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Studying the Phylogeny and Reticulate Evolution of the Wheat Species Complex using Repeated Random Haplotype Sampling (RRHS) (Figure 4)

Author: Daniel Lang

RRHS network

This directory comprises a set of jupyter notebooks, snakemake workflows and scripts that were utilized to perform the phylogenetic analyses underlying the model of reticulate evolution in the wheat species complex.

Basis for Figures and Tables

  • Figure 4
  • Figure S10
  • Table S7 (manuscript version comprises only MST edges - full version as tsv and xlsx)
  • Figure S11
  • Figure S13


1. SNP filtering and export as multiple alignments using IUPAC ambiguity and RRHS for heterozygous sites

A summary of the overall SNP filtering process is also provided as LibreOffice calc sheet.


  1. Unimputed variant calls in VCF split by chromosome (e.g. full_vcfs/chr1A.minocc10.maf1pc.vcf)
  2. Genotype Metadata


  1. Variant call data structures in HDF5
  2. Multiple sequence alignments with heterozygous sites as IUPAC ambiguity symbols (FASTA)
    1. 3 subgenomes (B, A, D)
    2. 3 x 7 chromosomes (1B-7B, 1A-7A, 1D-7D)
  3. 1000 Multiple sequence alignments with heterozygous sites randomly selected by RRHS (FASTA)
  4. Filtered VCF files (VCF)
  5. Diverse exploratory plots (PDF)


  1. FilterSNPsNGetAlignments.ipynb

Parametric details:

Applied filtering criteria (in order of application):

  1. Only SNPs
  2. Maximally missing in 10% of the genotypes
  3. Biallelic
  4. Alternative allele must be present in >1 genotype
  5. LD Pruning (scikit.allele.locate_unlinked):
    • allele.locate_unlinked(gn, size=window_size, step=step_size, threshold=threshold)
    • window size = 500bp
    • step size = 200bp
    • threshold = 0.1
  6. Polymorphic sites

2. Phylogenetic inference of maximum likelihood trees for the IUPAC alignments


  1. Multiple sequence alignments with heterozygous sites as IUPAC ambiguity symbols (FASTA)
    1. 3 subgenomes (B, A, D)
    2. 3 x 7 chromosomes (1B-7B, 1A-7A, 1D-7D)


  1. Phylogenetic trees (NEWICK):
    1. iupac/A/RAxML_bestTree.ASC_GTRGAMMA_felsenstein
    2. iupac/A_chromosomes/RAxML_bestTree.chr1A.ASC_GTRGAMMA_felsenstein
  2. automatically generated configuration files as input for RAxML
  3. other files reported by RAxML


  1. iupac/Snakefile.raxml
  2. iupac/Snakefile.raxml_chr

External software (beyond imported packages):

  1. RAxML

Parametric details:

  • -m ASC_GTRGAMMA --JC69 --asc-corr=felsenstein
  • total size to relate ascertainment bias: 44746258 → present in 95% of the subgenome-specific samples on median
  • 12 and 4 threads respectively

Additional syntax:

#cluster submission
snakemake --snakefile Snakefile.raxml --cluster 'qsub -q QUEUENAME -V -cwd -e log/ -o log/ -pe serial {threads} -l job_mem=2G' -j 100 -w 500
snakemake --snakefile Snakefile.raxml_chr --cluster 'qsub -q QUEUENAME -V -cwd -e log/ -o log/ -pe serial {threads} -l job_mem=2G' -j 100 -w 500

3. Phylogenetic inference of maximum likelihood trees for the 1000 RRHS samples


  1. 1000 Multiple sequence alignments with heterozygous sites randomly selected by RRHS (FASTA)


  1. 1000 Phylogenetic trees (NEWICK) e.g. RRHS_RAxML/output/RAxML_bestTree.ASC_GTRGAMMA_felsenstein.A.1
  2. automatically generated configuration files as input for RAxML
  3. other files reported by RAxML


  1. RRHS_RAxML/Snakefile

External software (beyond imported packages):

  1. RAxML

Parametric details:

  • -m ASC_GTRGAMMA --JC69 --asc-corr=felsenstein
  • total size to relate ascertainment bias: 44746258 → present in 95% of the subgenome-specific samples on median
  • 10 threads
  • per core memory: 2GB

Additional syntax:

#cluster submission
snakemake --cluster 'qsub -q QUEUENAME -e {log.err} -o {log.out} -cwd -pe serial {threads} -l job_mem={params.mem}' -j 500 -w 500

4. Inferring consensus topologies for the 1000 RRHS trees using RAxML


  1. 1000 Phylogenetic trees (NEWICK) e.g. RRHS_RAxML/output/RAxML_bestTree.ASC_GTRGAMMA_felsenstein.A.1


  1. Consensus topologies with support values (NEWICK; e.g. RAxML_MajorityRuleConsensusTree.ASC_GTRGAMMA_felsenstein.A.RRHS_consensus.MR) with 4 methods:
    1. MajorityRuleExtendedConsensusTree
    2. MajorityRuleConsensusTree
    3. StrictConsensusTree
    4. Threshold-75-ConsensusTree
  2. other files reported by RAxML


  1. RRHS_RAxML/Snakefile.consensu

External software (beyond imported packages):

  1. RAxML

Parametric details:

  • 20 threads

Additional syntax:

snakemake --snakefile Snakefile.consensu 

5. Inferring consensus topologies for the 1000 RRHS trees using ASTRAL

Gratefully following the advise and suggestions by ASTRAL developer Siavash Mirarab:


  1. 1000 Phylogenetic trees (NEWICK) e.g. RRHS_RAxML/output/RAxML_bestTree.ASC_GTRGAMMA_felsenstein.A.1


  1. Consensus topologies with quartet values (NEWICK) e.g. RAxML_bestTree.ASC_GTRGAMMA_felsenstein.A.astral.quartets.nh


  1. RRHS_RAxML/Snakefile.ASTRALL-II

External software (beyond imported packages):

  1. ASTRAL 4.10.12

Parametric details:

  • -t 1

Additional syntax:

snakemake --snakefile Snakefile.ASTRAL-II

6. Inference of a Phylogenetic Consensus Network from RRHS trees

This procedure:

  1. foreach subgenome, infers the minimum spanning tree tip graph for each RRHS tree using the phylogenetic distance as weight → mst_trees
  2. foreach subgenome, merges them each into a weighted graph using the inverse of the relative number of mst_trees sharing an edge as a weight → G
  3. infers the minimum spanning tree graph of GGM (MST edges)
  4. merges all subgenome graphs G into a combined graph with annotated MST edges

Subsequently, the graph was imported into Cytoscape, community clustering was performed using the Newmann-Girvan algorithm implemented in the ClusterMaker2 plugin, the resulting clusters were intersected with taxonomic information and annotated with the AutoAnnotate plugin.


  1. 1000 Phylogenetic trees (NEWICK) e.g. RRHS_RAxML/output/RAxML_bestTree.ASC_GTRGAMMA_felsenstein.A.1
  2. Genotype Metadata


  1. Weighted phylogenetic consensus network for each subgenome (B, A, D) G
  2. Minimal phylogenetic consensus network for each subgenome (B, A, D) GM
  3. Combined, annotated, weighted phylogenetic consensus network comprising all subgenomes (B, A, D) → Figure4A, FigureS10 and Table S4 (manuscript version comprises only MST edges - full version as tsv and xlsx)

The phylogenetic taxon-community clusters were exported from Cytoscape.


  1. RRHS_RAxML/GetNetwork.B.ipynb
  2. RRHS_RAxML/GetNetwork.A.ipynb
  3. RRHS_RAxML/GetNetwork.D.ipynb
  4. RRHS_RAxML/MergeSubgenomeNetworks.ipynb

Parametric details:

  • 20 threads

7. Analysis of the Phylogenetic Consensus Network and Taxon-Community Clusters

Indepth statistical analysis of the Taxon-Comunity clusters' composition and the relationships between the 3 bread wheat communities.


  1. Node annotation RRHS_RAxML/Network.Clusters.nodes.csv
  2. Country Codes
  3. RRHS_RAxML/Consensus_network.1000_RAxML.all_genomes.tsv


  1. Country annotated nodes of the phylogenetic community-taxon clusters
  2. Country factors used in the analyses as tsv and xlsx (latter was manually curated)
  3. Several exploratory plots some of which ended up as panels in Figure S13 (in notebook and PDF)


  1. RRHS_RAxML/TestClusters.ipynb

8. Plotting Trees as Phylograms and Cloudogram/Densitrees


  1. Tree files in NEWICK from the IUPAC and RRHS RAxML analyses
  2. Genotype Metadata
  3. Taxon-Comunity cluster colors
  4. Country annotated nodes of the phylogenetic community-taxon clusters


  1. Several tree plots in the notebook
  2. Annotated versions of the trees


  1. PlotTrees.ipynb
  2. PlotTrees-Part2.ipynb
  3. PlotTrees-Astral.Communities.ipynb

9. Checking dominant genotype and introgressions in durum x dicoccoides RIL lines

This part of the analysis could be considered as something like blind study, as I was not aware that the genotypes taxon initally marked as T. turgidum actually were F6 RIL offspring from this study:

Ben-David et al 2008, Dissection of powdery mildew resistance uncover different resistance types in the Triticum turgidum L. gene pool. Conference: the 11th International Wheat Genetics Symposium

As they were identified as hybrids in our approach they served as an excellent showcase and proof-of-concept.


  1. Multiple sequence alignments with heterozygous sites as IUPAC ambiguity symbols (FASTA) per chromosome


  1. Various plots and tables in the notebook


  1. CheckRIL.ipynb