The series is a document, consisting of multiple volumes
$series a bibo:Periodical
dct:hasPart $volume1, $volume2, $volume3 .
$volume1 a bibo:Book ; bibo:volume "1" .
$volume2 a bibo:Book ; bibo:volume "2" .
$volume3 a bibo:Book ; bibo:volume "3" .
One chapter in Volume 1
$chapter3 a bibo:Document ;
dct:isPartOf $volume1 .
A copy of the full series
holding:exemplarOf $series ;
holding:heldBy $library ;
ecpo:hasChronology [
a ecpo:CurrentChronology ;
ecpo:hasBeginVolumeNumbering "1"
] .
A particular copy of volume 1, located in the library
holding:exemplarOf $volume1 ;
holding:narrowerExemplarOf $series ;
holding:broaderExemplaOf $chapter3 .
A copy of volume 1 and 2
holding:exemplarOf $series ;
# alteratively: holdings:narrowerExemplarOf $series
dct:hasPart $volume2, $volume3
holding:heldBy $alice ;
ecpo:hasChronology [
a ecpo:CurrentChronology ;
ecpo:hasBeginVolumeNumbering "1" ;
ecpo:hasEndVolumeNumbering "2"
] .
Alice`s copies of volume 1
holding:exemplarOf $volume1 ;
holding:narrowerExemplarOf $series ;
holding:narrowerExemplarOf $alicescopies .
daia:availableFor (
a dso:Presentation ;
gr:hasStockKeepingUnit "HB 17 Rg 500" ;
service:providedBy ;
gr:availableAtOrFrom [
a gr:Location ;
gr:name "Leesesaal" ;
] [
dso:Loan ;
gr:hasStockKeepingUnit "Zsn 70488" ;
service:providedBy ;
) .