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File metadata and controls

299 lines (243 loc) · 7.32 KB

Writing a GraphQL schema

After learning to work with Github's GraphQL explorer, we now want to try and learn how it's done. Our implementation will be much more simpler but it will eventually help us understand how to wrap every REST Api with GraphQL endpoint.

Step 2.1 - Setup

  • Clone from tag #step-2
mkdir step-2 && cd step-2
git clone ./
git checkout tags/step-2
  • Install all
npm i
(cd server && npm i)
  • Make sure you are running on node@^v6.0.0. If not run:
nvm install 6

Step 2.2 - Write your schema

  • Create a new file named schema.js. We would write our schema inside a single ES6 template string.
const typeDefs = `
  ... our schema goes here ....
  • Every great schema starts with a schema declaration. It will have two fields, query of type Query and mutation of type Mutation.
schema {
  query: Query
  mutation: Mutation
  • Next we define our Query type. We will add only one field me of type User, because this is the only thing the interests us at the moment.
type Query {
  me: User
  • Now define our Mutation type. Add a field called follow. This field will get a mandatory argument called userId of the type ID. It will return the type User as well.
type Mutation {
  follow(userId: ID!): User
  • Note how we used the exclamation mark (!) to define a mandatory type.

  • All we have left is to define our User type. A user will have id, login, name, followerCount and a list of followers. followers can accept optional skip and limit arguments to control the returned items on the followers list. We will give skip a default value of 0 and limit default value of 10.

type User {
  id: ID!
  login: String!
  name: String
  followerCount: Int
  followers(skip: Int = 0, limit: Int = 10): [User]
  • Now we use apollo to parse that schema and make an executable schema out of it.
  • Import the makeExecutableSchema from graphql-tools package.
const {makeExecutableSchema} = require('graphql-tools');
  • Call it with the typeDefs string we just defined.
const Schema = makeExecutableSchema({typeDefs});
  • And lastly, export the executable schema.
module.exports = {

Step 2.3 - Create a GraphQL endpoint with your schema

  • Create a new file named index.js. This of course, will be our server's entry point.
  • Import express, body-parser and our graphqlExpress middleware.
const express = require('express');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const {graphqlExpress} = require('graphql-server-express');
  • Import our Schema object.
const {Schema} = require('./schema');
  • Now we create our express app, and add our bodyParser and graphqlExpress middleware on /graphql path.
const app = express();

app.use('/graphql', bodyParser.json(), graphqlExpress({
  schema: Schema,
  • Lastly we need to tell express to start listening on some port.
  • Now we can go ahead and start the app by typing npm start in our project directory.

  • If it works without errors, close it using Ctrl + C and run npm run watch to make our server restart when we change our files.

  • So now we have a GrpahQL endpoint but we don't know how to explore the API. To do just that, we will add graphiqlExpress middleware.

// Import graphiqlExpress from the same package
const {graphqlExpress, graphiqlExpress} = require('graphql-server-express');

// ... Just before calling the listen method

app.use('/graphiql', graphiqlExpress({
  endpointURL: '/graphql', // This will tell the graphiql interface where to run queries
query {
  me {
    followers(limit: 5) {
  • You will get the following response:
  "data": {
    "me": null

Step 2.4 - Adding mocks

Our schema does not know how to resolve me or any other field for that matter. We need to provide it with proper resolvers but until we get to do that, there is one more very cool feature to apollo which is generating mock resolvers.

  • Import from graphql-tools the function addMockFunctionsToSchema on our schema.js file.
const {makeExecutableSchema, addMockFunctionsToSchema} = require('graphql-tools');
  • Now call this function right before the export of our Schema object.
addMockFunctionsToSchema({schema: Schema});
  • Go back to our grahpiql tool on http://localhost:3001/graphiql and run the me query again.

  • This time you will receive a response of the following structure:

  "data": {
    "me": {
      "login": "Hello World",
      "name": "Hello World",
      "followerCount": -96,
      "followers": [
          "login": "Hello World",
          "name": "Hello World"
          "login": "Hello World",
          "name": "Hello World"

So we can see that our schema now knows how to return data. We can also see that the data is quite genric and sometimes doesn't make sense. In order to change that, we use a package called casual to tweak some of the mocked data.

  • Import casual to our schema.js file and create a mocks object. Pass that mocks object to the addMockFunctionsToSchema function.
const casual = require('casual');
// ....
const mocks = {};

addMockFunctionsToSchema({schema: Schema, mocks});
  • First let's make followerCount to be a positive number.
const mocks = {
  User: () => ({
    followerCount: () => casual.integer(0), // start from 0
  • Now let's get name and login fields return fitting strings.
const mocks = {
  User: () => ({
    login: () => casual.username,
    name: () =>,
    followerCount: () => casual.integer(0),
  • Lastly, we will use MockedList from graphql-tools, to make followers return a list of users that it's length corresponds to the given limit argument.
const {makeExecutableSchema, addMockFunctionsToSchema, MockList} = require('graphql-tools');

// ....

const mocks = {
  User: () => ({
    login: () => casual.username,
    name: () =>,
    followerCount: () => casual.integer(0),
    followers: (_, args) => new MockList(args.limit),
  • Now run the me query again. You should get a more sensible result.
  "data": {
    "follow": {
      "login": "Haleigh.Kutch",
      "name": "Dr. Marlen Smith",
      "followerCount": 182,
      "followers": [
          "login": "Solon_Hirthe",
          "name": "Mrs. Jamie Roberts"
          "login": "Wyman_Arnold",
          "name": "Dr. Alisa Price"
          "login": "Mabelle_Donnelly",
          "name": "Ms. Monica Bosco"
          "login": "Wiegand_Keira",
          "name": "Miss Emilia McDermott"
          "login": "Duncan.Hickle",
          "name": "Mrs. Jacinto Reinger"