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Mridu Bhatnagar: Building a Conversational Bot for WhatsApp w/Twilio & Python

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Building a Conversational Bot for WhatsApp w/Twilio & Python


hey everybody welcome to a data umbrella webinar um i am joining um from new york and uh i'm just gonna do a a brief introduction about data umbrella and then we'll get started on the um webinar um so it'll be it'll sort of go like i'll do the introduction um we'll do the talk and then you can post any questions in the chat or in the q a and we'll sort of answer those as they pile up over time and just to let people know this will be recorded and will be available on our youtube i posted a link to youtube in the chat if you're not able to see it just let me know and i can share it again about me i'm the founder of data umbrella i'm a statistician data scientist and i am also an organizer for the new york city chapter of pi ladies and i am on twitter at reshma s okay the mission of data umbrella is to provide a welcoming educational inclusive space for underrepresented persons in the field of data science and machine learning um check out our website we are pretty much on every social media platform as data umbrella and we are a volunteer-run organization pi ladies is an international group there's over 100 active chapters and it's for python it's for women and gender minorities of all levels of programming experience you can follow us on twitter as well i want to go over a code of conduct we're dedicated to providing harassment free experience for everyone be kind be professional and that also applies to the chat as well um on the data umbrella website which is there are many resources available for um you know responsibility ethics inclusivity diversity and also you know learning r and python and open source so feel free to check those out on our website um we have the best place to find out about our events are on meetup i also joined an event for next tuesday's webinar which is on creating nimble data processes which will be um which will be fun um if you are um on linkedin i share a lot of articles including job postings so if you're interested in that feel free to follow us on linkedin feel free to subscribe to our youtube channel for our videos um and follow us on twitter for updates and so now we're going to get started i'm going to turn this over who is joining us from central india in dore right um yeah thank you so much for joining us um and it's 9 30 wonder time right [Music] i'll just i'll share my screen uh is the screen visible now i see drag and drop files i think it might just be loading yep now we can see your screen all right is it visible yes okay yeah uh hello everyone i'm ridhoo bhatnagar i'm from india and i am a software engineer by profession and when i am not programming or building stuff then i love giving talks at various meetups and conferences so during this time i have been giving talks all across the group in every possible meetup that is possible so into today's session we'll be covering up about building a conversational bot for whatsapp and here is the bot uh you like on the left hand side you may be seeing uh uh what jf uh this one this is the what i had recently built it is vocab but and the features it includes it are it tells you the word definition it tells synonyms it tells antonyms and it tells examples based on whatever you query it for so like it is squaring examples for amazing so this would return some examples for amazing so this was the board that i had recently built and the session for today we would be covering that how you too can build any build any of the bots and bring your ideas to life so moving ahead the requirements for uh this session include that what i have used is i have used python version 3.6 greater than 3.6 and then we will be using flask for running the web server and then we will be using another package that is ngrok ngrok is basically used for testing up our bot with the mobile application so there is there needs to be some way where we can just test whether the bot is working as expected or not so for that we will be using ngro and all these things that i have mentioned are pip installable so pip is the python package manager you just have to do pipe like pip install flask paper install ngrok uh sorry ngrok is not prep installable for ngrok you need to go on to ngrok website and from ngrok website you can download ngrok so that is how you install ngrok and then all you need is a smartphone with whatsapp installed on it and then there needs to be a twilio account so this is the url at the bottom is for creating the twilio account i can maybe share this link or okay later i can share this link so that if you want you can just open up and create your own accounts i will just share it just a second if you are following along or later you want to create a twilio account you can use this url that i have put up in the chat the initial account trial account is basically free so it won't charge you anything so moving ahead here is how you can configure your twilio whatsapp sandbox so once you have created your account on twilio you can just go on to twilio console sms whatsapp learn this url so first and foremost thing is to create uh the account on twilio and then there is something as twilio sandbox so our application basically will be communicating to twilio so imagine that you have opened your whatsapp and you are querying your whatsapp with uh like suppose you wanted word definition or you are saying hi to your whatsapp so whatever message you are sending to the whatsapp should go to twilio so we are trying to make a connection between whatsapp and twilio so for that connection to happen this url is what is needed connection between whatsapp and twilio so the url that i had sent above was for connection between whatsapp and twilio and if you have already created that this account and you go on to this url this is how your page would look like i'll just expand it this is how basically your screen is going to look like once you are on our twilio sandbox i cannot uh live uh like i cannot go on the actual website and show you live because there are some secret codes that are there that are not to be shown so make sure that whenever you two are using the twilio application you hide your own codes don't just go and put it up on github or somewhere these are your own codes and so the left hand side number that you see here is something that you have to store you have to save it on your mobile phone and this is your joining code so once you save this contact number on your mobile phone this contact would basically appear on your whatsapp contacts so this is your whatsapp contact number and this is the joining code and everyone is going to have their different joining codes and joining codes code needs to be hidden because after a certain point of time when all the twilio free credits are over it are like every query is chargeable so that's why don't just disclose your secret code otherwise others will be able to use it and your free credits will be gone so that is the reason basically to hide it so next step is after you create the account just save whatever number comes on to your screen you will have to save it on your phone and then uh this is the joining code so on your whatsapp what you have to do is the first message you will see is join followed by whatever is the code this message you will have to send on the whatsapp now this whole setup make sure that our whatsapp is being connected to twilio this is the very first part of the chat bot okay and now as if you have already saved the number so this is the initial step of the board that we have already done i saved that number using the name vocab bot you can save it by anything that you like so this is the very initial step and now how we will go on doing this programmatically is what i what i am going to explain in the next steps so the next steps include creating a python virtual environment so once you create once you have the initial thing set up all you have to do is by create a python virtual environment so i'll just briefly explain what is meant by a virtual environment in case you don't know so what happens is in python we install all the external packages by doing pip install and if we are not using the virtual environment all these packages get globally installed on our system so as a result a lot of times between multiple projects there can be version conflict suppose you are using django one suppose you are using django two in one project and django three in another project then it is difficult for the project to determine that which django version should i use so to avoid scenarios like these we use python virtual environment and here are the steps to create the virtual environment so that there is no virgin conflict now in case you are a mac or linux user uh all you have to do is run the following commands so mkdir is basically for creating a new directory that is the whatsapp bot and the cd was for changing the directory of the bot and then python minus m when whatsapp bought when you do uh this command creates the virtual environment when is the package and whatsapp what is your name of the virtual environment that you are going to create if when is not installed on your system you will have to install when on your system and then once the virtual environment is like once this virtual environment is created all you have to do is activate the virtual environment that is source whatsapp bin activate so then you have to activate this virtual environment and ah you would come to know whether the environment is activated or not by this last command so if you are able to see on the left hand side that such a thing is coming like whatsapp which means that the bot has got activated and now i am just installing my requirements i need a twilio library then i need requests and request is the http library in python it helps us in communicating with the external third party apis or any kind of apis for that matter and then flask is a micro web framework in python and python.10 is another package it is used to save all our secret keys so and if you are a windows user then the commands are different so for making the directory you need to do md whatsapp bot for changing we have whatsapp what then we have python minus and when whatsapp bot this is for again creating the virtual environment then we are trying to activate the virtual environment and then similarly you just need to install all the requirements so before we go ahead i would like to tell that twilio we are installing so that uh from twilio we are able to send some req response to the bot so if you send any message to your bot the bot must reply something and for the getting the reply from the bot we need to install a twilio application so that it sends us some response and request library is for communicating with any third party library flask flask is basically the micro frame framework that is used for running the server at our back end and then python.10 we are using so that we don't disclose any secret key to anyone it needs to be saved on our part and we'll see uh everything working later in the session and now before i go on with the code are there any questions or anything till now or something that i haven't explained in greater detail so you can ask the question if there i didn't i don't see any questions uh so far except is the webinar being recorded which it is um but if anybody has any questions feel free to post on the um um yeah we will have a link to the slides afterwards okay yeah so moving ahead the next step basically is that how that we need to clear create a flask chatbot service so we are trying to create the service because we need to send some data to the user so the workflow basically is user enters the query to the whatsapp and then instead of a human being replying to you there is a bot there and instead of human the bot is basically replying to you so for this whole workflow to take place we need flask applications there needs to be a server running that would keep on replying to your messages so this is how we create the very first step is so uh in the presentation here i won't be explaining the process of building vocab bot but i am explaining a general uh giving a general idea that how you can create your own bots and bring your own ideas to life and this is the very basic like hello world of bots we can say like that this is the very basic bot that you can create on your own and then feel free to incorporate your own ideas and convert those into bots so i am just explaining a very generic process so this is the very first step of creating the flask service so first i am trying to import flask class so i am doing from flask import flask in line 1 and then i am initializing the app from flask class and all i am doing then is app.root hello world so whatever communication is going to take place is going to take place through this endpoint hello world i am going to post my messages on hello world endpoint and whatever the user is sending will also be coming on this hello world end point so we'll be seeing ahead how this happens and allows us to run the server abdul run basically allows us to run the application and by default the application runs on port number 8000 localhost port 8000 so our initial very initial setup is this now the next step is when i have already created one endpoint and i know that this is where i need to send my data the next point is how are we going to receive the incoming message from the user so now for that to happen all you need to do is app dot hello world method post we are trying to post something and then we do request dot values dot get and body dot lower so what this conveys is that if the request message contains a key named as body then we need to we are trying to fetch the value corresponding to this body and if it doesn't find any key corresponding to but like if it doesn't find the key body then the message would be empty and then i am trying to convert my whole message into lower case so that is the meaning of this whole line request dot values dot get i am trying to get the value and whatever is the value that the user sends to the whatsapp bot so in your what if you write hi so here in this function your incoming message would be high if the user is sending hello the incoming value of incoming message would be hello so line number six is just for retrieving the incoming message by the user next step is uh we we like want to willy to send a message to the user back so for that purpose twilio has a messaging response it has a twilio ml library in it so if you want to check out all these documentation are very well explained on the twilio's website website itself so whenever you are building one for your own you can just check the documentation there wml is the library so what we are trying to do is we are trying to initialize this class messaging response then we have a response object with us and in the response i want that i should send a message so all i am doing is response dot message and here i am initializing the variable message with it and then my app is still running for running my app i am doing app dot run line number eight and line number nine why we are doing this is because this is a format that is suggested by twilio so only when you have this format in your application you would be able to send the message back to the user so step one is user is sending the message to twilio that is line number seven line number eight and nine is twilio is trying to send back something to the user so that is what line number 7 8 and 9 are doing and now what we want is that whenever the incoming message is high the output message should be hello hope you have a good day so now i am saying that a user is entering the message high so your value of incoming message in line number seven would be high and then when you are doing response is equal to messaging response message is equal to response dot message when we do this thing from here i am trying to now send the bot is trying to send the message to the user so there is another built-in method in that library itself that is message.body so now i am doing is hello plus the incoming message so hello would be is a static thing that i am sending and plus the incoming message so suppose the incoming message is high so the returned response would be hello hi or suppose if i am sending the incoming messages i am sending my name itself so it would say hello if the user is sending word world so the output is hello world so this is a very trivial application of how message sending and message receiving takes place in this bot at the moment we are stands uh i am sending some static messages that always this is going to return hello plus the incoming message but we can say send dynamic messages as well like i was doing in the vocab bot so for sending dynamic messages we need a we basically need an api so that we'll be discussing ahead but the process of the that workflow of incoming messages and outgoing message is this that you see here are there any doubts till now uh yeah the presentation slides i i'll be sharing any doubts apart from the presentation slide thing are there any questions or have i gone too fast i don't see any other questions there so that's good okay are things understandable to till now or it is a bit confusing okay so we'll just and here uh i'm sorry i think this is going to be hello plus high so if the incoming message was high the output that our function was sending was hello and followed by hello a high this is a very trivial application just to make things easier and so that you understand the process of building the bot and usually the way the risk request and response twilio accepts is in the xml format so it is not json format it is xml format and the body keyword that we were using was this body keyword and if you have to send any image so for image you need to use media key so all this is very well explained in their documentation and just for running your application all you have to do is python so earlier by mistake i have said that we are running the application on port number 8000 so i am sorry for that the port is not 8 000 the application is running on port port 5000 all right so once all your code is ready and in place all you have to do is run your application so now your application is running basically on port 5000 so now what problem do we have is we want the bot to run on whatsapp and whatsapp is on your mobile and your code is on your laptop so there are two different website two different devices that we want to communicate in between so uh the next step is how how do the communication between the two devices happen so that communication happens with the use of this ngrok so initially i had told that you need to install ngrok from the from its website so now next step is like you open another terminal on your laptop go on to the location where this ngrok has got installed so usually it would be in your downloads folder and then all you have to do is run dot slash ngrok http 5000 what this will do is this will run ngrok at port 5000 so now you have on one terminal flask running on another terminal you have this ngrok running there are two things running and now twilio will help us in connecting these two devices so the terminal would look something like this when you once you run your ngrok the terminal is going to look something like this okay so now next step is making a connection with twilio so now all you have to do is just copy this forwarding url on everyone's laptop the forwarding url will be different so now next step is for connecting the two devices you have to just copy paste copy the url and then by copying the url you just need to uh put the url in in the twilio sandbox for whatsapp you would be able to see this twilio sandbox in the console itself just go on to the twilio website all these things are available there and as i had mentioned above add your ngrok forwarding url in the text box so you have to add the ngrok url here and then after adding the ngrok url at the end you have to put slash and followed by the end point hello world that we had used so forwarding url followed by the end point that was hello world so this is basically now everything is set now twilio knows how the communication between the devices needs to take place and now if you test your flask service again you would see that the communication is taking place whenever you send hi will you would send you hello followed by a high or based on whatever code that you have written in the in your application so this is a very simple application that i had demoed on how to build a bot and the next one was how to how do we send a dynamic response or how dynamic responses are to be sent so we in the above example we were sending the static responses that if whenever you send hello it will send you high but for dynamic responses what can be done is there are lot of apis already available so there is some examples of apis are there is google maps api there is cad pictures api you have twitter api news api github api now you can use all these use cases with your whatsapp so one use case could be you are sending some location or you are suppose sending latitude and longitude and then google maps returns you the location on the map or you are sending some location and the google map returns you that exact map location or you you are interested in seeing some cat picture so you just and start querying that cat pictures api or you are just interested in knowing the trend what is trend trending on twitter and you are interested in seeing that trending twitter thing on whatsapp so you can just use the twitter api or you are interested in reading the google news on whatsapp so you can use google news for that if you want your to check whether the open source project you are contributing to has some new pull requests on it or has some new issues opened on it so instead of opening it up time and again you can just use whatsapp for it if you are more accustomed to using whatsapp so these are couple of use cases and for the bot that i had basically initially shown you so for that what i am also using an api for that so there is a dictionary api that i had used so the dictionary api was miriam's webster's api so that merriam-webster's api returns all this word definition synonyms antonyms and examples and that is how for any random word i was entering uh the bot was returning me a response dynamic response and using twilio is also net not necessary to leo we are using i am using twilio but original whatsapp api can be used the problem however with whatsapp api is that it is not a developer api by this i mean is like first you need to be a business owner only then you would be able to use the original whatsapp api i don't think they have opened the whatsapp api for even the developers to use for their projects so there is some kind of restriction at their end and also they are very particular about what kind of messages you send so suppose if someone is trying to spam anyone or someone is trying to send incorrect messages then whatsapp blocks the user so before deciding on to the use case for building the bot first before using the apis the use case needs to be very well thought of that what we are trying to send and whatsapp also has certain restrictions that what should be the template of the messages that the bot is sending and also with whatsapp uh the thing is you need to get approval from whatsapp for using all these things so and one way to put this bot in production is like if you just want to put your twilio broad for in production and run it so you can maybe deploy it on heroku so i i use my bot often and i have deployed it on hiroku as i don't own any business and i'm not using whatsapp official apis so i'm basically i have basically deployed it on heroku and i have kept the secret keys with me so it is just used for private purposes and uh these days if you would have noticed lot of businesses are using whatsapp as a platform for marketing so it has pretty good business use case attached to it and companies can use it and are using it for providing customer support and even some companies are using it for broadcasting the messages regarding events and all so there can be various business use cases attached to whatsapp so this was all i had and if you are interested in building the vocab bot itself uh so here is a blog that i had recently written for twilio themselves so here is the bot url so whenever you are trying to build it if you want to build the same one or trying to have some idea you can just check out this blog the blog has is beginner friendly blog so it has detailed explanation of why a particular decision is taken and why i am doing what i am doing so you can just add a lot bought logic based on your own needs and requirements so and the last step after discussing these apis is as throughout we were using python so in python just for integrating the api there is a simple module that we use that is requests so if you want to integrate any api to your code all you have to do is use requests.get now this method depends whether depends on your api whether it accepts a get request post request but all you need to do is install requests and then there is a built-in json module through json what gets done is json converts your string data into dictionary data and this dictionary data in the end is parsable so instead of sending all your information returning all your information you can just send the needed information to the user so this small snippet just explains that part and based on your own use case you can write your own logic and a lot of times it it is only about writing conditional statements and if you are interested in exploring all of this further so if you are interested in flask then you can check out the flask official documentation and blog link i have already shared with you all and then github has a long list of public apis that you can use i have only i had only listed a couple of them so you can have a look at all these public apis as well when you built one of your own so thank you that was all i had for the session does anybody have any questions please um feel free to um post them in the chat and i can read them thanks so much for the presentation it was great and thank you thank you okay so i'm just gonna turn on my mic um i don't see um any questions here um all right so um we'll be sharing the video soon with the link um for the slides and a couple of links that you posted on um in the chat as well yeah those uh links are there in the presentation as well uh on the last video okay that's great so they'll be in the presentation you'll be able to access them um gabrielle writes um i would have liked to learn a little bit more on how to publish the bot do you have resources for that uh for publishing the bot i don't really have resources but i have done one another blog for twilio that talks about this publishing thing so i think i can point to that one the hiroku part for publishing that i'm using so okay here is a another uh use case so this was basically not for uh okay sorry this one is not basically using whatsapp but it is using heroku so from here that publishing part you can learn that how you can publish your work okay uh we have another question which is is it possible to add ml cognitive service from azure on the bot um i am not really into ml and i i am not very sure if that is possible or not but you can check this out on twilio's website on itself they have lot of blogs and there are a lot of people working on lot of interesting ideas for the bot so i think this azure thing you can find it up there if someone has used or not and if this uh azure service is an api itself then it can def definitely be used any kind of api you can integrate with twilio okay uh next question i am new to flask what does flask do uh flask uh i don't know if you have heard of django or not blood flask like django is a web framework so web frameworks are basically used to build websites it helps in easing the process of building the websites for you so without the framework if you start going and writing uh the normal python code so things get pretty complex and commercially you need to write a lot of code and it is not viable to do so so that is why we use frameworks for the same so a lot of things are already built in and then other parts you have to develop on your own so flask is basically a web framework that is used the next question is um thank you for your questions afterwards there's our slack channel where we can post them to um data umbrella has a discord um server so and it's on our website there's a link to how to join on the website so if you go to you can join discord that way um it says the publishing link is not found oh yeah just a second i think there is some problem [Music] you will have to scroll down on this link and then there is a section where i am publishing my application on heroku so from that whole blog you can take that part of how our application is published on heroku okay all right great um and if anybody has any more questions now is the time to ask and i'm there on twitter so if there are any further questions so i can take it up there as well that's right um has our twitter handle in the event description on meetup so that's another way all right so uh it looks like there are no other questions so i am going to um thank you uh thank you thanks for sharing the twitter handle it's at mridu underscore underscore yeah great uh thank you so much for joining us um i know it's uh 10 30 p.m your time now right yeah i think yeah 10 15. okay and we'll be sharing the recording soon thanks for joining us everybody yeah thank you