- Sometimes existing observations do not appear on the map
- If you open the app without an offline style, and then add a default offline style, the offline style may not appear until 5 minutes later on some phones (caching issues)
- Map "my location" blue dot sometimes appears behind observations
- Transparent circle around "my location" blue dot does not actually signify GPS accuracy.
- Pressing the "locate me" button moves the map to your location without animation (sudden jump)
- There is no way to add the name of person using the phone to an observation
- There is no way to stop the location of a new observation updating from the GPS except from saving the observation (e.g. the user needs to stay in the same location until they save the observation for the first time)
- Confirmation does not show up when pressing the back button (only when pressing the close icon)
- There is no way to delete an existing observation
- No confirmation shown when cancelling edit
- Sometimes photos stop working (you will see a grey box then error). You may need to restart the app for them to work again.
- There is no way to delete / remove a photo from an observation
- The progress indicator jumps backwards and forwards prior to completion (it does seem to sync eventually, even if sync progress is not reliable)
- Device name is random (user cannot change it)
- No English translation, only in Spanish
- It is not possible to have different versions of Mapeo open on the phone at the same time. You need to force-quit other versions before opening another