drush dl features services oauth2_server git clone https://github.com/dashohoxha/oauth2_loginprovider drush en oauth2_loginprovider
Although most of the configurations are done automatically, the
oauth2 clients that will use this login provider have to be
registered. This is done on
. Either
modify the Client Secret and Redirect URI of the existing Test
client, or register new clients.
Then clients can access the user profile with a POST request at: https://server.example.org/oauth2/user/profile (after being authenticated and having an access_token).
This module allows users to login to other sites through your site using OAuth2. For example, assume that are two related sites A and B and users have to use both of them. Instead of having users to register in both of them, we can install this module on site A and allow users to login to site B using the credentials (username and password) that they use for site A. Site B can also retrieve and use data from the profile of the user that is stored on the site A, like the email, picture, etc. It is the same idea as the module oauthloginprovider but for oauth2.
This module depends on the module oauth2_server, which provides the
oauth2 authentication, and on the modules services and rest_server
which provide the endpoint and routing (callback) for the service
. It is like a glue that makes the necessary
configurations to tie all these modules togather and to make things
work as expected.
There is nothing that cannot be done manually from the admin UI of Drupal. However this module saves the user from the trouble of making all the necessary configurations manually, and provides a quick way to get things done for the users that are not so familiar with oauth2 and rest services. It also provides a standard configuration for a Drupal oauth2 login provider, which can be used for integration with other modules (for example connector modules).