
+ "ExampleName":"Request a signature by email with document generation",
+ "ExampleDescription":"Creates an envelope from a template with a document that is dynamically generated to include all the customized data specified by the sender.",
+ "LinksToAPIMethod":[
- "InputName": "Candidate Email",
- "InputPlaceholder": ""
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"Templates:create"
- "InputName": "Candidate Name",
- "InputPlaceholder": "Pat Johnson"
- },
- {
- "InputName": "Manager Name",
- "InputPlaceholder": "Pat Johnson"
- },
- {
- "InputName": "Job Title"
- },
- {
- "InputName": "Salary"
- },
- {
- "InputName": "Start Date",
- "InputPlaceholder": "mm/dd/yyyy"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "ResultsPageText": "The envelope has been created and sent!
Envelope ID {0}."
- },
- {
- "ExampleNumber": 37,
- "CFREnabled": "NonCFR",
- "ExampleName": "Request a signature by SMS or WhatsApp delivery",
- "ExampleDescription": "Sends a signature request via an SMS or WhatsApp message.",
- "LinksToAPIMethod": [
- {
- "Path": "",
- "PathName": "Envelopes::create"
- }
- ],
- "Forms": [
- {
- "Inputs": [
- {
- "InputName": "Signer Country Code",
- "InputPlaceholder": "1"
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"TemplateDocuments:update"
- "InputName": "Signer Phone Number",
- "InputPlaceholder": "4155551212"
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"TemplateRecipientTabs:create"
- "InputName": "Signer Name",
- "InputPlaceholder": "Pat Johnson"
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"Envelopes:create"
- "InputName": "CC Country Code",
- "InputPlaceholder": "1"
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"DocumentGeneration:getEnvelopeDocGenFormFields"
- "InputName": "CC Phone Number",
- "InputPlaceholder": "4155551212"
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"DocumentGeneration:updateEnvelopeDocGenFormFields"
- "InputName": "CC Name",
- "InputPlaceholder": "Pat Johnson"
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"Envelopes:update"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Forms":[
+ {
+ "Inputs":[
+ {
+ "InputName":"Candidate Email",
+ "InputPlaceholder":""
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"Candidate Name",
+ "InputPlaceholder":"Pat Johnson"
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"Manager Name",
+ "InputPlaceholder":"Pat Johnson"
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"Job Title"
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"Salary"
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"Start Date",
+ "InputPlaceholder":"mm/dd/yyyy"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "ResultsPageText":"The envelope has been created and sent!
Envelope ID {0}."
+ },
+ {
+ "ExampleNumber":37,
+ "CFREnabled":"NonCFR",
+ "ExampleName":"Request a signature by SMS or WhatsApp delivery",
+ "ExampleDescription":"Sends a signature request via an SMS or WhatsApp message.",
+ "LinksToAPIMethod":[
+ {
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"Envelopes::create"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Forms":[
+ {
+ "Inputs":[
+ {
+ "InputName":"Signer Country Code",
+ "InputPlaceholder":"1"
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"Signer Phone Number",
+ "InputPlaceholder":"4155551212"
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"Signer Name",
+ "InputPlaceholder":"Pat Johnson"
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"CC Country Code",
+ "InputPlaceholder":"1"
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"CC Phone Number",
+ "InputPlaceholder":"4155551212"
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"CC Name",
+ "InputPlaceholder":"Pat Johnson"
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"Delivery Method:"
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"SMS"
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"WhatsApp"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "ResultsPageText":"The envelope has been created and sent!
Envelope ID {0}."
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name":"Hosting the signing experience (embedded signing)",
+ "Examples":[
+ {
+ "ExampleNumber":1,
+ "CFREnabled":"NonCFR",
+ "ExampleName":"Request a signature through your app (embedded signing)",
+ "ExampleDescription":"Sends an envelope, then uses embedded signing for the first signer. With embedded signing, DocuSign signing is initiated from your website.",
+ "LinksToAPIMethod":[
+ {
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"Envelopes:create"
- "InputName": "Delivery Method:"
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"EnvelopeViews:createRecipient"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Forms":[
+ {
+ "Inputs":[
+ {
+ "InputName":"Signer Email",
+ "InputPlaceholder":""
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"Signer Name",
+ "InputPlaceholder":"Pat Johnson"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "ResultsPageText":""
+ },
+ {
+ "ExampleNumber":41,
+ "CFREnabled":"CFROnly",
+ "ExampleName":"Request a signature through your app (embedded signing) with a CFR Part 11 account",
+ "ExampleDescription":"Sends an envelope, then uses embedded signing with recipient authentication by phone for the first signer. With embedded signing, DocuSign signing is initiated from your website.",
+ "LinksToAPIMethod":[
+ {
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"EnvelopeWorkflowDefinition:getEnvelopeWorkflowDefinition"
- "InputName": "SMS"
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"Envelopes:create"
- "InputName": "WhatsApp"
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"EnvelopeViews:createRecipient"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Forms":[
+ {
+ "Inputs":[
+ {
+ "InputName":"Signer Email",
+ "InputPlaceholder":""
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"Signer Name",
+ "InputPlaceholder":"Pat Johnson"
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"Signer Country Code",
+ "InputPlaceholder":"1"
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"Signer Phone Number",
+ "InputPlaceholder":"4155551212"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "ResultsPageText":""
+ },
+ {
+ "ExampleNumber":13,
+ "CFREnabled":"AllAccounts",
+ "ExampleName":"Embedded Signing Ceremony from a template with an added document",
+ "ExampleDescription":"
Envelope ID {0}."
- }
- ]
+ ],
+ "ResultsPageText":""
+ },
+ {
+ "ExampleNumber":44,
+ "CFREnabled":"NonCFR",
+ "ExampleName":"Request a signature using focused view",
+ "ExampleDescription":"Sends an envelope, then uses focused view for the signer.",
+ "LinksToAPIMethod":[
+ {
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"Envelopes:create"
+ },
+ {
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"EnvelopeViews:createRecipient"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Forms":[
+ {
+ "Inputs":[
+ {
+ "InputName":"Signer Email",
+ "InputPlaceholder":""
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"Signer Name",
+ "InputPlaceholder":"Pat Johnson"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "ResultsPageText":"The document has been embedded with focused view.",
+ "SkipForLanguages":"bash;powershell"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExampleNumber":39,
+ "CFREnabled":"NonCFR",
+ "ExampleName":"Send an envelope to an In Person Signer",
+ "ExampleDescription":"Demonstrates how to host an In Person Signing session with embedded signing.",
+ "LinksToAPIMethod":[
+ {
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"Envelopes:create"
+ },
+ {
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"EnvelopeViews:createRecipient"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Forms":[
+ {
+ "Inputs":[
+ {
+ "InputName":"Signer Name",
+ "InputPlaceholder":"Pat Johnson"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "ResultsPageText":""
+ },
+ {
+ "ExampleNumber":14,
+ "CFREnabled":"NonCFR",
+ "ExampleName":"Send an envelope with an order form and payment field",
+ "ExampleDescription":"Anchor text (AutoPlace) is used to position the fields in the documents.",
+ "Notes":"Note: This example will only work if the sender's DocuSign account is set up with a DocuSign payment gateway. Since the Payment Gateway ID is set in the configuration file, you will need to run your own instance of this project to set it.
+ "LinksToAPIMethod":[
+ {
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"Envelopes:create"
+ },
+ {
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"EnvelopeViews:createRecipient"
+ }
+ ],
+ "RedirectsToOtherCodeExamples":[
+ {
+ "RedirectText":"
Envelope ID {0}."
+ }
+ ]
- "Name": "Hosting the signing experience (embedded signing)",
- "Examples": [
- {
- "ExampleNumber": 1,
- "CFREnabled": "NonCFR",
- "ExampleName": "Request a signature through your app (embedded signing)",
- "ExampleDescription": "Sends an envelope, then uses embedded signing for the first signer. With embedded signing, DocuSign signing is initiated from your website.",
- "LinksToAPIMethod": [
- {
- "Path": "",
- "PathName": "Envelopes:create"
- },
- {
- "Path": "",
- "PathName": "EnvelopeViews:createRecipient"
- }
- ],
- "Forms": [
- {
- "Inputs": [
- {
- "InputName": "Signer Email",
- "InputPlaceholder": ""
- },
- {
- "InputName": "Signer Name",
- "InputPlaceholder": "Pat Johnson"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "ResultsPageText": ""
- },
- {
- "ExampleNumber": 41,
- "CFREnabled": "CFROnly",
- "ExampleName": "Request a signature through your app (embedded signing) with a CFR Part 11 account",
- "ExampleDescription": "Sends an envelope, then uses embedded signing with recipient authentication by phone for the first signer. With embedded signing, DocuSign signing is initiated from your website.",
- "LinksToAPIMethod": [
- {
- "Path": "",
- "PathName": "EnvelopeWorkflowDefinition:getEnvelopeWorkflowDefinition"
- },
- {
- "Path": "",
- "PathName": "Envelopes:create"
- },
- {
- "Path": "",
- "PathName": "EnvelopeViews:createRecipient"
- }
- ],
- "Forms": [
- {
- "Inputs": [
- {
- "InputName": "Signer Email",
- "InputPlaceholder": ""
- },
- {
- "InputName": "Signer Name",
- "InputPlaceholder": "Pat Johnson"
- },
- {
- "InputName": "Signer Country Code",
- "InputPlaceholder": "1"
- },
- {
- "InputName": "Signer Phone Number",
- "InputPlaceholder": "4155551212"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "ResultsPageText": ""
- },
- {
- "ExampleNumber": 13,
- "CFREnabled": "AllAccounts",
- "ExampleName": "Embedded Signing Ceremony from a template with an added document",
- "ExampleDescription": "Note: This example will only work if the sender's DocuSign account is set up with a DocuSign payment gateway. Since the Payment Gateway ID is set in the configuration file, you will need to run your own instance of this project to set it.
- "LinksToAPIMethod": [
- {
- "Path": "",
- "PathName": "Envelopes:create"
- },
- {
- "Path": "",
- "PathName": "EnvelopeViews:createRecipient"
- }
- ],
- "RedirectsToOtherCodeExamples": [
- {
- "RedirectText": "
Envelope ID {0}."
- }
- ]
+ "Name":"Using envelopes and templates",
+ "Examples":[
+ {
+ "ExampleNumber":4,
+ "CFREnabled":"AllAccounts",
+ "ExampleName":"Get an envelope's basic information and status",
+ "ExampleDescription":"List the basic information about an envelope, including its overall status. Additional API/SDK methods may be used to get additional information about the envelope, its documents, recipients, etc.",
+ "LinksToAPIMethod":[
+ {
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"Envelopes:get"
+ }
+ ],
+ "RedirectsToOtherCodeExamples":[
+ {
+ "CodeExampleToRedirectTo":2,
+ "RedirectText":"
You will then need to use List an envelope's documents to create the list of documents.
Thank you.
You will then need to use List an envelope's documents to create the list of documents.
Thank you.
Template name: {0}, ID {1}."
+ },
+ {
+ "ExampleNumber":11,
+ "CFREnabled":"AllAccounts",
+ "ExampleName":"Embedded sending",
+ "ExampleDescription":"An envelope will be created in draft mode. The DocuSign web tool (NDSE) will then be shown, enabling further updates to the envelope before it is sent.",
+ "LinksToAPIMethod":[
+ {
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"Envelopes:create"
+ },
+ {
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"EnvelopeViews:createSender"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Forms":[
+ {
+ "Inputs":[
+ {
+ "InputName":"Starting View"
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"Signer Email",
+ "InputPlaceholder":""
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"Signer Name",
+ "InputPlaceholder":"Pat Johnson"
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"CC Email",
+ "InputPlaceholder":""
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"CC Name",
+ "InputPlaceholder":"Pat Johnson"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "ResultsPageText":"Sender view URL: {0}"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExampleNumber":31,
+ "CFREnabled":"AllAccounts",
+ "ExampleName":"Bulk send envelopes",
+ "ExampleDescription":"Demonstrates how to send envelopes in bulk to multiple recipients. First, this example creates a bulk-send recipients list, then creates an envelope. After that, it initiates bulk envelope sending.",
+ "LinksToAPIMethod":[
+ {
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"BulkSend::createBulkSendList"
+ },
+ {
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"Envelopes::create"
+ },
+ {
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"EnvelopeCustomFields::create"
+ },
+ {
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"BulkSend::createBulkSendRequest"
+ },
+ {
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"BulkSend::getBulkSendBatchStatus"
+ }
+ ],
+ "CustomErrorTexts":[
+ {
+ "ErrorMessage":"Bulk send envelope failed."
+ }
+ ],
+ "Forms":[
+ {
+ "FormName":"
You will then need to use List an envelope's documents to create the list of documents.
Thank you.
You will then need to use List an envelope's documents to create the list of documents.
Thank you.
Template name: {0}, ID {1}."
- },
- {
- "ExampleNumber": 11,
- "CFREnabled": "AllAccounts",
- "ExampleName": "Embedded sending",
- "ExampleDescription": "An envelope will be created in draft mode. The DocuSign web tool (NDSE) will then be shown, enabling further updates to the envelope before it is sent.",
- "LinksToAPIMethod": [
- {
- "Path": "",
- "PathName": "Envelopes:create"
- },
- {
- "Path": "",
- "PathName": "EnvelopeViews:createSender"
- }
- ],
- "Forms": [
- {
- "Inputs": [
- {
- "InputName": "Starting View"
- },
- {
- "InputName": "Signer Email",
- "InputPlaceholder": ""
- },
- {
- "InputName": "Signer Name",
- "InputPlaceholder": "Pat Johnson"
- },
- {
- "InputName": "CC Email",
- "InputPlaceholder": ""
- },
- {
- "InputName": "CC Name",
- "InputPlaceholder": "Pat Johnson"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "ResultsPageText": "Sender view URL: {0}"
- },
- {
- "ExampleNumber": 31,
- "CFREnabled": "AllAccounts",
- "ExampleName": "Bulk send envelopes",
- "ExampleDescription": "Demonstrates how to send envelopes in bulk to multiple recipients. First, this example creates a bulk-send recipients list, then creates an envelope. After that, it initiates bulk envelope sending.",
- "LinksToAPIMethod": [
- {
- "Path": "",
- "PathName": "BulkSend::createBulkSendList"
- },
- {
- "Path": "",
- "PathName": "Envelopes::create"
- },
- {
- "Path": "",
- "PathName": "EnvelopeCustomFields::create"
- },
- {
- "Path": "",
- "PathName": "BulkSend::createBulkSendRequest"
- },
- {
- "Path": "",
- "PathName": "BulkSend::getBulkSendBatchStatus"
- }
- ],
- "CustomErrorTexts": [
- {
- "ErrorMessage": "Bulk send envelope failed."
- }
- ],
- "Forms": [
- {
- "FormName": "
Envelope ID {0}."
+ },
+ {
+ "ExampleNumber":36,
+ "CFREnabled":"NonCFR",
+ "ExampleName":"Send an envelope with delayed routing",
+ "ExampleDescription":"Demonstrates how to delay an envelope’s delivery between recipients using the delayed routing feature.",
+ "LinksToAPIMethod":[
+ {
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"Envelopes:create"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Forms":[
+ {
+ "Inputs":[
+ {
+ "InputName":"Signer 1 Email",
+ "InputPlaceholder":""
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"Signer 1 Name",
+ "InputPlaceholder":"Pat Johnson"
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"Signer 2 Email",
+ "InputPlaceholder":""
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"Signer 2 Name",
+ "InputPlaceholder":"Dana Paxon"
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"Delay (in hours)"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "ResultsPageText":"The envelope has been created and sent!
Envelope ID {0}."
+ }
+ ]
- "Name": "Using advanced recipient routing",
- "Examples": [
- {
- "ExampleNumber": 32,
- "CFREnabled": "NonCFR",
- "ExampleName": "Pause a signature workflow",
- "ExampleDescription": "This example creates and envelope and then pauses the signature workflow.",
- "LinksToAPIMethod": [
- {
- "Path": "",
- "PathName": "Envelopes:create"
- }
- ],
- "Forms": [
- {
- "FormName": "
Envelope ID {0}."
- },
- {
- "ExampleNumber": 36,
- "CFREnabled": "NonCFR",
- "ExampleName": "Send an envelope with delayed routing",
- "ExampleDescription": "Demonstrates how to delay an envelope’s delivery between recipients using the delayed routing feature.",
- "LinksToAPIMethod": [
- {
- "Path": "",
- "PathName": "Envelopes:create"
- }
- ],
- "Forms": [
- {
- "Inputs": [
- {
- "InputName": "Signer 1 Email",
- "InputPlaceholder": ""
- },
- {
- "InputName": "Signer 1 Name",
- "InputPlaceholder": "Pat Johnson"
- },
- {
- "InputName": "Signer 2 Email",
- "InputPlaceholder": ""
+ "Name":"Using documents",
+ "Examples":[
+ {
+ "ExampleNumber":6,
+ "CFREnabled":"AllAccounts",
+ "ExampleName":"List an envelope's documents",
+ "ExampleDescription":"List the envelope's documents. A Certificate of Completion document is also associated with every envelope.",
+ "LinksToAPIMethod":[
+ {
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"EnvelopeDocuments:list"
+ }
+ ],
+ "RedirectsToOtherCodeExamples":[
+ {
+ "CodeExampleToRedirectTo":2,
+ "RedirectText":"
You will then need to use List an envelope's documents to create the list of documents.
Thank you.
You will then need to use List an envelope's documents to create the list of documents.
Thank you.
Thank you.
The document list is from your results for List an envelope's documents.
Envelope ID {0}."
+ },
+ {
+ "ExampleNumber":38,
+ "CFREnabled":"AllAccounts",
+ "ExampleName":"Create a signable HTML document",
+ "ExampleDescription":"Demonstrates how to create an HTML document for responsive signing.",
+ "LinksToAPIMethod":[
+ {
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"Envelopes::create"
+ },
+ {
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"EnvelopeViews:createRecipient"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Forms":[
+ {
+ "Inputs":[
+ {
+ "InputName":"Signer Email",
+ "InputPlaceholder":""
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"Signer Name",
+ "InputPlaceholder":"Pat Johnson"
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"CC Email",
+ "InputPlaceholder":""
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"CC Name",
+ "InputPlaceholder":"Pat Johnson"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "ResultsPageText":""
+ },
+ {
+ "ExampleNumber":40,
+ "CFREnabled":"NonCFR",
+ "ExampleName":"Set document visibility for envelope recipients",
+ "ExampleDescription":"Demonstrates how to set document visibility for envelope recipients.",
+ "LinksToAPIMethod":[
+ {
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"Envelopes::create"
+ }
+ ],
+ "CustomErrorTexts":[
+ {
+ "ErrorMessage":"See How to set document visibility for envelope recipients in the DocuSign Developer Center for instructions on how to enable document visibility in your developer account."
+ }
+ ],
+ "Forms":[
+ {
+ "Inputs":[
+ {
+ "InputName":"Signer1 Email",
+ "InputPlaceholder":""
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"Signer1 Name",
+ "InputPlaceholder":"Pat Johnson"
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"Signer2 Email",
+ "InputPlaceholder":""
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"Signer2 Name",
+ "InputPlaceholder":"Bob"
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"CC Email",
+ "InputPlaceholder":""
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"CC Name",
+ "InputPlaceholder":"Pat Johnson"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "ResultsPageText":"The envelope has been created and sent! Envelope ID {0}."
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name":"Using tabs",
+ "Examples":[
+ {
+ "ExampleNumber":15,
+ "CFREnabled":"AllAccounts",
+ "ExampleName":"Get the tab data from an envelope",
+ "ExampleDescription":"This example retrieves the tab (field) values from an envelope.",
+ "LinksToAPIMethod":[
+ {
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"EnvelopeFormData:get"
+ }
+ ],
+ "RedirectsToOtherCodeExamples":[
+ {
+ "CodeExampleToRedirectTo":9,
+ "RedirectText":"
Brand ID: {0}."
+ },
+ {
+ "ExampleNumber":29,
+ "CFREnabled":"AllAccounts",
+ "ExampleName":"Applying a brand to an envelope",
+ "ExampleDescription":"Applies brand to an envelope.",
+ "LinksToAPIMethod":[
+ {
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"Envelopes:create"
+ }
+ ],
+ "RedirectsToOtherCodeExamples":[
+ {
+ "CodeExampleToRedirectTo":28,
+ "RedirectText":"
Envelope ID {0}."
+ },
+ {
+ "ExampleNumber":30,
+ "CFREnabled":"AllAccounts",
+ "ExampleName":"Applying a brand to a template",
+ "ExampleDescription":"Applies brand to a template.",
+ "LinksToAPIMethod":[
+ {
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"Envelopes:create"
+ }
+ ],
+ "RedirectsToOtherCodeExamples":[
+ {
+ "CodeExampleToRedirectTo":28,
+ "RedirectText":"
Envelope ID {0}."
- }
- ]
+ ],
+ "ResultsPageText":"The envelope has been created and sent!
Envelope ID {0}."
+ }
+ ]
- "Name": "Using documents",
- "Examples": [
- {
- "ExampleNumber": 6,
- "CFREnabled": "AllAccounts",
- "ExampleName": "List an envelope's documents",
- "ExampleDescription": "List the envelope's documents. A Certificate of Completion document is also associated with every envelope.",
- "LinksToAPIMethod": [
- {
- "Path": "",
- "PathName": "EnvelopeDocuments:list"
- }
- ],
- "RedirectsToOtherCodeExamples": [
- {
- "CodeExampleToRedirectTo": 2,
- "RedirectText": "
You will then need to use List an envelope's documents to create the list of documents.
Thank you.
You will then need to use List an envelope's documents to create the list of documents.
Thank you.
Thank you.
The document list is from your results for List an envelope's documents.
Envelope ID {0}."
- },
- {
- "ExampleNumber": 38,
- "CFREnabled": "AllAccounts",
- "ExampleName": "Create a signable HTML document",
- "ExampleDescription": "Demonstrates how to create an HTML document for responsive signing.",
- "LinksToAPIMethod": [
- {
- "Path": "",
- "PathName": "Envelopes::create"
- },
- {
- "Path": "",
- "PathName": "EnvelopeViews:createRecipient"
- }
- ],
- "Forms": [
- {
- "Inputs": [
- {
- "InputName": "Signer Email",
- "InputPlaceholder": ""
- },
- {
- "InputName": "Signer Name",
- "InputPlaceholder": "Pat Johnson"
- },
- {
- "InputName": "CC Email",
- "InputPlaceholder": ""
- },
- {
- "InputName": "CC Name",
- "InputPlaceholder": "Pat Johnson"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "ResultsPageText": ""
- },
- {
- "ExampleNumber": 40,
- "CFREnabled": "NonCFR",
- "ExampleName": "Set document visibility for envelope recipients",
- "ExampleDescription": "Demonstrates how to set document visibility for envelope recipients.",
- "LinksToAPIMethod": [
- {
- "Path": "",
- "PathName": "Envelopes::create"
- }
- ],
- "CustomErrorTexts": [
- {
- "ErrorMessage": "See How to set document visibility for envelope recipients in the DocuSign Developer Center for instructions on how to enable document visibility in your developer account."
- }
- ],
- "Forms": [
- {
- "Inputs": [
- {
- "InputName": "Signer1 Email",
- "InputPlaceholder": ""
- },
- {
- "InputName": "Signer1 Name",
- "InputPlaceholder": "Pat Johnson"
- },
- {
- "InputName": "Signer2 Email",
- "InputPlaceholder": ""
- },
- {
- "InputName": "Signer2 Name",
- "InputPlaceholder": "Bob"
+ "Name":"Using permissions",
+ "Examples":[
+ {
+ "ExampleNumber":24,
+ "CFREnabled":"AllAccounts",
+ "ExampleName":"Create a new permission profile",
+ "ExampleDescription":"Creating new permission profile.",
+ "LinksToAPIMethod":[
+ {
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"AccountPermissionProfiles:create"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Forms":[
+ {
+ "FormName":"
Permission profile ID: {0}, name:{1}."
+ },
+ {
+ "ExampleNumber":25,
+ "CFREnabled":"AllAccounts",
+ "ExampleName":"Setting a permission profile",
+ "ExampleDescription":"Setting a permission profile.",
+ "LinksToAPIMethod":[
+ {
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"Groups:update"
+ }
+ ],
+ "CustomErrorTexts":[
+ {
+ "ErrorMessage":"The permission profile failed to set to the user group"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Forms":[
+ {
+ "Inputs":[
+ {
+ "InputName":"Permission profile",
+ "InputPlaceholder":"Select permission profile"
+ },
+ {
+ "InputName":"User group",
+ "InputPlaceholder":"Select user group"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "ResultsPageText":"The permission profile was successfully set to the user group!"
+ },
+ {
+ "ExampleNumber":26,
+ "CFREnabled":"AllAccounts",
+ "ExampleName":"Updating individual permission profile settings",
+ "ExampleDescription":"Updating individual permissions.",
+ "LinksToAPIMethod":[
+ {
+ "Path":"",
+ "PathName":"AccountPermissionProfiles:update"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Forms":[
+ {
+ "FormName":"
Permission profile ID: {0}."
+ },
+ {
+ "ExampleNumber":27,
+ "CFREnabled":"AllAccounts",
+ "ExampleName":"Deleting a permission profile",
+ "ExampleDescription":"Deleting a permission profile",
+ "Notes":"Note: You cannot remove \"Everyone\" nor \"Administrator\" permission profiles.
Go to the Manage tab in the agent's DocuSign developer account, select shared access in the upper left, then select the principal's account to view the principal's envelopes. For details, see How to share access to a DocuSign inbox.
Results from Envelopes:listStatus method:
" }, { - "InputName": "CC Name", - "InputPlaceholder": "Pat Johnson" + "Name":"list_status_unsuccessful", + "ResultsPageText":"The principal user's account does not have any envelopes in it. Please log out of the launcher and log in as a principal user and create an envelope." + }, + { + "Name":"user_not_found", + "ResultsPageText":"User has not been activated. Please go to the agent's email to activate the agent." } - ] - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "The envelope has been created and sent! Envelope ID {0}." - } - ] + ], + "SkipForLanguages":"java" + } + ] }, { - "Name": "Using tabs", - "Examples": [ - { - "ExampleNumber": 15, - "CFREnabled": "AllAccounts", - "ExampleName": "Get the tab data from an envelope", - "ExampleDescription": "This example retrieves the tab (field) values from an envelope.", - "LinksToAPIMethod": [ - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "EnvelopeFormData:get" - } - ], - "RedirectsToOtherCodeExamples": [ - { - "CodeExampleToRedirectTo": 9, - "RedirectText": "Prerequisite: Please first create an envelope using Send an envelope using a template.
" - } - ], - "Forms": [ - { - "FormName": "The last envelope you created with this example launcher will be queried. Recommendation: Use Send an envelope using a template, then this example, since Send an envelope using a template includes many tabs of different types.
" - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "Results from the Envelopes::get method:" - }, - { - "ExampleNumber": 16, - "CFREnabled": "AllAccounts", - "ExampleName": "Set tab values for a envelope", - "ExampleDescription": "This example sets the tab (field) values for an envelope including tabs that can and cannot be changed by the signer.", - "LinksToAPIMethod": [ - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "Envelopes:create" - } - ], - "Forms": [ - { - "Inputs": [ - { - "InputName": "Signer Name", - "InputPlaceholder": "Pat Johnson" - }, - { - "InputName": "Signer Email", - "InputPlaceholder": "" - } - ] - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "" - }, - { - "ExampleNumber": 17, - "CFREnabled": "AllAccounts", - "ExampleName": "Set template tab values", - "ExampleDescription": "This example sets the tab (field) values for a template being used by an envelope.", - "LinksToAPIMethod": [ - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "Envelopes:create" - } - ], - "RedirectsToOtherCodeExamples": [ - { - "CodeExampleToRedirectTo": 8, - "RedirectText": "Prerequisite: Please first create the template using Create a template.
" - } - ], - "Forms": [ - { - "Inputs": [ - { - "InputName": "Signer Name", - "InputPlaceholder": "Pat Johnson" - }, - { - "InputName": "Signer Email", - "InputPlaceholder": "" - }, - { - "InputName": "CC Name", - "InputPlaceholder": "Pat Johnson" - }, - { - "InputName": "CC Email", - "InputPlaceholder": "" - } - ] - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "" - }, - { - "ExampleNumber": 18, - "CFREnabled": "AllAccounts", - "ExampleName": "List envelope custom metadata field values", - "ExampleDescription": "This example lists the envelope's custom metadata field values.", - "LinksToAPIMethod": [ - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "EnvelopeCustomFields:list" - } - ], - "RedirectsToOtherCodeExamples": [ - { - "CodeExampleToRedirectTo": 16, - "RedirectText": "Problem: Please first create an envelope using Set tab values for a envelope.
" - } - ], - "Forms": [ - { - "FormName": "The last envelope you created with this example launcher will be queried. Recommendation: Create an envelope using Set tab values for a envelope then use this example in order to see an example of custom tab values.
" - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "Results from the EnvelopeCustomFields::list method:" - } - ] + "Name":"Using multi-factor recipient (signer) authentication", + "Examples":[ + { + "ExampleNumber":23, + "CFREnabled":"AllAccounts", + "ExampleName":"Send an envelope with ID Verification Authentication", + "ExampleDescription":"Submit an envelope that requires verification of a government issued identity.", + "Notes":"Note: The access code for this example is the Signer Name.
", + "LinksToAPIMethod":[ + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"Envelopes:create" + } + ], + "CustomErrorTexts":[ + { + "ErrorMessageCheck":"IDENTITY_WORKFLOW_INVALID_ID", + "ErrorMessage":"Please contact Support to enable IDV in your account." + } + ], + "Forms":[ + { + "Inputs":[ + { + "InputName":"Signer Email", + "InputPlaceholder":"" + }, + { + "InputName":"Signer Name", + "InputPlaceholder":"Pat Johnson" + } + ] + } + ], + "ResultsPageText":"The envelope has been created and sent!Note: The access code for this example is the Signer Name.
", + "LinksToAPIMethod":[ + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"Envelopes:create" + } + ], + "Forms":[ + { + "Inputs":[ + { + "InputName":"Signer Email", + "InputPlaceholder":"" + }, + { + "InputName":"Signer Name", + "InputPlaceholder":"Pat Johnson" + } + ] + } + ], + "ResultsPageText":"The envelope has been created and sent!New brand
", - "Inputs": [ - { - "InputName": "Brand name", - "InputPlaceholder": "New Brand" - }, - { - "InputName": "Default Brand language" - } - ] - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "The brand has been created!No brands were found for this account; please create one first.
" - } - ], - "Forms": [ - { - "Inputs": [ - { - "InputName": "Signer Email", - "InputPlaceholder": "" - }, - { - "InputName": "Signer Name", - "InputPlaceholder": "Pat Johnson" - }, - { - "InputName": "Brand" - } - ] - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "The envelope has been created and sent!No brands were found for this account; please create one first.
" - }, - { - "CodeExampleToRedirectTo": 8, - "RedirectText": "Prerequisite: Please first create the template using Create a template.
" - } - ], - "Forms": [ - { - "Inputs": [ - { - "InputName": "Signer Email", - "InputPlaceholder": "" - }, - { - "InputName": "Signer Name", - "InputPlaceholder": "Pat Johnson" - }, - { - "InputName": "CC Email", - "InputPlaceholder": "" - }, - { - "InputName": "CC Name", - "InputPlaceholder": "Pat Johnson" - }, - { - "InputName": "Brand" - } - ] - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "The envelope has been created and sent!Optional: To use the envelope's Documents view, please first create an envelope using Send an envelope with a remote (email) signer and cc recipient.
" + } + ], + "Forms":[ + { + "Inputs":[ + { + "InputName":"Starting View" + } + ] + } + ], + "ResultsPageText":"NDSE view URL: {0}." + } + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "Name":"Click", + "Groups":[ { - "Name": "Using permissions", - "Examples": [ - { - "ExampleNumber": 24, - "CFREnabled": "AllAccounts", - "ExampleName": "Create a new permission profile", - "ExampleDescription": "Creating new permission profile.", - "LinksToAPIMethod": [ - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "AccountPermissionProfiles:create" - } - ], - "Forms": [ - { - "FormName": "Permission profile
", - "Inputs": [ - { - "InputName": "Profile name", - "InputPlaceholder": "Profile name" - } - ] - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "The permission profile was created!Permission profile
", - "Inputs": [ - { - "InputName": "Profile name", - "InputPlaceholder": "Profile name" - } - ] - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "The permission profile was updated!Go to the Manage tab in the agent's DocuSign developer account, select shared access in the upper left, then select the principal's account to view the principal's envelopes. For details, see How to share access to a DocuSign inbox.
Results from Envelopes:listStatus method:
" - }, - { - "Name": "list_status_unsuccessful", - "ResultsPageText": "The principal user's account does not have any envelopes in it. Please log out of the launcher and log in as a principal user and create an envelope." - }, - { - "Name": "user_not_found", - "ResultsPageText": "User has not been activated. Please go to the agent's email to activate the agent." - } - ], - "SkipForLanguages": "java" - } - ] - }, + "Name":"Click examples", + "Examples":[ + { + "ExampleNumber":1, + "ExampleName":"Create an elastic template", + "ExampleDescription":"Creates an elastic template that you can embed in your website or app.", + "LinksToAPIMethod":[ + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"ClickWraps::createClickwrap" + } + ], + "Forms":[ + { + "Inputs":[ + { + "InputName":"Name", + "InputPlaceholder":"Name of the elastic template" + } + ] + } + ], + "ResultsPageText":"The elastic template {0} has been created!" + }, + { + "ExampleNumber":2, + "ExampleName":"Activate an elastic template", + "ExampleDescription":"Activates a new elastic template that you have already created.", + "LinksToAPIMethod":[ + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"ClickWraps::updateClickwrapVersion" + } + ], + "RedirectsToOtherCodeExamples":[ + { + "CodeExampleToRedirectTo":1, + "RedirectText":"Problem: You do not have an active elastic template. Create an elastic template.
Choose an elastic template to activate
", + "Inputs":[ + { + "InputName":"elastic template" + } + ] + } + ], + "ResultsPageText":"The elastic template has been activated!" + }, + { + "ExampleNumber":6, + "ExampleName":"Embed an elastic template", + "ExampleDescription":"Creates a unique URL for an active elastic template and embeds the elastic template on your page.", + "LinksToAPIMethod":[ + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"ClickWraps::createHasAgreed" + } + ], + "RedirectsToOtherCodeExamples":[ + { + "CodeExampleToRedirectTo":1, + "RedirectText":"Problem: You do not have an active elastic template. Create an elastic template.
Problem: Your elastic template is inactive. Activate an elastic template.
Choose an elastic template to embed:
", + "Inputs":[ + { + "InputName":"elastic template" + }, + { + "InputName":"Full Name" + }, + { + "InputName":"Email" + }, + { + "InputName":"Company" + }, + { + "InputName":"Job Title" + }, + { + "InputName":"Date" + } + ] + } + ], + "ResultsPageText":"See the embedded elastic template in the dialog box." + }, + { + "ExampleNumber":3, + "ExampleName":"Create a new elastic template version", + "ExampleDescription":"Creates a new version of an elastic template.", + "LinksToAPIMethod":[ + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"ClickWraps::createClickwrapVersion" + } + ], + "RedirectsToOtherCodeExamples":[ + { + "CodeExampleToRedirectTo":1, + "RedirectText":"Problem: You do not have an active elastic template. Create an elastic template.
Problem: You do not have an active elastic template. Create an elastic template.
Choose an elastic template:
", + "Inputs":[ + { + "InputName":"elastic template" + } + ] + } + ], + "ResultsPageText":"Results from the ClickWraps::getClickwrapAgreements method:" + } + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "Name":"Connect", + "Groups":[ { - "Name": "Using multi-factor recipient (signer) authentication", - "Examples": [ - { - "ExampleNumber": 23, - "CFREnabled": "AllAccounts", - "ExampleName": "Send an envelope with ID Verification Authentication", - "ExampleDescription": "Submit an envelope that requires verification of a government issued identity.", - "Notes": "Note: The access code for this example is the Signer Name.
", - "LinksToAPIMethod": [ - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "Envelopes:create" - } - ], - "CustomErrorTexts": [ - { - "ErrorMessageCheck": "IDENTITY_WORKFLOW_INVALID_ID", - "ErrorMessage": "Please contact Support to enable IDV in your account." - } - ], - "Forms": [ - { - "Inputs": [ - { - "InputName": "Signer Email", - "InputPlaceholder": "" - }, - { - "InputName": "Signer Name", - "InputPlaceholder": "Pat Johnson" - } - ] - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "The envelope has been created and sent!Note: The access code for this example is the Signer Name.
", - "LinksToAPIMethod": [ - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "Envelopes:create" - } - ], - "Forms": [ - { - "Inputs": [ - { - "InputName": "Signer Email", - "InputPlaceholder": "" - }, - { - "InputName": "Signer Name", - "InputPlaceholder": "Pat Johnson" - } - ] - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "The envelope has been created and sent!Optional: To use the envelope's Documents view, please first create an envelope using Send an envelope with a remote (email) signer and cc recipient.
" - } - ], - "Forms": [ - { - "Inputs": [ - { - "InputName": "Starting View" - } - ] - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "NDSE view URL: {0}." - } - ] + "Name":"Web forms", + "Examples":[ + { + "ExampleNumber":1, + "ExampleName":"Create and embed an instance of a web form", + "ExampleDescription":"Creates an instance of a web form and embeds it on an HTML page.", + "LinksToAPIMethod":[ + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"WebForms:ListWebForms" + }, + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"WebForms:CreateInstance" + } + ], + "AdditionalPage":[ + { + "Name":"create_web_form_template", + "ResultsPageText":"First the launcher will create a new template in your account that will be used to create the web form." + }, + { + "Name":"create_web_form", + "ResultsPageText":"Go to your DocuSign account to create the Web Form. Go to 'Forms' in your developer account, select 'New,' and choose 'Upload web form.' Upload the JSON config file 'web-form-config.json' found under the demo_documents folder of this project. You will need to activate the web form before proceeding. Press Continue after doing so." + } + ], + "SkipForLanguages":"ruby;" + } + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "Name":"Rooms", + "Groups":[ + { + "Name":"Rooms examples", + "Examples":[ + { + "ExampleNumber":1, + "ExampleName":"Create a room with data", + "ExampleDescription":"Demonstrates how to create a DocuSign room that contains populated data.", + "LinksToAPIMethod":[ + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"Rooms::CreateRoom" + }, + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"Roles::GetRoles" + } + ], + "Forms":[ + { + "Inputs":[ + { + "InputName":"Room name", + "InputPlaceholder":"Room name" + } + ] + } + ], + "ResultsPageText":"The room \"{0}\" has been created!Problem: you don't have any templates. Please first create a form template using DocuSign Rooms.
Thank you.
Problem: please first create a room using example 1.
Thank you.
Problem: please first create a room using example 1.
Thank you.
Problem: This example is not available.
DocuSign Forms is not enabled for your DocuSign account. Please contact DocuSign Rooms Support to enable Forms.
" + } + ], + "Forms":[ + { + "Inputs":[ + { + "InputName":"Room" + }, + { + "InputName":"Form" + } + ] + } + ], + "ResultsPageText":"Results from the Rooms::AddFormToRoom method:" + }, + { + "ExampleNumber":5, + "ExampleName":"Get a room with a filter", + "ExampleDescription":"Demonstrates how to return rooms filtered by your parameters.", + "LinksToAPIMethod":[ + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"Rooms::GetRooms" + } + ], + "Forms":[ + { + "Inputs":[ + { + "InputName":"Start date" + }, + { + "InputName":"End date" + } + ] + } + ], + "ResultsPageText":"Results from the Rooms::GetRooms method:" + }, + { + "ExampleNumber":6, + "ExampleName":"Create and embed an external form fill session", + "ExampleDescription":"Demonstrates how to create and embed an external form fill session.", + "LinksToAPIMethod":[ + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"Rooms::GetRooms" + }, + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"Rooms::GetDocuments" + }, + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"ExternalFormFillSessions::CreateExternalFormFillSession" + } + ], + "RedirectsToOtherCodeExamples":[ + { + "CodeExampleToRedirectTo":4, + "RedirectText":"Problem: Selected room does not have any forms. Add a form to a room using example 4.
Problem: Create a room using example 1.
Please select a form document
", + "Inputs":[ + { + "InputName":"Forms" + } + ] + }, + { + "FormName":"Please select a room
", + "Inputs":[ + { + "InputName":"Rooms", + "InputPlaceholder":"Select a room" + } + ] + } + ], + "ResultsPageText":"Results from the ExternalFormFillSessions:CreateExternalFormFillSession:" + }, + { + "ExampleNumber":7, + "ExampleName":"Create a form group", + "ExampleDescription":"Demonstrates how to create a form group for your DocuSign Rooms for Real Estate account.", + "LinksToAPIMethod":[ + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"Rooms::CreateFormGroup" + } + ], + "Forms":[ + { + "Inputs":[ + { + "InputName":"Form group name", + "InputPlaceholder":"Form group name" + } + ] + } + ], + "ResultsPageText":"The Form Group \"{0}\" has been created!" + }, + { + "ExampleNumber":8, + "ExampleName":"Grant office access to a form group", + "ExampleDescription":"Demonstrates how to assign an office to a form group for your DocuSign Rooms for Real Estate account.", + "LinksToAPIMethod":[ + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"Rooms::AccessFormGroup" + }, + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"FormGroups::GetFormGroups" + }, + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"Offices::GetOffices" + } + ], + "RedirectsToOtherCodeExamples":[ + { + "CodeExampleToRedirectTo":7, + "RedirectText":"Problem: please first create a form group using example 7.
Thank you.
Problem: please first create an office
" + } + ], + "Forms":[ + { + "FormName":"Please select an office and a form group
", + "Inputs":[ + { + "InputName":"Form group", + "InputPlaceholder":"Please select a form group" + }, + { + "InputName":"Office", + "InputPlaceholder":"Please select an office" + } + ] + } + ], + "ResultsPageText":"Office \"{0}\" has been assigned to Form Group \"{1}\"" + }, + { + "ExampleNumber":9, + "ExampleName":"Assign a form to a form group", + "ExampleDescription":"Demonstrates how to assign a form to a form group for your DocuSign Rooms for Real Estate account.", + "LinksToAPIMethod":[ + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"Rooms::AssignFormGroup" + }, + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"FormGroups::GetFormGroups" + }, + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"FormLibraries:GetFormLibraries" + } + ], + "RedirectsToOtherCodeExamples":[ + { + "CodeExampleToRedirectTo":7, + "RedirectText":"Problem: please first create a form group using example 7.
Thank you.
Problem: please first create a form.
Thank you.
Please select an office and a form group
", + "Inputs":[ + { + "InputName":"Form group", + "InputPlaceholder":"Please select a form group" + }, + { + "InputName":"Form", + "InputPlaceholder":"Please select a form" + } + ] + } + ], + "ResultsPageText":"Form \"{0}\" has been assigned to Form Group \"{1}\"!" + } + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "Name":"Monitor", + "Groups":[ + { + "Name":"Monitor examples", + "Examples":[ + { + "ExampleNumber":1, + "ExampleName":"Get monitoring data", + "ExampleDescription":"Demonstrates how to get and display all of your organization’s monitoring data.", + "LinksToAPIMethod":[ + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"DataSet:getStream" + } + ], + "ResultsPageText":"Results from DataSet:getStream method:" + } + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "Name":"Admin", + "Groups":[ + { + "Name":"Admin examples", + "Examples":[ + { + "ExampleNumber":1, + "ExampleName":"Create a new active eSignature user", + "ExampleDescription":"Demonstrates how to create a new eSignature user and activate their account automatically.", + "LinksToAPIMethod":[ + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"AccountPermissionProfiles::list" + }, + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"Groups::list" + }, + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"eSignUserManagement::createUser" + } + ], + "Forms":[ + { + "Inputs":[ + { + "InputName":"User name", + "InputPlaceholder":"PatJohnson" + }, + { + "InputName":"First name", + "InputPlaceholder":"Pat" + }, + { + "InputName":"Last name", + "InputPlaceholder":"Johnson" + }, + { + "InputName":"Email", + "InputPlaceholder":"" + }, + { + "InputName":"eSignature permission profile" + }, + { + "InputName":"eSignature group" + } + ] + } + ], + "ResultsPageText":"Results from eSignUserManagement:createUser method:" + }, + { + "ExampleNumber":2, + "ExampleName":"Create a new active user for CLM and eSignature", + "ExampleDescription":"Demonstrates how to create a new DocuSign user (valid for both CLM and eSignature APIs) and activate their account automatically.", + "LinksToAPIMethod":[ + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"MultiProductUserManagement::getProductPermissionProfiles" + }, + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"MultiProductUserManagement::getDsGroups" + }, + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"MultiProductUserManagement::addOrUpdateUser" + } + ], + "CustomErrorTexts":[ + { + "ErrorMessage":"You do not have any groups set in your DocuSign Admin. Please go to DocuSign Admin and create a group to use this code example." + } + ], + "Forms":[ + { + "Inputs":[ + { + "InputName":"User Name", + "InputPlaceholder":"User Name for the new user" + }, + { + "InputName":"First name", + "InputPlaceholder":"First Name of the new user" + }, + { + "InputName":"Last name", + "InputPlaceholder":"Last Name of the new user" + }, + { + "InputName":"Email", + "InputPlaceholder":"Email address of the new user" + }, + { + "InputName":"eSignature Permission Profile" + }, + { + "InputName":"CLM Permission Profile" + }, + { + "InputName":"DocuSign Admin Group" + } + ] + } + ], + "ResultsPageText":"Results from MultiProductUserManagement:addOrUpdateUser method:" + }, + { + "ExampleNumber":3, + "ExampleName":"Bulk export user data", + "ExampleDescription":"Demonstrates how to bulk export user accounts within an organization into a CSV (comma-separated value) file.", + "LinksToAPIMethod":[ + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"UserExport::createUserListExport" + }, + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"UserExport::getUserListExport" + } + ], + "ResultsPageText":"User data exported to {0}. Results from UserExport:getUserListExport:" + }, + { + "ExampleNumber":4, + "ExampleName":"Add users via bulk import", + "ExampleDescription":"Demonstrates how to audit the users in your account by retrieving the profiles of users that were modified after a specified date.", + "LinksToAPIMethod":[ + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"UserImport::addBulkUserImport" + }, + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"UserImport::getBulkUserImportRequest" + } + ], + "ResultsPageText":"Results from UserImport:addBulkUserImport method:", + "AdditionalPage":[ + { + "Name":"file_state_success", + "ResultsPageText":"Results from UserImport:addBulkUserImport method:" + } + ] + }, + { + "ExampleNumber":5, + "ExampleName":"Audit users", + "ExampleDescription":"Demonstrates how to audit the users in your account by retrieving the profiles of users that were modified after a specified date.", + "LinksToAPIMethod":[ + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"Users::getUsers" + }, + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"eSignUserManagement::getUserProfiles" + } + ], + "ResultsPageText":"Results from eSignUserManagement:getUserProfiles method:" + }, + { + "ExampleNumber":6, + "ExampleName":"Retrieve the user's DocuSign profile using an email address", + "ExampleDescription":"Demonstrates how to obtain the user’s DocuSign profile information across all DocuSign accounts by specifying the user’s email address.", + "LinksToAPIMethod":[ + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"MultiProductUserManagement::getUserDSProfilesByEmail" + } + ], + "Forms":[ + { + "Inputs":[ + { + "InputName":"Email address", + "InputPlaceholder":"" + } + ] + } + ], + "ResultsPageText":"Results from MultiProductUserManagement:getUserDSProfilesByEmail method:" + }, + { + "ExampleNumber":7, + "ExampleName":"Retrieve the user's DocuSign profile using a User ID", + "ExampleDescription":"Demonstrates how to obtain the user’s DocuSign profile information across all DocuSign accounts by specifying the user’s User ID.", + "LinksToAPIMethod":[ + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"MultiProductUserManagement::getUserDSProfile" + } + ], + "Forms":[ + { + "Inputs":[ + { + "InputName":"User ID", + "InputPlaceholder":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" + } + ] + } + ], + "ResultsPageText":"Results from MultiProductUserManagement:getUserDSProfile method:" + }, + { + "ExampleNumber":8, + "ExampleName":"Update user product permission profiles using an email address", + "ExampleDescription":"Demonstrates how to update user product permission profiles. There may only be one permission profile assigned to a user per product.", + "LinksToAPIMethod":[ + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"MultiProductUserManagement::getProductPermissionProfiles" + }, + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"MultiProductUserManagement::addUserProductPermissionProfilesByEmail" + } + ], + "RedirectsToOtherCodeExamples":[ + { + "CodeExampleToRedirectTo":2, + "RedirectText":"Problem: You do not have the user to change permissions for. Go to example#2 and create one: create active CLM/eSign User.
Update user product permission profile for the following email: {0}
", + "Inputs":[ + { + "InputName":"Choose a product for which you want to update the permission profile" + }, + { + "InputName":"Choose a permission profile" + } + ] + } + ], + "ResultsPageText":"Results from MultiProductUserManagement:addUserProductPermissionProfilesByEmail method:" + }, + { + "ExampleNumber":9, + "ExampleName":"Delete user product permission profiles using an email address", + "ExampleDescription":"Demonstrates how to list and delete DocuSign Admin user product permission profiles.", + "LinksToAPIMethod":[ + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"MultiProductUserManagement::getUserProductPermissionProfilesByEmail" + }, + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"MultiProductUserManagement::removeUserProductPermission" + } + ], + "RedirectsToOtherCodeExamples":[ + { + "CodeExampleToRedirectTo":2, + "RedirectText":"Problem: You do not have the user to change permissions for. Go to example#2 and create one: create active CLM/eSign User.
Delete user product permission profile for the following email: {0}
", + "Inputs":[ + { + "InputName":"Choose which product permission profile you would like to delete" + } + ] + } + ], + "ResultsPageText":"Results from MultiProductUserManagement:removeUserProductPermission method:" + }, + { + "ExampleNumber":10, + "ExampleName":"Delete user data from an account as an organization admin", + "ExampleDescription":"Deletes user data from an account.This endpoint should be used by an organization admin.", + "LinksToAPIMethod":[ + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"DataDeletion:redactIndividualUserData" + }, + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"eSignUserManagement:getUserProfiles" + } + ], + "Forms":[ + { + "Inputs":[ + { + "InputName":"Email address", + "InputPlaceholder":"" + } + ] + } + ], + "ResultsPageText":"Results from DataDeletion:redactIndividualMembershipData method:", + "SkipForLanguages":"java" + }, + { + "ExampleNumber":11, + "ExampleName":"Delete user data from an account as an account admin", + "ExampleDescription":"Deletes user data from an account.This endpoint should be used by an account admin.", + "LinksToAPIMethod":[ + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"DataDeletion:redactIndividualMembershipData" + } + ], + "Forms":[ + { + "Inputs":[ + { + "InputName":"User ID", + "InputPlaceholder":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" + } + ] + } + ], + "ResultsPageText":"Results from DataDeletion:redactIndividualUserData method:", + "SkipForLanguages":"java" + }, + { + "ExampleNumber":12, + "ExampleName":"Clone an account", + "ExampleDescription":"Creates a new eSignature account in your organization by creating a copy of an existing account.", + "LinksToAPIMethod":[ + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"AccountCloning::getAssetGroupAccounts" + }, + { + "Path":"", + "PathName":"AccountCloning::cloneAssetGroupAccount" + } + ], + "Forms":[ + { + "Inputs":[ + { + "InputName":"Source account" + }, + { + "InputName":"Target account name", + "InputPlaceholder":"" + }, + { + "InputName":"Account admin first name", + "InputPlaceholder":"Pat" + }, + { + "InputName":"Account admin last name", + "InputPlaceholder":"Johnson" + }, + { + "InputName":"Account admin email", + "InputPlaceholder":"" + } + ] + } + ], + "ResultsPageText":"Results from AccountCloning::cloneAssetGroupAccount method:" + } + ] } - ] - }, - { - "Name": "Click", - "Groups": [ - { - "Name": "Click examples", - "Examples": [ - { - "ExampleNumber": 1, - "ExampleName": "Create an elastic template", - "ExampleDescription": "Creates an elastic template that you can embed in your website or app.", - "LinksToAPIMethod": [ - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "ClickWraps::createClickwrap" - } - ], - "Forms": [ - { - "Inputs": [ - { - "InputName": "Name", - "InputPlaceholder": "Name of the elastic template" - } - ] - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "The elastic template {0} has been created!" - }, - { - "ExampleNumber": 2, - "ExampleName": "Activate an elastic template", - "ExampleDescription": "Activates a new elastic template that you have already created.", - "LinksToAPIMethod": [ - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "ClickWraps::updateClickwrapVersion" - } - ], - "RedirectsToOtherCodeExamples": [ - { - "CodeExampleToRedirectTo": 1, - "RedirectText": "Problem: You do not have an active elastic template. Create an elastic template.
Choose an elastic template to activate
", - "Inputs": [ - { - "InputName": "elastic template" - } - ] - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "The elastic template has been activated!" - }, - { - "ExampleNumber": 6, - "ExampleName": "Embed an elastic template", - "ExampleDescription": "Creates a unique URL for an active elastic template and embeds the elastic template on your page.", - "LinksToAPIMethod": [ - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "ClickWraps::createHasAgreed" - } - ], - "RedirectsToOtherCodeExamples": [ - { - "CodeExampleToRedirectTo": 1, - "RedirectText": "Problem: You do not have an active elastic template. Create an elastic template.
Problem: Your elastic template is inactive. Activate an elastic template.
Choose an elastic template to embed:
", - "Inputs": [ - { - "InputName": "elastic template" - }, - { - "InputName": "Full Name" - }, - { - "InputName": "Email" - }, - { - "InputName": "Company" - }, - { - "InputName": "Job Title" - }, - { - "InputName": "Date" - } - ] - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "See the embedded elastic template in the dialog box." - }, - { - "ExampleNumber": 3, - "ExampleName": "Create a new elastic template version", - "ExampleDescription": "Creates a new version of an elastic template.", - "LinksToAPIMethod": [ - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "ClickWraps::createClickwrapVersion" - } - ], - "RedirectsToOtherCodeExamples": [ - { - "CodeExampleToRedirectTo": 1, - "RedirectText": "Problem: You do not have an active elastic template. Create an elastic template.
Problem: You do not have an active elastic template. Create an elastic template.
Choose an elastic template:
", - "Inputs": [ - { - "InputName": "elastic template" - } - ] - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "Results from the ClickWraps::getClickwrapAgreements method:" - } - ] - } - ] - }, - { - "Name": "Rooms", - "Groups": [ - { - "Name": "Rooms examples", - "Examples": [ - { - "ExampleNumber": 1, - "ExampleName": "Create a room with data", - "ExampleDescription": "Demonstrates how to create a DocuSign room that contains populated data.", - "LinksToAPIMethod": [ - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "Rooms::CreateRoom" - }, - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "Roles::GetRoles" - } - ], - "Forms": [ - { - "Inputs": [ - { - "InputName": "Room name", - "InputPlaceholder": "Room name" - } - ] - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "The room \"{0}\" has been created!Problem: you don't have any templates. Please first create a form template using DocuSign Rooms.
Thank you.
Problem: please first create a room using example 1.
Thank you.
Problem: please first create a room using example 1.
Thank you.
Problem: This example is not available.
DocuSign Forms is not enabled for your DocuSign account. Please contact DocuSign Rooms Support to enable Forms.
" - } - ], - "Forms": [ - { - "Inputs": [ - { - "InputName": "Room" - }, - { - "InputName": "Form" - } - ] - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "Results from the Rooms::AddFormToRoom method:" - }, - { - "ExampleNumber": 5, - "ExampleName": "Get a room with a filter", - "ExampleDescription": "Demonstrates how to return rooms filtered by your parameters.", - "LinksToAPIMethod": [ - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "Rooms::GetRooms" - } - ], - "Forms": [ - { - "Inputs": [ - { - "InputName": "Start date" - }, - { - "InputName": "End date" - } - ] - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "Results from the Rooms::GetRooms method:" - }, - { - "ExampleNumber": 6, - "ExampleName": "Create and embed an external form fill session", - "ExampleDescription": "Demonstrates how to create and embed an external form fill session.", - "LinksToAPIMethod": [ - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "Rooms::GetRooms" - }, - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "Rooms::GetDocuments" - }, - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "ExternalFormFillSessions::CreateExternalFormFillSession" - } - ], - "RedirectsToOtherCodeExamples": [ - { - "CodeExampleToRedirectTo": 4, - "RedirectText": "Problem: Selected room does not have any forms. Add a form to a room using example 4.
Problem: Create a room using example 1.
Please select a form document
", - "Inputs": [ - { - "InputName": "Forms" - } - ] - }, - { - "FormName": "Please select a room
", - "Inputs": [ - { - "InputName": "Rooms", - "InputPlaceholder": "Select a room" - } - ] - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "Results from the ExternalFormFillSessions:CreateExternalFormFillSession:" - }, - { - "ExampleNumber": 7, - "ExampleName": "Create a form group", - "ExampleDescription": "Demonstrates how to create a form group for your DocuSign Rooms for Real Estate account.", - "LinksToAPIMethod": [ - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "Rooms::CreateFormGroup" - } - ], - "Forms": [ - { - "Inputs": [ - { - "InputName": "Form group name", - "InputPlaceholder": "Form group name" - } - ] - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "The Form Group \"{0}\" has been created!" - }, - { - "ExampleNumber": 8, - "ExampleName": "Grant office access to a form group", - "ExampleDescription": "Demonstrates how to assign an office to a form group for your DocuSign Rooms for Real Estate account.", - "LinksToAPIMethod": [ - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "Rooms::AccessFormGroup" - }, - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "FormGroups::GetFormGroups" - }, - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "Offices::GetOffices" - } - ], - "RedirectsToOtherCodeExamples": [ - { - "CodeExampleToRedirectTo": 7, - "RedirectText": "Problem: please first create a form group using example 7.
Thank you.
Problem: please first create an office
" - } - ], - "Forms": [ - { - "FormName": "Please select an office and a form group
", - "Inputs": [ - { - "InputName": "Form group", - "InputPlaceholder": "Please select a form group" - }, - { - "InputName": "Office", - "InputPlaceholder": "Please select an office" - } - ] - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "Office \"{0}\" has been assigned to Form Group \"{1}\"" - }, - { - "ExampleNumber": 9, - "ExampleName": "Assign a form to a form group", - "ExampleDescription": "Demonstrates how to assign a form to a form group for your DocuSign Rooms for Real Estate account.", - "LinksToAPIMethod": [ - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "Rooms::AssignFormGroup" - }, - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "FormGroups::GetFormGroups" - }, - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "FormLibraries:GetFormLibraries" - } - ], - "RedirectsToOtherCodeExamples": [ - { - "CodeExampleToRedirectTo": 7, - "RedirectText": "Problem: please first create a form group using example 7.
Thank you.
Problem: please first create a form.
Thank you.
Please select an office and a form group
", - "Inputs": [ - { - "InputName": "Form group", - "InputPlaceholder": "Please select a form group" - }, - { - "InputName": "Form", - "InputPlaceholder": "Please select a form" - } - ] - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "Form \"{0}\" has been assigned to Form Group \"{1}\"!" - } - ] - } - ] - }, - { - "Name": "Monitor", - "Groups": [ - { - "Name": "Monitor examples", - "Examples": [ - { - "ExampleNumber": 1, - "ExampleName": "Get monitoring data", - "ExampleDescription": "Demonstrates how to get and display all of your organization’s monitoring data.", - "LinksToAPIMethod": [ - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "DataSet:getStream" - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "Results from DataSet:getStream method:" - } - ] - } - ] - }, - { - "Name": "Admin", - "Groups": [ - { - "Name": "Admin examples", - "Examples": [ - { - "ExampleNumber": 1, - "ExampleName": "Create a new active eSignature user", - "ExampleDescription": "Demonstrates how to create a new eSignature user and activate their account automatically.", - "LinksToAPIMethod": [ - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "AccountPermissionProfiles::list" - }, - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "Groups::list" - }, - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "eSignUserManagement::createUser" - } - ], - "Forms": [ - { - "Inputs": [ - { - "InputName": "User name", - "InputPlaceholder": "PatJohnson" - }, - { - "InputName": "First name", - "InputPlaceholder": "Pat" - }, - { - "InputName": "Last name", - "InputPlaceholder": "Johnson" - }, - { - "InputName": "Email", - "InputPlaceholder": "" - }, - { - "InputName": "eSignature permission profile" - }, - { - "InputName": "eSignature group" - } - ] - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "Results from eSignUserManagement:createUser method:" - }, - { - "ExampleNumber": 2, - "ExampleName": "Create a new active user for CLM and eSignature", - "ExampleDescription": "Demonstrates how to create a new DocuSign user (valid for both CLM and eSignature APIs) and activate their account automatically.", - "LinksToAPIMethod": [ - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "MultiProductUserManagement::getProductPermissionProfiles" - }, - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "MultiProductUserManagement::getDsGroups" - }, - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "MultiProductUserManagement::addOrUpdateUser" - } - ], - "CustomErrorTexts": [ - { - "ErrorMessage": "You do not have any groups set in your DocuSign Admin. Please go to DocuSign Admin and create a group to use this code example." - } - ], - "Forms": [ - { - "Inputs": [ - { - "InputName": "User Name", - "InputPlaceholder": "User Name for the new user" - }, - { - "InputName": "First name", - "InputPlaceholder": "First Name of the new user" - }, - { - "InputName": "Last name", - "InputPlaceholder": "Last Name of the new user" - }, - { - "InputName": "Email", - "InputPlaceholder": "Email address of the new user" - }, - { - "InputName": "eSignature Permission Profile" - }, - { - "InputName": "CLM Permission Profile" - }, - { - "InputName": "DocuSign Admin Group" - } - ] - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "Results from MultiProductUserManagement:addOrUpdateUser method:" - }, - { - "ExampleNumber": 3, - "ExampleName": "Bulk export user data", - "ExampleDescription": "Demonstrates how to bulk export user accounts within an organization into a CSV (comma-separated value) file.", - "LinksToAPIMethod": [ - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "UserExport::createUserListExport" - }, - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "UserExport::getUserListExport" - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "User data exported to {0}. Results from UserExport:getUserListExport:" - }, - { - "ExampleNumber": 4, - "ExampleName": "Add users via bulk import", - "ExampleDescription": "Demonstrates how to audit the users in your account by retrieving the profiles of users that were modified after a specified date.", - "LinksToAPIMethod": [ - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "UserImport::addBulkUserImport" - }, - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "UserImport::getBulkUserImportRequest" - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "Results from UserImport:addBulkUserImport method:", - "AdditionalPage": [ - { - "Name": "file_state_success", - "ResultsPageText": "Results from UserImport:addBulkUserImport method:" - } - ] - }, - { - "ExampleNumber": 5, - "ExampleName": "Audit users", - "ExampleDescription": "Demonstrates how to audit the users in your account by retrieving the profiles of users that were modified after a specified date.", - "LinksToAPIMethod": [ - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "Users::getUsers" - }, - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "eSignUserManagement::getUserProfiles" - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "Results from eSignUserManagement:getUserProfiles method:" - }, - { - "ExampleNumber": 6, - "ExampleName": "Retrieve the user's DocuSign profile using an email address", - "ExampleDescription": "Demonstrates how to obtain the user’s DocuSign profile information across all DocuSign accounts by specifying the user’s email address.", - "LinksToAPIMethod": [ - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "MultiProductUserManagement::getUserDSProfilesByEmail" - } - ], - "Forms": [ - { - "Inputs": [ - { - "InputName": "Email address", - "InputPlaceholder": "" - } - ] - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "Results from MultiProductUserManagement:getUserDSProfilesByEmail method:" - }, - { - "ExampleNumber": 7, - "ExampleName": "Retrieve the user's DocuSign profile using a User ID", - "ExampleDescription": "Demonstrates how to obtain the user’s DocuSign profile information across all DocuSign accounts by specifying the user’s User ID.", - "LinksToAPIMethod": [ - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "MultiProductUserManagement::getUserDSProfile" - } - ], - "Forms": [ - { - "Inputs": [ - { - "InputName": "User ID", - "InputPlaceholder": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" - } - ] - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "Results from MultiProductUserManagement:getUserDSProfile method:" - }, - { - "ExampleNumber": 8, - "ExampleName": "Update user product permission profiles using an email address", - "ExampleDescription": "Demonstrates how to update user product permission profiles. There may only be one permission profile assigned to a user per product.", - "LinksToAPIMethod": [ - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "MultiProductUserManagement::getProductPermissionProfiles" - }, - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "MultiProductUserManagement::addUserProductPermissionProfilesByEmail" - } - ], - "RedirectsToOtherCodeExamples": [ - { - "CodeExampleToRedirectTo": 2, - "RedirectText": "Problem: You do not have the user to change permissions for. Go to example#2 and create one: create active CLM/eSign User.
Update user product permission profile for the following email: {0}
", - "Inputs": [ - { - "InputName": "Choose a product for which you want to update the permission profile" - }, - { - "InputName": "Choose a permission profile" - } - ] - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "Results from MultiProductUserManagement:addUserProductPermissionProfilesByEmail method:" - }, - { - "ExampleNumber": 9, - "ExampleName": "Delete user product permission profiles using an email address", - "ExampleDescription": "Demonstrates how to list and delete DocuSign Admin user product permission profiles.", - "LinksToAPIMethod": [ - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "MultiProductUserManagement::getUserProductPermissionProfilesByEmail" - }, - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "MultiProductUserManagement::removeUserProductPermission" - } - ], - "RedirectsToOtherCodeExamples": [ - { - "CodeExampleToRedirectTo": 2, - "RedirectText": "Problem: You do not have the user to change permissions for. Go to example#2 and create one: create active CLM/eSign User.
Delete user product permission profile for the following email: {0}
", - "Inputs": [ - { - "InputName": "Choose which product permission profile you would like to delete" - } - ] - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "Results from MultiProductUserManagement:removeUserProductPermission method:" - }, - { - "ExampleNumber": 10, - "ExampleName": "Delete user data from an account as an organization admin", - "ExampleDescription": "Deletes user data from an account.This endpoint should be used by an organization admin.", - "LinksToAPIMethod": [ - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "DataDeletion:redactIndividualUserData" - }, - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "eSignUserManagement:getUserProfiles" - } - ], - "Forms": [ - { - "Inputs": [ - { - "InputName": "Email address", - "InputPlaceholder": "" - } - ] - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "Results from DataDeletion:redactIndividualMembershipData method:", - "SkipForLanguages": "java" - }, - { - "ExampleNumber": 11, - "ExampleName": "Delete user data from an account as an account admin", - "ExampleDescription": "Deletes user data from an account.This endpoint should be used by an account admin.", - "LinksToAPIMethod": [ - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "DataDeletion:redactIndividualMembershipData" - } - ], - "Forms": [ - { - "Inputs": [ - { - "InputName": "User ID", - "InputPlaceholder": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" - } - ] - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "Results from DataDeletion:redactIndividualUserData method:", - "SkipForLanguages": "java" - }, - { - "ExampleNumber": 12, - "ExampleName": "Clone an account", - "ExampleDescription": "Creates a new eSignature account in your organization by creating a copy of an existing account.", - "LinksToAPIMethod": [ - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "AccountCloning::getAssetGroupAccounts" - }, - { - "Path": "", - "PathName": "AccountCloning::cloneAssetGroupAccount" - } - ], - "Forms": [ - { - "Inputs": [ - { - "InputName": "Source account" - }, - { - "InputName": "Target account name", - "InputPlaceholder": "" - }, - { - "InputName": "Account admin first name", - "InputPlaceholder": "Pat" - }, - { - "InputName": "Account admin last name", - "InputPlaceholder": "Johnson" - }, - { - "InputName": "Account admin email", - "InputPlaceholder": "" - } - ] - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "Results from AccountCloning::cloneAssetGroupAccount method:" - } - ] - } - ] - }, - { - "Name": "Connect", - "Groups": [ - { - "Name": "Connect examples", - "Examples": [ - { - "ExampleNumber": 1, - "ExampleName": "Validate HMAC signature", - "ExampleDescription": "Demonstrates an example workflow for a client app receiving and validating a webhook (DocuSign Connect) message using HMAC security.", - "Forms": [ - { - "Inputs": [ - { - "InputName": "HMAC secret" - }, - { - "InputName": "Plain text JSON payload" - } - ] - } - ], - "ResultsPageText": "This value should match the value of your x-docusign-signature header: