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File metadata and controls

43 lines (33 loc) · 2.2 KB


Discovery.js allows the configuration of custom encodings in addition to the default ones. Encodings are utilized during payload loading to decode the payload into a JavaScript object. An encoding configuration is defined by an object with these properties:

  • name: A unique string identifier for the encoding.
  • test: A function that receives the first chunk of the payload and a done flag (indicating whether more payload is expected or if it's complete) and returns a boolean to indicate if the encoding is applicable.
  • streaming (optional, defaults to false): Determines if the encoding supports streaming. If true, the decode function is passed an async iterator that yields Uint8Array instances; if false, decode receives the entire payload as a single Uint8Array.
  • decode: A function that decodes the payload into a JavaScript value. It accepts an async iterator or Uint8Array, depending on the streaming option.

The TypeScript type definition for an encoding is as follows:

type Encoding = {
    name: string;
    test(chunk: Uint8Array, done: boolean): boolean;
    streaming?: boolean;
    decode(data: AsyncIterableIterator<Uint8Array> | Uint8Array): any;

Encodings can be set using the encodings option in both App and Widget configurations. However, it currently only affects the App instance, as only App has methods for loading data. The Loading Data API applies the specified encodings to the data payload, and App integrates these encodings into its load* method calls if they are specified upon initialization.

In addition to App and Widget, preloaders can pass the encodings configuration to a data loader if specified in loadDataOptions.

Custom encodings are applied before the default encodings, which are, in order of application:

  • jsonxl (snapshot9), non-streaming
  • json (utilizing @discoveryjs/json-ext), streaming

Example of a custom encoding:

new App({
    encodings: [
            name: 'lines/counter',
            test: () => true, // Always applicable
            streaming: false,
            decode: (payload) => new TextDecoder().decode(payload).split('\n').length