... so better sign this.
Various helpers to pass data to untrusted environments and to get it back safe and sound. Data is cryptographically signed to ensure that a token has not been tampered with.
It's possible to customize how data is serialized. Data is compressed as needed. A timestamp can be added and verified automatically while loading a token.
Note: This is an unofficial Node.js port of the Python library itsdangerous.
npm install itsdangerous.js
import {URLSafeSerializer} from 'itsdangerous.js'
const authSerializer = new URLSafeSerializer({secretKey: 'secret key', salt: 'auth'})
const token = authSerializer.stringify({id: 5, name: 'itsdangerous'})
console.log(token.toString()) // eyJpZCI6NSwibmFtZSI6Iml0c2Rhbmdlcm91cyJ9.6YP6T0BaO67XP--9UzTrmurXSmg
const data = authSerializer.parse(token)
console.log(data.name) // itsdangerous