SGMiner-GM is the collaborative result of so many talented people. Here, you can find a list of authors (current and past).
SGMiner-GM wouldn't be possible in it's current iteration without the hard work of previous developers of sgminer, including:
- Yann St. Arnaud
- Jan Berdajs
- Noel Maersk
- Troky
- Lasybear
- Luke-Jr
- Andrew Smith
- Con Kolivas
- Martin Danielsen
##Bug Fixes, Testing, and Improvements
These folks have helped SGMiner development through squashing bugs, optimizing code or just generally testing for stability.
- Michael Fiano
- Gabriel Deveny
- Benjamin Herrenschmidt
- Joe4782
- Geoff Acheson
- Drogean
- Tonobitc
- Perry Huang
- Joe Bruggeman
- djm34
- Badman74
- Paul Sheppard
- nelisky
- denis2342
- aznboy84
- prettyhatemachine
- Xiangfu Liu
- Michael Kedzierski
- Andras Elso
- Chris Chua
- Rusty Russell
- Setkeh
- bllacky
- bitbandi
- Vitalii Demianets
- Anatoly Manzhugin
- James Gao
- sterlingpickens
- Nick Bushor
- pheonix48
- Bufius
- Diogo Franco
- roybadami
- Scott Dial
- Maksym
- platinum4
- Henrik Nordström
- Markus Peloquin
- Angus Gratton
- Chris
- Harry Moreno
- Zuikkis
- Jesse Moll
- Scott Jann
- Zefir Kurtisi
- Mark Crichton
- sentricorp
- Glenn Murray
- Irving A. Bermúdez S
- Ori
- deba12
- Thomas
- Gabriel A. Devenyi
- Jim Jagielski
- Giovanni Toraldo
- Spencer Shimko
- Tim Bateman
- Mark Scrano
- Olivier Langlois
- Michael Bemmerl
- Mike Hrencecin
- hocuscapocus
- CyberLeo
- sharky112065
- EskimoBob
- Brandon Tuomela
- Blagodarenko
- Tydus
- Phraust
- Sergei Krivonos
- Timothy Redaelli
- David Dean
- Monson Shao
- p2k
- Midnight Magic
- Forrest Voight
- Nate Woolls
- Marco Fontani
- Tom Rini
- Raulo
- Jeff Garzik
- Alexey Karimov
- Andreas Oeldenberger