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Tutorial Project Structure Example

ddbnl edited this page Aug 27, 2022 · 3 revisions

Now that we know the structure of an EzTerm project, we'll create the smallest working example possible to get the structure into our fingers. After that we will move on to explain how to create an actual UI in detail (for which we can use the project we are now creating).

Step 1: Create a new cargo project:

We'll create a new Rust project first using cargo. Feel free to choose another name.

cargo-new ez_term_test

In cargo.toml include the framework as a dependency (if you are copy pasting this, fill in the latest version of the dependency):

ez_term = "0.1.0"

Step 2: Define the UI:

Create a folder named 'ui' in the root of the project. Create a file named 'ui.ez' in the new folder. These names are not mandatory, you can call the folder and file whatever you like. If you choose the default names your project folder now looks like this:


In the 'ui.ez' file write or copy the below config to create a small 'hello world' UI (don't worry if the syntax of the .ez file is still unfamiliar, we'll dive into it in the next chapter):

- Layout:
    mode: box
    orientation: horizontal
    - Label:
        text: Hello,
        border: true
    - Label:
        text: World!
        border: true

Step 3: Create the UI rust module

We now have a UI definiton in the .ez file. We will need to initialize it in a rust module. We will use the existing '' to initialize and run the UI. Modify '' to look like this:

use ez_term::*;

fn main() {

    let (root_widget, state_tree, mut scheduler) = load_ui();
    run(root_widget, state_tree, scheduler);

Step 4: Compile and run the project

First we let cargo know where our .ez files can be found through an environment variable:

  • On Linux:
export EZ_FOLDER="/path/to/ez_term_test/ui"
  • On Windows:

Make sure you use a full path. Cargo needs to know the location of our .ez files so it can merge them into the binary. Now run the following cargo command in any OS terminal:

cargo run

You should you be able to see the 'hello world' UI! Press Escape to quit.


Now that you know how to create a basic UI, we'll dive into the specifics of the framework.


The general tutorial continues with: EzLang.

Tutorial Tutorial-Project-Structure
  Minimal example
  EzLang basics
  EzLang Templates
  Ezlang Layout modes
   EzLang Box mode layouts
   EzLang Stack mode layouts
   EzLang Table mode layouts
   EzLang Float mode layouts
   EzLang Tab mode layouts
   EzLang Screen mode layouts
   EzLang Layout Scrolling
   EzLang Layout Views
  EzLang Widget overview
   EzLang Label
   EzLang Text Input
   EzLang Button
   EzLang Checkbox
   EzLang Radio button
   EzLang Dropdown
   EzLang Slider
   EzLang Canvas
  EzLang Property Binding
  EzLang Sizing
   EzLang Size hints
   EzLang Auto scaling
   EzLang Maths Sizing
   EzLang Manual Sizing
  EzLang Positioning
   EzLang Layout Mode Positioning
   EzLang Position Hints
   EzLang Position Maths
   EzLang Manual Position
   EzLang Adjusting Position
  EzLang Keyboard Selection
  Widget States and the State Tree
  The Scheduler Object
  Managing callbacks
   Callback Structure
   Callback Configs
   Callback: On keyboard enter
   Callback: On Left Mouse Click
   Callback: On Press
   Callback: On Select
   Callback: On Deselect
   Callback: On Right Mouse Click
   Callback: On Hover
   Callback: On Drag
   Callback: On Scroll Up
   Callback: On Scroll Down
   Callback: On Value Change
   Callback: Custom Key Binds
   Callback: Global Key Binds
   Callback: Property Binds
   Scheduled Single Exectution Tasks
   Scheduled Recurring Tasks
   Threaded Tasks
  Custom Properties
  Programmatic Widgets
  Updating widgets
  Managing selection
Default global (key)binds
ExamplesLayout: Box Mode Nested
Layout: Box Mode Size Hints
Layout: Stack Mode
Layout: Table Mode Dynamic
Layout: Table Mode Static
Layout: Float Mode Manual
Layout: Float Mode Position hints
Layout: Screen Mode
Layout: Tab Mode
Layout: Scrolling
Layout: Views
Widget: Label
Widget: Text input
Widget: Button
Widget: Checkbox
Widget: Radio Button
Widget: Dropdown
Widget: Slider
Widget: Progress Bar
Widget: Canvas
Scheduler: Schedule Once
Scheduler: Schedule Once Callback
Scheduler: Schedule Recurring
Scheduler: Schedule Recurring Callback
Scheduler: Threaded Task State Tree
Scheduler: Threaded Task Custom Property
Scheduler: Create Widgets
Scheduler: Modal Popup
Reference Widgets
  Common Properties
  Text Input
  Radio button
  Schedule once
  Schedule Recurring
  Schedule Threaded
  Cancel Task
  Cancel Recurring Task
  Create Widget
  Remove Widget
  Select Widget
  Deselect Widget
  Update Widget
  Force Redraw
  Open Modal
  Dismiss Modal
  Bind Global Key
  Remove Global Key
  Clear Global Keys
  Bind Property
  Create Custom Properties
  Get Property
  Get Property Mut
  Overwrite Callback Config
  Update Callback Config
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