A Python library for working with Discourse.
Its pretty basic right now but you need to start somewhere.
Create a client connection to a Discourse server::
from pydiscourse.client import DiscourseClient
client = DiscourseClient('http://example.com', api_username='username', api_key='areallylongstringfromdiscourse')
Get info about a user::
user = client.user('eviltrout')
print user
user_topics = client.topics_by('johnsmith')
print user_topics
Create a new user::
user = client.create_user('The Black Knight', 'blacknight', '[email protected]', 'justafleshwound')
Implement SSO for Discourse with your Python server::
def discourse_sso_view(request):
payload = request.GET.get('sso')
signature = request.GET.get('sig')
nonce = sso_validate(payload, signature, SECRET)
url = sso_redirect_url(nonce, SECRET, request.user.email, request.user.id, request.user.username)
return redirect('http://discuss.example.com' + url)
To help experiment with the Discourse API, pydiscourse provides a simple command line client::
export DISCOURSE_API_KEY=your_master_key
pydiscoursecli --host=http://yourhost --api-username=system latest_topics
pydiscoursecli --host=http://yourhost --api-username=system topics_by johnsmith
pydiscoursecli --host=http://yourhost --api-username=system user eviltrout