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A collection of utilities and constants for NNS/SNS projects.

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You can use utils-js by installing it in your project.

npm i @dfinity/utils

The bundle needs peer dependencies, be sure that following resources are available in your project as well.

npm i @dfinity/agent @dfinity/candid @dfinity/principal


utils-js implements following features:

🧰 Functions

⚙️ convertStringToE8s

Receives a string representing a number and returns the big int or error.

Function Type
convertStringToE8s (value: string) => bigint or FromStringToTokenError


  • amount: - in string format

🔗 Source

⚙️ isNullish

Checks if a given argument is null or undefined.

Function Type
isNullish <T>(argument: T or null or undefined) => argument is null or undefined


  • argument: - The argument to check.

🔗 Source

⚙️ nonNullish

Checks if a given argument is neither null nor undefined.

Function Type
nonNullish <T>(argument: T or null or undefined) => argument is NonNullable<T>


  • argument: - The argument to check.

🔗 Source

⚙️ notEmptyString

Checks if a given value is not null, not undefined, and not an empty string.

Function Type
notEmptyString (value: string or null or undefined) => boolean


  • value: - The value to check.

🔗 Source

⚙️ isEmptyString

Checks if a given value is null, undefined, or an empty string.

Function Type
isEmptyString (value: string or null or undefined) => boolean


  • value: - The value to check.

🔗 Source

⚙️ defaultAgent

Get a default agent that connects to mainnet with the anonymous identity.

Function Type
defaultAgent () => Agent

🔗 Source

⚙️ createAgent

Create an agent for a given identity

Function Type
createAgent ({ identity, host, fetchRootKey, verifyQuerySignatures, retryTimes, }: CreateAgentParams) => Promise<HttpAgent>


  • params: The parameters to create a new HTTP agent
  • params.identity: A mandatory identity to use for the agent
  • An optional host to connect to, particularly useful for local development
  • params.fetchRootKey: Fetch root key for certificate validation during local development or on testnet
  • params.verifyQuerySignatures: Check for signatures in the state tree signed by the node that replies to queries - i.e. certify responses.
  • params.retryTimes: Set the number of retries the agent should perform before error.

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⚙️ createServices

Function Type
createServices <T>({ options: { canisterId, serviceOverride, certifiedServiceOverride, agent: agentOption, callTransform, queryTransform, }, idlFactory, certifiedIdlFactory, }: { options: Required<Pick<CanisterOptions<T>, "canisterId">> and Omit<CanisterOptions<T>, "canisterId"> and Pick<...>; idlFactory: InterfaceFactory; certifiedId...

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⚙️ assertNonNullish

Function Type
assertNonNullish <T>(value: T, message?: string or undefined) => asserts value is NonNullable<T>

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⚙️ asNonNullish

Function Type
asNonNullish <T>(value: T, message?: string or undefined) => NonNullable<T>

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⚙️ assertPercentageNumber

Function Type
assertPercentageNumber (percentage: number) => void

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⚙️ uint8ArrayToBigInt

Function Type
uint8ArrayToBigInt (array: Uint8Array) => bigint

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⚙️ bigIntToUint8Array

Function Type
bigIntToUint8Array (value: bigint) => Uint8Array

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⚙️ numberToUint8Array

Function Type
numberToUint8Array (value: number) => Uint8Array

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⚙️ arrayBufferToUint8Array

Function Type
arrayBufferToUint8Array (buffer: ArrayBuffer) => Uint8Array

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⚙️ uint8ArrayToArrayOfNumber

Function Type
uint8ArrayToArrayOfNumber (array: Uint8Array) => number[]

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⚙️ arrayOfNumberToUint8Array

Function Type
arrayOfNumberToUint8Array (numbers: number[]) => Uint8Array

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⚙️ asciiStringToByteArray

Function Type
asciiStringToByteArray (text: string) => number[]

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⚙️ hexStringToUint8Array

Function Type
hexStringToUint8Array (hexString: string) => Uint8Array

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⚙️ uint8ArrayToHexString

Function Type
uint8ArrayToHexString (bytes: Uint8Array or number[]) => string

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⚙️ candidNumberArrayToBigInt

Function Type
candidNumberArrayToBigInt (array: number[]) => bigint

🔗 Source

⚙️ encodeBase32

Encode an Uint8Array to a base32 string.

Function Type
encodeBase32 (input: Uint8Array) => string


  • input: The input array to encode.

🔗 Source

⚙️ decodeBase32

Decode a base32 string to Uint8Array.

Function Type
decodeBase32 (input: string) => Uint8Array


  • input: The input string to decode.
  • input: The base32 encoded string to decode.

🔗 Source

⚙️ bigEndianCrc32

Function Type
bigEndianCrc32 (bytes: Uint8Array) => Uint8Array

🔗 Source

⚙️ secondsToDuration

Convert seconds to a human-readable duration, such as "6 days, 10 hours."

Function Type
secondsToDuration ({ seconds, i18n, }: { seconds: bigint; i18n?: I18nSecondsToDuration or undefined; }) => string


  • options: - The options object.
  • options.seconds: - The number of seconds to convert.
  • options.i18n: - The i18n object for customizing language and units. Defaults to English.

🔗 Source

⚙️ nowInBigIntNanoSeconds

Returns the current timestamp in nanoseconds as a bigint.

Function Type
nowInBigIntNanoSeconds () => bigint

🔗 Source

⚙️ debounce

Function Type
debounce (func: Function, timeout?: number or undefined) => (...args: unknown[]) => void

🔗 Source

⚙️ toNullable

Converts a value into a Candid-style variant representation of an optional value.

Function Type
toNullable <T>(value?: T or null or undefined) => [] or [T]


  • value: - The value to convert into a Candid-style variant.

🔗 Source

⚙️ fromNullable

Extracts the value from a Candid-style variant representation of an optional value.

Function Type
fromNullable <T>(value: [] or [T]) => T or undefined


  • value: - A Candid-style variant representing an optional value.

🔗 Source

⚙️ fromDefinedNullable

Extracts the value from a Candid-style variant representation of an optional value, ensuring the value is defined. Throws an error if the array is empty or the value is nullish.

Function Type
fromDefinedNullable <T>(value: [] or [T]) => T


  • value: - A Candid-style variant representing an optional value.

🔗 Source

⚙️ fromNullishNullable

Extracts the value from a nullish Candid-style variant representation.

Function Type
fromNullishNullable <T>(value: [] or [T] or undefined) => T or undefined


  • value: - A Candid-style variant or undefined.

🔗 Source

⚙️ jsonReplacer

A parser that interprets revived BigInt, Principal, and Uint8Array when constructing JavaScript values or objects.

Function Type
jsonReplacer (_key: string, value: unknown) => unknown

🔗 Source

⚙️ jsonReviver

A function that alters the behavior of the stringification process for BigInt, Principal and Uint8Array.

Function Type
jsonReviver (_key: string, value: unknown) => unknown

🔗 Source

⚙️ principalToSubAccount

Convert a principal to a Uint8Array 32 length. e.g. Useful to convert a canister ID when topping up cycles with the Cmc canister

Function Type
principalToSubAccount (principal: Principal) => Uint8Array


  • principal: The principal that needs to be converted to Subaccount

🔗 Source

⚙️ smallerVersion

Returns true if the current version is smaller than the minVersion, false if equal or bigger. Tags after patch version are ignored, e.g. 1.0.0-beta.1 is considered equal to 1.0.0.

Function Type
smallerVersion ({ minVersion, currentVersion, }: { minVersion: string; currentVersion: string; }) => boolean


  • params.minVersion: Ex: "1.0.0"
  • params.currentVersion: Ex: "2.0.0"

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🔧 Constants


Constant Type
E8S_PER_TOKEN bigint

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⚙️ ICPToken

Constant Type
ICPToken Token

🔗 Source

🏭 TokenAmount

Deprecated. Use TokenAmountV2 instead which supports decimals !== 8.

Represents an amount of tokens.

🔗 Source


⚙️ fromE8s

Initialize from a bigint. Bigint are considered e8s.

Method Type
fromE8s ({ amount, token, }: { amount: bigint; token: Token; }) => TokenAmount


  • params.amount: The amount in bigint format.
  • params.token: The token type.

🔗 Source

⚙️ fromString

Initialize from a string. Accepted formats:

1234567.8901 1'234'567.8901 1,234,567.8901

Method Type
fromString ({ amount, token, }: { amount: string; token: Token; }) => FromStringToTokenError or TokenAmount


  • params.amount: The amount in string format.
  • params.token: The token type.

🔗 Source

⚙️ fromNumber

Initialize from a number.

1 integer is considered E8S_PER_TOKEN

Method Type
fromNumber ({ amount, token, }: { amount: number; token: Token; }) => TokenAmount


  • params.amount: The amount in number format.
  • params.token: The token type.

🔗 Source

⚙️ toE8s
Method Type
toE8s () => bigint

🔗 Source

🏭 TokenAmountV2

Represents an amount of tokens.

🔗 Source


⚙️ fromUlps

Initialize from a bigint. Bigint are considered ulps.

Method Type
fromUlps ({ amount, token, }: { amount: bigint; token: Token; }) => TokenAmountV2


  • params.amount: The amount in bigint format.
  • params.token: The token type.

🔗 Source

⚙️ fromString

Initialize from a string. Accepted formats:

1234567.8901 1'234'567.8901 1,234,567.8901

Method Type
fromString ({ amount, token, }: { amount: string; token: Token; }) => FromStringToTokenError or TokenAmountV2


  • params.amount: The amount in string format.
  • params.token: The token type.

🔗 Source

⚙️ fromNumber

Initialize from a number.

1 integer is considered 10^{token.decimals} ulps

Method Type
fromNumber ({ amount, token, }: { amount: number; token: Token; }) => TokenAmountV2


  • params.amount: The amount in number format.
  • params.token: The token type.

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⚙️ toUlps
Method Type
toUlps () => bigint

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⚙️ toE8s
Method Type
toE8s () => bigint

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🏭 Canister

🔗 Source

🏭 AgentManager

AgentManager class manages HttpAgent instances for different identities.

It caches agents by identity to optimise resource usage and avoid unnecessary agent creation. Provides functionality to create new agents, retrieve cached agents, and clear the cache when needed.

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⚙️ create

Static factory method to create a new AgentManager instance.

This method serves as an alternative to directly using the private constructor, making it more convenient to create instances of AgentManager using a simple and clear method.

Method Type
create (config: AgentManagerConfig) => AgentManager


  • config: - Configuration options for the AgentManager instance.
  • config.fetchRootKey: - Whether to fetch the root key for certificate validation.
  • - The host to connect to.

🔗 Source

⚙️ getAgent

Get or create an HTTP agent for a given identity.

If the agent for the specified identity has been created and cached, it is retrieved from the cache. If no agent exists for the identity, a new one is created, cached, and then returned.

Method Type
getAgent ({ identity, }: { identity: Identity; }) => Promise<HttpAgent>


  • identity: - The identity to be used to create the agent.

🔗 Source

⚙️ clearAgents

Clear the cache of HTTP agents.

This method removes all cached agents, forcing new agent creation on the next request for any identity. Useful when identities have changed or if you want to reset all active connections.

Method Type
clearAgents () => void

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🏭 InvalidPercentageError

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🏭 NullishError

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🔩 Enum

⚙️ FromStringToTokenError

Property Type Description
FractionalMoreThan8Decimals ``
InvalidFormat ``
FractionalTooManyDecimals ``