- get camera working
- get pi connected over WiFi
- get LCD connected
- get raw data from camera for processing
- get raw brightness from LDR or camera
- adjust opacity of LCD
- add image inversion
- add options to swap between modes
- laser cut glasses frame
- add some form of app to control settings
- add options for dimming colour e.g. turn tint red instead of grey tint
connect raspberry pi zero to home WiFi and successfully take photos
successfully connect pi0w to eduroam and take photos
start designing the frame
start work with LCD
- find c++ library from adafruit ST7735-c+++
- find python library ST7735-micro, ST7735-af c++ forked to py
looking thought the code the ST7735-micro seems cleaner and looks like I will be able to modify it easier since it is broken into more small functions although the other python has image support so I will try both and access
start working on project again after exams/coursework and Christmas break but WiFi has stopped working possibly because of certification update but even reslashing the board and rerunning the cat installer didn't work will try to connect when I get home to check the WiFi chip is still working talked to Jake and said he should be able to put it on Plymouth humanoids
work on time management and issue tracking
today I finally got the pi0w connected to the uni WiFi and also got the vnc working so that I could work on the pi in uni without brining in a separate screen for the pi once I had done that I started work on the field of view calculations and realised that with out a fisheye camera adapter the lcd has a bigger fov so only the centre will be usable for point adjustment I also calculated the pixels per angle and realise that the only issue with using a fish eye adapter would cause distortion
then followed this guide to install open cv reach
pip install numpy
before running out of time before space x falcon heavy launch
spacex falcon heavy launch was a success
- switch to opencv 3.4.0 and finish up install
- add all dependences to repo
install locked at 84%
get lcd and pi0w header soldered and get pin mappings for each
looking through the code for the lcd drivers again from (19/11/2017) I think the forked adafruit might be better
found skimage and think it will work well with camera
also make new simpler frame prototype ready for laser cutting
had meeting with Phil and he seems happy with progress and direction I'm taking so all good there
got lcd working and even got the lcd to output circles based on x,y,radius,opacity
got blob detection working 'live'
got both lcds working and fine tune timings to work out where the issues are and fine tune the blob detection
tidied files up and got telegram control integrated into shades with control over weather point detection is on or off and the colour / tint level
finalized remote control(4 modes, more colours and toggle-able debug ) and begin optimizing code to try to improve fps f
investigate capacitve control of system and mount the lenses into the frame and add price list
begin investigating conversion to c/c++ command
raspistill -o cam.jpg -cfx 128:128 -ifx negative -w 160 -h 128 -rot 270 --thumb none -l
raspistill -t 1000 -tl 0 -o - > img.jpg -cfx 128:128 -ifx negative -w 160 -h 128 -rot 270 --thumb none
find raspicam cpp api for the camera possible st7735R library although might be screen output
achieve 30 fps image stream although the new blob detection might be able to deal with video stream
receive parts and measure current draw at .2/.3 A and start coding for capacitive buttons
finish initial coding for capacitive buttons
fully implement hold for extra functionality
tidy button code and start thinking about mounting
record progress and prep for progress demonstration
implement addwifi so I can add wifi AP's easier using Telegram
tidy debugging prints and improve access error text
redesign the fame for capacitive board and tidy deinitialization of camera
add print to debug toggle, add commenting, add link to access error reply, start making install script to install dependencies
add time to boot and reboot reply to calculate reboot time
tidy code and make pep257 compliant, only update LCD on value change in manual mode
work on report and get new arms cut,fix error #29 ,and add exit functionality so reopen program
do paper work and move telegram API keys to separate file
tidy code by moving jokes, making buttons more dynamic and work on report
work on report, poster and add try except to telegrambot
get toggle-able buttons working and add more diagrams to the poster
add vision explanations and get mum to read thought report
improve wiring and work on poster and report
add button diagram to poster and add references to Appendix, gantt and budget to report also I improved the inspiration section
finalize poster add compute, LCD and camera choice
add negative image mode and work on report
embed images add existing market and relevant references
add toc and glossary
get report checked at writing cafe
add more references and add abstract, acknowledgements
improve general formatting ,add licence
work on report add flowchart and correct gantt
add telegram inline keyboard screen shot and open day photo