1. Install Oracle Virtual Box for Window - Download 'Windows hosts' installer
2. Create new VM for Ubuntu OS - see next tutorial – 'How to Use VirtualBox'
3. After VM creation, if you're dealing the next warning:
"System Acceleration Settings: The hardware virtualization is enabled in the Acceleration section of the system although it is not supported from the host system. It should be disabled in order to start the visual system."
you need to enable virtualization in the BIOS Screen – Base on your computer, go to BIOS Screen to enable virtualization, see for example: 'How to enable Virtualization (VT-x) in Bios'
4. In the VM Settings storage - Download Ubuntu 18.04 LTS iso for Desktop. Note: Ubuntu 20 has some docker bugs, please run 18.04
5. Power-On the VM and the Ubuntu installation should start
6. You have Ubuntu VM on your Windows!
7. Go back to the environment instructions
- fork the code
- install docker for Linux
- config and run Anyway Container for Ubuntu